Results: 6158Comments by: Baertram
File: FCO ItemSaver11/11/16
Re: Re: Re: Dynamic Icon not working right
Posted By: Baertram
Wow.. Why am I not getting this problems as I'm testing the updates. And no other beta tester informed me about this happening. Weird :rolleyes: I'll see where this might come from. About the auto-marking: This would need another option in the settings otherwise another player would complain about not working auto-marks on decon...
File: CyrHUD11/11/16
Please contact Ravalox of Ravalox Q...
Posted By: Baertram
Please contact Ravalox of Ravalox Questtracker. He shoudl check it and implement it into his addon. CyrHUD is not able to do this until now and if I implement it there it will make the questtracker "blink" (show and hide). And maybe it is needed to be implemented for several other palces too :rolleyes: For Ravalox: Inside his...
File: FCO ItemSaver11/11/16
Re: Dynamic Icon not working right
Posted By: Baertram
Ok, thanks for the info. I'll check it. Tested this during updates and it worked though :confused: Just updated addon and everything marked with a Dynamic Icon can not be added to the Guild Store to sell ( it allowed it before update ). I have the option to 'Prevent Selling in Guild Store' set to off.
File: Set Tracker11/10/16
I found the function to put a DDS t...
Posted By: Baertram
I found the function to put a DDS texture file into the text again: local myText = zo_iconTextFormat("your dds filename here", width, height, "text to concatenate after the icon") This way it's easily possible to add small icons with let's say 20x20 size to the text in the lists (the icons of the trait e.g.). The code below...
File: FCO StarveStop11/10/16
Yes, the potion sound alert (and fo...
Posted By: Baertram
Yes, the potion sound alert (and food buff sound alert) is active all the time IF you have chosen a sound number > 1. The sound number = 1 turns it off. So please move the slider to the far left to number 1 or enter 1 and press enter in the slider's field. I'll currently not add a checkbox to disable it, sorry. If I find more...
File: CyrHUD11/10/16
I'll see if it is possible. Edit...
Posted By: Baertram
I'll see if it is possible. Edit: It is :D Fixed 1.4.3 - Fix Ravalox Questtracker hidden/shown - Add German translation - Fix all other translations (missing space and changed Wykkyd's to Ravalox Quest Tracker) - Update libraries and added website + slash command to show the settings panel: /cyrhuds...
File: FCO ItemSaver11/09/16
Thanks for testing. Will push the...
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks for testing. Will push the update soon then. Gave the beta version a quick test, everything seems to be in working order! Cheers. Please find the actual beta test version here:
File: Set Tracker11/09/16
One feature request: The trait on...
Posted By: Baertram
One feature request: The trait on the set parts (divine,...) are not that easy to read from the texts in the chat and SetTracker window. I'd like them to show in different colors (or maybe use the zo_ function to concatenate a texture of the trait into the string). I'll post the function here later as find it again :-) The...
File: FCO ItemSaver11/08/16
Please find the actual beta test ve...
Posted By: Baertram
Please find the actual beta test version here: Changes -Added Craftbag support at bank deposit -Added deconstruction setting: Allow deconstruction for "marked for deconstruction" items, even if the item is marked with other marker icons (like...
File: CraftStore Fixed and Improved11/08/16
Find a fixed version for the mentio...
Posted By: Baertram
Find a fixed version for the mentioned two bugs here for download (including German translations for the new armor type dropdown box at the styles window): Fix: 1, 2, 3 upon deconstruction/crafting Edit the filename "CraftSt...
File: FCO StarveStop11/08/16
Hi there. First off, GREAT addon. I...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi there. First off, GREAT addon. It's amazing. I'd love to see the ability to 'sound' an alert when your potion is up for use. For instance, for DPS on boss fights, it would help greatly to know I'm not forgetting my potion . The notification itself seems to be spotty and the icon sometimes doesn't go away. Hoping maybe the sound ef...
File: AutoRecharge - Updated11/08/16
The master weapons need charging af...
Posted By: Baertram
The master weapons need charging afaik since a few patches. Ignoring master weapons was active in the old addon but this wass removed, otherwise your master weapon's enchantment is not working anymore (if empty). Account wide settings may come in the future but for now the settings are character based (char renaming is supported!...
File: MailR11/07/16
Re: MailR bug ststus (Inbox will not display with error)
Posted By: Baertram
Thx for the fix. Please keep in mind that several other addons are working with the mail inbox too, as you update it with the new interface. If it's only about a new MailR "sent mails" GUI, I think there shouldn't be any compatibility issues though. Greetings! Calia and i have located the exact point of the issue and (for t...
File: FCO ItemSaver11/06/16
Ah good find with the keybinds! I t...
Posted By: Baertram
Ah good find with the keybinds! I think I've only implemented this with the moue context menus :-) Will implement it for the keybinds too if there wasn't a reason it shouldn't be that way :rolleyes: The yellow filter problems are there since the beginning and I can't fix it, sorry. I already tried but the first active one always...
File: AutoRecharge - Updated11/06/16
Initial release
Posted By: Baertram
Features -Recharge weapons if the charge drops below a threshold -Repair equipment if they drop below a threshold -Remind me after login/as fight ends if my soul gems drop below a threshold -Remind me after login/as fight ends if my repair kits drop below a threshold -Show info about what happened in the chat -Suppress chat mes...
File: FCO ItemSaver11/06/16
The update did not break anything....
Posted By: Baertram
The update did not break anything. If it was working in another way before it was never intended to work that way :confused: So the error was before the update that "broke it for you". As I described before items should not be able to be extracted/deconstructed if they are marked with intrictae/deconstruction AND any other marker...
File: Set Tracker11/06/16
Re: increase amount of tracked set
Posted By: Baertram
@Elephant If you consider to add colored marker icons have a look at FCOItemSaver or/and ItemSaver. They support marking items with colored icons and are able to filter (hide/show/show only) marked items, as well as save them against deconstruction, sell, trade etc. +they are connected to many other addons already. They got g...
File: FCO ItemSaver11/05/16
Hi Thirn, good news, your optio...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi Thirn, good news, your option to deconstruct "marked for deconstruction" items even if they are marked with other marker icons is on its way. Settings->Anti-Destroy->Deconstruction Just waiting for translations. I needed to change the checksm for the deconstruction totally in order to get this work though, which dcrease...
File: MailR11/05/16
Hey there, german game client. O...
Posted By: Baertram
Hey there, german game client. Only active addon is MailR. if I deactivate MaiLr the error is gone. Code: Checking type on argument lhs failed in CompareId64s stack traceback: : in function 'CompareId64s' EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_TableUtils.lua:90: in function 'ZO_TableOrderingFunction' (tail call): ? (tail call):...
File: Set Tracker11/05/16
You forgot to put a copy of the lib...
Posted By: Baertram
You forgot to put a copy of the library libCustommenu into your addons lib folder! libs\LibCustomMenu\LibCustomMenu\LibCustomMenu.lua This is missing. The error probably does not happen for you as you have another addon using this library via libStub active. Options aren't appearing in the right click menu for me, and I...
File: Set Tracker11/01/16
Yes I second that feature request....
Posted By: Baertram
Yes I second that feature request. Good job on the addon I like it very much! But please put the context menu entries into a submenu so there is only one entry we can unfold to see all Set Tracker entries! please use this library too many entries for me and other peop...
File: FCO ItemSaver11/01/16
Hi Thirn, the behaviour that ite...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi Thirn, the behaviour that items marked with ANY OTHER icon then deconstruction/intricate (where allow deconstruction/intrictae is ON) is the correct one! Items marked with any icon that is not allowed to be deconstructed/sold/destroyed/extracted/mailed/traded/... are saved! You need to reset all other markers first, or remove...
File: FCO Lockpicker10/31/16
thanks, I accidentely copied an old...
Posted By: Baertram
thanks, I accidentely copied an old file and thus the error is in again :mad: It was already fixed in version 0.0.9c In version 0.0.9f of addon still there is an error with the Russian language, about which I already wrote. In FCOLockpickerLoc.lua file the Russian language has number 6. But in FCOLockpicker.lua file his number i...
File: FCO Lockpicker10/31/16
Error after update Thanks for th...
Posted By: Baertram
Error after update Thanks for the info. Fixed the library path. libAddonMenu was in a subfolder due to copy&paste.
File: MailBuddy (Mail assistant/favorites)10/30/16
we = you :rolleyes: Was easy. Impl...
Posted By: Baertram
we = you :rolleyes: Was easy. Implemented