Results: 74Comments by: Khaibit
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts08/07/14
Khaibit, statistics panel is awesom...
Posted By: Khaibit
Khaibit, statistics panel is awesome. Thanks man, keep up the good work :) Glad you like it, thanks for the suggestion!! :D I'll be releasing a small bug fix update probably tomorrow (Friday) that addresses the sometimes-odd display of gold per day values, the flood of on-screen alerts if you sell multiple items, and a couple...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts08/06/14
I use fullscreen mode, and I'm cons...
Posted By: Khaibit
I use fullscreen mode, and I'm constantly alt-tabbing. So it must have something to do with that. It definitely seems to only show up in full-screen as opposed to full-screen windowed. I can make it happen sometimes on my machine, and it's definitely still an issue - I'm working on it and trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong :)
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts08/04/14
I am working on fixing the things t...
Posted By: Khaibit
I am working on fixing the things that were changed without any mention between the PTS (where the next version was working fine) and the live version (which broke all sorts of things related to item name display). It appears they ALSO fixed the "GetDisplayName()" bug, which means that settings for EVERY addon will be gone again. F...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts08/03/14
Re: setting for auto-fade timer
Posted By: Khaibit
Hey Khaibit, love/ can't live without your addon :D However, sometimes for reasons unknown, I have an issue with the Item Sold alert text sticking on my screen and not going away until a /reload. I use lots of addons, so it could be that one of them isn't playing nice.. not sure. show multiple alerts is on. I don't see a settin...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/23/14
Re: Hello Khaibit
Posted By: Khaibit
Hi Khaibit, Sorry I was MIA on Luminary Trade Sales history. :) You and everyone in the community (as always) has complete full access to download my addons and use ANY code you wish. Thank you for taking over and developing this Addon! I've posted a link on the luminary sales page to link to your addon. I haven't downlo...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/21/14
First of all, it's really a good ad...
Posted By: Khaibit
First of all, it's really a good addon. I started to use it since I started to sell things on Guild Stores. Keep up the good work. What I would want to see on Shopkeeper is a few more statistical information. Like, how many items I sold, how much gold I've earned (with selection of time periods, like monthly, weekly or daily),...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/16/14
Looking to the future...
Posted By: Khaibit
So, with Update Three coming, and item searching coming with it, I'm looking to the future as far as what I should implement in Shopkeeper. I'm mostly happy with the feature set as it is (barring a few little bugs like the requests for older sales items being inconsistent), so I'd like to open it up to you users! One thing that...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/16/14
Is the act of updating the addon su...
Posted By: Khaibit
Is the act of updating the addon supposed to erase your previous sales history? I'm just wondering because after updating just now it did in fact do that. As mentioned in the description page for the addon (updated for this patch), it was a one-time unavoidable consequence of fixing a bug that manifested itself if you played on tw...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/15/14
Re: Re: Strange Error
Posted By: Khaibit
I'm not positive it is linked to this addon, but has anyone had "focus has no itemlink" as an error? Yes. I get it when I do an item search in the Shopkeeper window. I also use Bugeater, so the errors just start flooding chat without stopping me from using the add-on. I can grab a screenshot the next time I log in if it would be h...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/12/14
Re: Each pricing
Posted By: Khaibit
Just found your addon as a viable replacement for the abandoned trade history sales. Thank you! I use this primarily to see my sales and price checking. It's very important to have a price per unit sold. Can you add a column list Each in addition to the current Price column? Please? Thanks for the suggestion! I'm looking a...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/10/14
Let me start by saying that i love...
Posted By: Khaibit
Let me start by saying that i love your addon a lot. Thanks for taking this up. I am running 2 accounts on the same client (not simultanously) but both accounts are using the same files whenever i have one up. I noticed that, although i do get sales in my mailbox, they wont list all in Shopkeeper. Each account has different...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/08/14
Re: Features Idea
Posted By: Khaibit
I read through the forum thread you created with Item parsing, prohibiting due to API changes the search by item name in history of sales, shame that it can't be done or due to lack of API reference from ZOS that a function cannot be found... I remain hopeful that ZOS will update their API; in the meantime, I'm trying all sorts of...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/07/14
Re: LOve the add man.. wow..
Posted By: Khaibit
Really snappy and clean!!! Super nice.. I absolutely love it. Dont get me wrong and im MOFO honored to have it, but it is a little hard on the eyes... like the script is hard to read to a degree... only thing I would change is the Font. I hate to even say it bc the app itself is perfect as far as functionality goes. Fortunately fo...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/06/14
Both readme.txt and license.txt in...
Posted By: Khaibit
Both readme.txt and license.txt in the Shopkeeper folder are being shown in the addon list. Could you please fix that? PS: I also created a bug for this Good catch! I've fixed it in the next release, but if it bugs you until then you can fix it by removing the .txt from the end of each filename. :)
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/06/14
yeah, thanks for rezzing this wh...
Posted By: Khaibit
yeah, thanks for rezzing this why does the search function search by user name?? oversight? haha if that's intentional, can u please add an option to search by item? Please read the very first bullet point in the known issues near the very top of the addon's description page. Or the only feature request posted in the fea...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/05/14
I love you But we've only just m...
Posted By: Khaibit
I love you But we've only just met! This is all so sudden... ;) I'm glad everyone is getting as much use out of the addon as I am! Work on the next version is nearly done, but I will be waiting for Monday's patch to make sure they don't change anything that breaks my code somewhere. Look for a Monday or Tuesday release of 0....
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/05/14
Re: Resize window
Posted By: Khaibit
Would it be possible to make the display window resizable? Possibly as a longer-term goal. I don't really understand the UI side of the ESO API all that well yet, and there's several hard-coded assumptions in there right now about the number of rows visible, column widths, and that sort of thing. But I'll add it to the wish li...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/04/14
Just had to say..thank you thank yo...
Posted By: Khaibit
Just had to say..thank you thank you thank you. It's looking good and working great so far. You are the savior of Addon Town! The only small feature request I can think of to provide feedback (aside from the known search issue) would be an "X" to close the window as an alternative to using the slash command but not a big deal, hon...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/04/14
Upcoming Features
Posted By: Khaibit
Thank you all for the warm reception and thank-yous! I figured I'd let you all know what is being worked on for the next release :) - The German translation is complete and folks using the German client will have Shopkeeper in their native language. (And hopefully French, work is underway there) - Sound options! A new settin...
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts07/03/14
Thank you for all your hard work! I...
Posted By: Khaibit
Thank you for all your hard work! I've installed it, and first impressions are that it looks really nice, easy on the eyes, and it seems to work as expected. Obviously it will need to be tested over time when more sales are generated, but so far it does exactly what I need from it. It's a shame about the search function, though. Woul...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History07/03/14
As promised, I am posting here now...
Posted By: Khaibit
As promised, I am posting here now that my addon is complete and the initial release is posted :) Grab a copy of Shopkeeper here: And report those bugs! I'm sure there's a few :P Thanks all!
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History07/03/14
Khaibit, I want to thank you for yo...
Posted By: Khaibit
Khaibit, I want to thank you for your effort on this matter. Do you have any news when will you launch first version? If all goes well, I will be posting version 0.1 within the next 24 hours. I have a couple minor todo list items to finish up, and as an initial release it *will* have bugs, but to whet your appetite a bit (accoun...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History06/30/14
Since I know some of you are waitin...
Posted By: Khaibit
Since I know some of you are waiting for an update, just to let you know not to give up hope - at this point the following is complete: Entire UI other than sales alerts (sortable, searchable sales tables are done and fully functional, just need some tweaks to layout to clean them up) is done. Settings menus are done. Guild...
File: Luminary-Trade Sales History06/29/14
Since it's increasingly looking lik...
Posted By: Khaibit
Since it's increasingly looking like awesomebilly has at least gone on extended leave (and thus I cannot obtain permission to use his code), I have started work on an addon that has similar functionality as far as the sales alerts and histories go. The initial release will not include the statistical tracking (min/max/avg/median and...