Results: 2035Comments by: Sharlikran
File: Price Tooltip (+Gamepad)09/05/21
Re: UESP's Pricing?
Posted By: Sharlikran
Unlike Master Merchant which requires sales data from an, ideally, active trade guild, or TTC which only scans listings and by its very definition is fallible becaus eanything can be listed for any price, UESP does both which should, in theory, result in a much better price aggregate. if you wouldn't mind reconsidering MM, with the a...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
Re: Autofilling prices when selling items
Posted By: Sharlikran
I use MM on my PC as well as my Laptop. I notice that on my laptop, when I am in the guild store and am listing items, if I double click an item, it auto-fills a certain price (for example, for a lot of blue recipes, it'll autofill 100, which is what I normally list them for; for many writs, it'll autofill 3000, and so on). Howeve...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
The only things I have with "Data"...
Posted By: Sharlikran
The only things I have with "Data" in their names there are "LibGuildStore Data File GS##Data". Something tells me that while those are NOT related to MM.Odd, because yes LibGuildStore and the mule modules are in fact part of MM. That is where everything is stored so I can keep NA and EU information separate now, and where you import...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
Got this just now. Decided to share...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Got this just now. Decided to share in case if it proves important: It is important. How do you think you got that, what were you doing? I keep getting people show me odd strange errors that I do not get, so please don't leave Lua errors without telling me what you were doing. However, I do have a small idea. Since it is t...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
I disabled all of the MMxxData file...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I disabled all of the MMxxData files and Shopping List. Do a /reloadui, when I logout and login later they are enabled again. Is there a way to delete the files forever?Yes that is a common occurence and ZOS is aware of it but I don't think they can reproduce the bug so they can fix it. You probably need to white list the files in...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
Re: Query Sales Data from Other Addons
Posted By: Sharlikran
I have been using two functions to bring sales/pricing data into my own addon that simply injects a sales price tooltip for items while using Gamepad: 1) MasterMerchant:itemPriceTip 2) MasterMerchant:itemCraftPriceTip Since the upgrade to v3.6.46, itemPriceTip appears to be functioning as it always has, but itemCraftPriceTip c...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
The only things I have with "Data"...
Posted By: Sharlikran
The only things I have with "Data" in their names there are "LibGuildStore Data File GS##Data". Something tells me that while those are NOT related to MM.Odd, because yes LibGuildStore and the mule modules are in fact part of MM. That is where everything is stored so I can keep NA and EU information separate now, and where you import...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
@Sharlikran thx for language suppo...
Posted By: Sharlikran
@Sharlikran thx for language support. looks now much much better in german than before ^^ some little really little typo. english: item / items (item = 1, items = more than 1) german: Artikel / Artikel (Artikel = 1, Artikel = more than 1 ... no "s" on the end also if its more than one ) only for info :D no complain and a...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
For some reason, MM keeps posting t...
Posted By: Sharlikran
For some reason, MM keeps posting this on startup: The old MMxxData modules are only needed for importing MM data. Please disable all MMxxData modules to increase performance and reduce load times. ShoppingList is only needed for importing old data. Please disable ShoppingList after you import its data. ... I have disabled Sho...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
Re: Re: Re: Missing LibGuildStore Options
Posted By: Sharlikran
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I read your link on Upgrading from 3.5.3 to 3.6.x and thought I had followed it correctly, but I got the following lua error user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/Libs/LibGuildStore/Settings.lua:19: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/Libs/LibGuildStore/Settings....
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
Since update I get: user:/AddOns...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Since update I get: user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/Libs/LibGuildStore/Iterators/Iterators_Sales.lua:549: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/Libs/LibGuildStore/Iterators/Iterators_Sales.lua:549: in function 'loopfunc' user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/Libs/LibGuildStore/Iterators/Iterators_Sales.lua...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
Re: Missing LibGuildStore Options
Posted By: Sharlikran
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I read your link on Upgrading from 3.5.3 to 3.6.x and thought I had followed it correctly, but I got the following lua error user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/Libs/LibGuildStore/Settings.lua:19: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/Libs/LibGuildStore/Settings....
File: Master Merchant 3.009/05/21
I have 2 accounts, when I hit "show...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I have 2 accounts, when I hit "show guild sales" my client freezes and I get kicked from the server.Please provide a link to your LibDebugLogger.lua in SavedVariables from Sirinsidiator's website.
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
Thanks for the quick hotfix, MM is...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Thanks for the quick hotfix, MM is usable for Geman-speaking users again. :) Nevertheless, some translations are still wrong/inconsistent. Is there another way apart from this forum to send changes (GitHub pull requests etc.)? I would like to help, but using a forum to send diffs around is a bit weird.Yeah a GitHub pull request is...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Missing LibGuildStore & LibGuildStore Data File GSxxData Files
Posted By: Sharlikran
After logging-in to my game account, I did not check the Addons listing while on the Select Character dialog display screen. I assumed that since neither LibGuildStore nor any of the LibGuildStore data files were shown previously, and were not displayed when I viewed the contents of the .ZIP file named above, that I would be continui...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
Re: Re: Re: Missing LibGuildStore & LibGuildStore Data File GSxxData Files
Posted By: Sharlikran
I accessed the page for Master Merchant from the ESOUI home page when I saw MM listed in the "Latest" section. Before the download, I read the remarks on the Addon Info tab, and the instructions to which you posted the hyperlink, and read several of the sections that follow. Then I made backups of all Saved Variables files for 3.5.30...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
That was the missing piece of infor...
Posted By: Sharlikran
That was the missing piece of information, all my graph data is back again! :banana: As an ordinary user, it's quite unclear what you have to do after tweaking a setting, updating MM, etc. Admitted, there is quite some documentation (which I've read!), but after reading about MM data, LibHistoire, LibGuildStore, ShoppingList, ATT...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
Re: Ui Error
Posted By: Sharlikran
FYI user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:550: operator < is not supported for number < nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:550: in function 'MasterMerchant:GetTooltipStats' user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:1973: in function 'MasterMerchant:addStatsAndGraph' user:/AddOn...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
Re: Missing LibGuildStore & LibGuildStore Data File GSxxData Files
Posted By: Sharlikran
Your instructions state: Before choosing a character make sure all the new LibGuildStore modules and all the old MMxxData modules are activeBy "active" I suppose you mean that they are on the list of Addons which will be loaded for the character that I choose to play (with a checkmark in the box at the start of the line on which eac...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
Re: Cruft at bottom of all item popups
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hello! I am getting this item text at the bottom of all my item windows, caused by MM. With MM disabled it goes away. Please let me know how to fix this. have "Custom Debug Logging" active, turn it off if you don't want to see that. That option is for when I need specific information from a user...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
Just wondering, since you are telli...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Just wondering, since you are telling folks to disable ATT... are you sharing 1/2 your donations with that author now going forward, for all the great work he has done? I am not saying that to begin with, but no since the authors of ATT are not working on MM, no I would not be sending anything to the authors. Quite honestly, I n...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
So, since MM is now telling me to u...
Posted By: Sharlikran
So, since MM is now telling me to uninstall ATT, I assume that the export all data to CSV function provided by ATT is part of MM now? How do I access it, I read your website but I can't seem to find the command.Thank you for trying the new version. Please read the documentation, specifically the section What steps should I take when...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
The output in the posted items list...
Posted By: Sharlikran
The output in the posted items list is too small to read easily I found where I could change the font, but not the font size :(If I allow you to change the font size then depending on what you choose, the text will not fit in the window. I am not sure how and when it happens but when information falls outside the viewable area the...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
I have a related problem: Although...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I have a related problem: Although the Sales History size is set to 365, I only see 90 days in the graphs (with Focus = All). Where is the rest? Did I miss a setting? My previous MM data goes back into the past far beyond 90 days, and it would be nice to get it back their graphs somehow. This worked in the previous version, but at th...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/04/21
Here is a quick update on comparing...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Here is a quick update on comparing the i18n files. What I found so far is all about the keys, I didn't have a look at the values yet: There are redundant MM_INIT_ITEM_HISTORY and MM_INIT_ITEM_HISTORY_SUMMARY translations in the BR/DE/FR/JP/PL/RU locales. I think those lines can just be removed. SK_SHOW_BONANZA_PRICE_NAME, SK_S...