Results: 2035Comments by: Sharlikran
File: Master Merchant 3.006/01/21
Do that, in that exact order. I...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Do that, in that exact order. I did, but that didn't change anything, the behaviour is still the same. I searched the saved variables and there are only the german names stored in it. LibHistoire Activated, listening for guild sales... MM Clean is set to update search text. Cleaning Out Bad Records. Cleaning: 16 seconds t...
File: BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)06/01/21
Posted By: Sharlikran
Teleporter.sc_porting(zoneId) DeadSoon, After adding that to the mod and doing some testing that is all that was needed. It is kinda fun to use. That worked nicely, thank you.
File: Master Merchant 3.005/31/21
Hi, many thanks for this great A...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hi, many thanks for this great AddOn, I use it everyday :-) But when I use the search field in the sales window, I have problems to find things, means I have to use the german translation of the item to find it in english. This is my setup: Running on Windows 10 German Used to play in German on the EU server Installed th...
File: Master Merchant 3.005/26/21
Re: The game is always crashing when I change character having MM enabled
Posted By: Sharlikran
I have MM 3.0 and I daily check for updates on Minion. When I log in game with the first character, no problem. When I change character, very very often the game crashes, after about 30 sec from the character's login. I have disabled my addons one by one and I have found that is MM that causes these crashes. If I have it disabled......
File: Port to Friend's House05/26/21
I'm not really trying to make a fea...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I'm not really trying to make a feature request per say, more I'm curious if your mod has a way to do this already. I'm not looking to build any extensive menus though. I have support for some of the mods you can download to travel around in the game using guild members and such, and I wondered for those who prefer your mod can it tr...
File: BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)05/26/21
Teleporter.sc_porting(zoneId) Let...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Teleporter.sc_porting(zoneId) Let me test with that first. It may be sufficient. I'm not really trying to do anything fancy since to a point, someone has to be in the zone for this to work.
File: Master Merchant 3.005/26/21 ht...
Posted By: Sharlikran I have no way to know what your issue is from what you explained. I use dated computer equipment but it is at least a 1920 X 1080 screen setting. I don't play on a laptop with an odd screen size like 900 X 700 or something. You feel it has to be MM causing it but...
File: DarkUI05/24/21
Is this a recent change then? Becau...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Is this a recent change then? Because it didn't used to be that way from my memoryThe original author passed the torch so to speak, so I don't know when that changed.
File: MailR - Revised05/24/21
Hi, when i activate your addon t...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hi, when i activate your addon this ui-error pops on.... EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:1108: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:1108: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_SetEqualityFunction' user:/AddOns/MailR/MailR.lua:894: in function 'MailR.OverloadMail...
File: DarkUI05/23/21
If I enable the addon, I cannot go...
Posted By: Sharlikran
If I enable the addon, I cannot go back to the vanilla UI again. Not only is there a lack of config options to use the vanilla UI for certain frames. Disabling the addon does not restore the vanilla UI either. I have to uninstall the addon entirely to restore the vanilla UI frames.This is a zos restriction. Most textures once loaded...
File: BeamMeUp - Teleporter (Fast Travel)05/23/21
DeadSoon, would I be able to includ...
Posted By: Sharlikran
DeadSoon, would I be able to include beam me up functionality in a mod if I specified the zone the player needs to travel to? If so what information would I need and what function would I use? If there is any kind of API to interface with the mod that is.
File: CraftAutoLoot05/18/21
Oh yeah I don't mind making some ch...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Oh yeah I don't mind making some changes I'll take a look but some of that information I don't exactly know how to use it so I may not make the change right away because I'm still trying to work on Master Merchant.
File: LibQuestData05/17/21
Re: the final quest found.
Posted By: Sharlikran
i tried to make it to hard Iulius Averno is on the 2nd floor of the the Kaladas Inn in Leyawiin. i asked UESP for help with the name of the loading files for zygor they showed me the server where i could download it there was a zip called quests i opeen the txt file and search the quest name it had this line of text "Making a R...
File: Master Merchant 3.005/14/21
Okay, thanks! So it is not a proble...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Okay, thanks! So it is not a problem with MM, but something locally by me, I don't use AGS but it most be something else then. I'll troubleshoot and/or start over with clean installs of just MM perhaps if needed. thanks again :)With the current update I have now tested using both AGS and MM and both will save the last price you sold...
File: Master Merchant 3.005/13/21
Re: I broke something again
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hello! Thanks for your hard work and sorry for being so unattentive (I'm sure the answer is here in the thread somewhere, but I can't find it). I made a dumb thing and installed ad updated several addons including MM. And now I have this instead of MM tooltip. I had this problem on my laptop but I don't remember how I fixed it......
File: Master Merchant 3.005/13/21
Re: Scale MM Window to fit better on Screen
Posted By: Sharlikran
While searching the auction house I normally have the shopping list besides the auction house. Sadly I do not have enough space to show the complete shopping list in its full width. With some other windows I was successful with implementing a statement like "ItemTooltip:SetScale(0.875)", therefore I assume that scaling is a basic fea...
File: Destinations05/10/21
Hi, i love that someone took over...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hi, i love that someone took over this addon. <> I am glad you liked Destinations in the past even if you prefer to find Addons that combine various features. There are no plans to add new features to Destinations. It was mentioned on a previous page that there is some duplication of mods. At that time people were shari...
File: MailR - Revised05/09/21
Each time I open up a crate, I get...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Each time I open up a crate, I get the following error: user:/AddOns/MailR/MailR.lua:389: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/MailR/MailR.lua:389: in function 'MailR.SetMailboxActive' |caaaaaa eventCode = 131450 |r Nothing major, just an annoyance for now. Nothing broken as far as I ca...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History05/07/21
Thank you for all your work writing...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Thank you for all your work writing and maintaining this addon. Please provide an option to disable the nag window when logging out. I can appreciate its purpose but when I'm done playing, I want to be done. I'm not going to leave the game running to do its admin. ZOS would kick me due to inactivity before it finished anyway.That mak...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History05/07/21
Re: Re: Re: Option for warning message upon logout
Posted By: Sharlikran
Eventually it will have to be conceded, it's either this or people drop the library and Master Merchant entirely to switch to TTC alone, which is not ideal.ATT is another option, but the author is adding this library to it. Now that author may offer a non Libhistoire option, but I don't know. The fact that you feel that if you or...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History05/07/21
Could the update at least be accomp...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Could the update at least be accomplished with one click, i Thanks for your response. Wow, so there's no lua function call to retrieve the data provided in the API? That's... wow. You have my sympathies. :)you had asked for a one click feature, specifically. So no, modifying the E key breaks it. So you have to cycle through eac...
File: Master Merchant 3.005/06/21
Re: MM is not sending messages to Zone chat channel
Posted By: Sharlikran
The note is correct -- we DO need some way to know when MM has completed its initialization process. On the version 3.5.24 Settings interface, I turned-on the options Enable Guild and Item Summary and Enable Indexing Summary, respectively. However, I never see any output from MM and/or LibHistorie in the Zone channel, which is con...
File: Destinations05/03/21
Deleted feedback
Posted By: Sharlikran
I am happy to look into any issue someone reports but when I spend the time to test Destinations on the PTS and live server and you do not respond or list your own troubleshooting steps then there isn't anything I can really do further. There is too much going on right now with mod authors packing libraries with mods claiming that...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History05/02/21
Re: Option for warning message upon logout
Posted By: Sharlikran
@coronhr No. I thought about it, but if I were to add such an option, it will just lead to people turning it off without a second thought and we will end up in the same situation as before. You will have to get used to it or use the /logout slash command instead of the main menu for the days when you do not want to spend one minute t...
File: Community Leveling Guides05/02/21
but ill keep that in mind while wri...
Posted By: Sharlikran
but ill keep that in mind while writting the blackwood guide.If you manually download and install the code for LibQuestData there is a rough draft for Blackwood. It does not cover the main story and obviously I don't know if I have all the side quests at this time.