Results: 2035Comments by: Sharlikran
File: Master Merchant 3.012/09/20
I do have backups. Hence why I only...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I do have backups. Hence why I only said 7 days. I'm now in the process of merging the backup Only thing I need to know is what fake data ' = '. That is a new data field. The Buyers and ItemLinks under Tables has been moved around. As a Linux user, I have plenty of command line tools to massage the data around I do read th...
File: Auto Ranks12/09/20
Well that response was actually bet...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Well that response was actually better than I thought it was going to be. It also helps clarify something that's been confusing me since you started mentioning this and because there are a few other people asking me the same type of question. The reason you're only getting the time range that you feel is hard-coded is because you'...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/09/20
Re: !@#$#!%#&^$%&^*
Posted By: Sharlikran
I just figure out why I lost 7 days of purchases. Shopping list was merged without notice. A change was made that needed the save file to reset.I didn't alter the saved game file name or it's deceleration in the ShoppingList.txt file that controls that. Nor did I change the names of the stored data. No popup warning that it detect...
File: Auto Ranks12/08/20
whether I could request custom sale...
Posted By: Sharlikran
whether I could request custom sales time frames from MM which are not specified in MM itself. No this is not a feature because the time is meant to be chosen by the dropdown. When that happens the information is iterated over to display the proper amount. Since MM is not a library there are no external features to request data....
File: Master Merchant 3.012/08/20
I am noticing some unusual behavior...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I am noticing some unusual behavior when the refresh button is used on the main panel. There will be malformed item links in the personal sales report that appear to be duplicates of other sales. I'm trying to figure out how to provide a screen shot of this. When you updated I had suggested to backup your data and do a ten day sca...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/08/20
Re: Hey thanks for all you hard work I have question
Posted By: Sharlikran
My MM graph not longer shows the data when moused over Zos issue or a bug and a rare issue? Thanks in advance. Nope not an issue. I reset the saved vars a while back, just check your settings.
File: ESO Master Recipe List12/07/20
Hi I just had a user donate to get...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hi I just had a user donate to get me a controller to update MM with Gamepad support. I have not figured that all out yet, but some people play in automatic mode. What that does if you are not familiar with gamepads is allow one to seamlessly switch between keyboard and gamepad mode. When you do there are a few errors when trying to...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/07/20
Re: Thanks for gamepadui fix
Posted By: Sharlikran
I have to post in keyboard mode because of AGS, but thank you for a fix. Gamepad use is not "so low" anymore. Lots of console players have switched to PC, but continue to use controllers. Stadia users also are using controllers. I use a controller because of physical limitations, so I really appreciate addon devs who don't use say...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/06/20
No worry - I expect nothing, sent d...
Posted By: Sharlikran
No worry - I expect nothing, sent donation via your Github Paypal. Give this a try: I use a PowerA wired controller and it's really a nice way to play. From what I could tell by researching it, only wired controllers will work on Win7. Also, you might need to download this little app from Microsoft, which I needed for Win10:...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/03/20
Re: ShoppingList
Posted By: Sharlikran
3.4.6 - Added optional MM extension, ShoppingList You not just didnt forget, you actually implemented it :banana: Awesome, thank you so much. Very appreciated :DNot a problem thanks. It is giving me some ideas on how to get the saved vars updated for MM so that hopefully load times will be somewhat shorter. After looking at it,...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/01/20
Re: Re: Re: ShoppingList
Posted By: Sharlikran
Ha! Indeed there it is! In the shopping list the first item I purchased showed 1 time, the 2nd item i purchased shows 2 times, 3rd item purchased shows 3 times, and so on. Also, the Guild it showing incorrect. Purchases from 2 different guild both show "assemblyofsafetynsecurity" as the guild. It did indeed turn out to be somethi...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/01/20
Re: MM not showing up in addons list but is still functioning?
Posted By: Sharlikran
The MM3.0 addon is showing up in my bf's addons list but not when he goes to Settings-Addons. The addon is still functioning we just can't see it anywhere? Mine is working fine, we both updated today. Any known addon interactions that can cause this issue?No what has been happening for most people is they somehow get both the old 2...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/01/20
Re: Re: Re: ShoppingList
Posted By: Sharlikran
It isn't a toggle in the menu. It is a separate mod. Download the latest version of MM 3.0 and enable ShoppingList in the Addons menu like normal. It is included with this download. Do not install the old version at all. Ha! Indeed there it is! In the shopping list the first item I purchased showed 1 time, the 2nd item i purchase...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/01/20
Re: ShoppingList
Posted By: Sharlikran
I don't see how to enable the ShoppingList. I remember there used to be an addon that showed your purchase history from places you visited but it has been gone for a while now with no support.It isn't a toggle in the menu. It is a separate mod. Download the latest version of MM 3.0 and enable ShoppingList in the Addons menu like norm...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/01/20
Re: little request
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hey sharlikran, thx for the great work. a feature i rly wish existed is the ability to override prices. lets say i want to buy powdered mother of pearl and ignore the current market average but get calculations in ags based on my set price. that would allow for easier and better filtering for an array of items. a way to implement t...
File: Master Merchant 3.012/01/20
Re: Previous price and setting reset
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hello, 1, Since a few day when I am in the sales window the addon uses the current price and not the historical one. Meaning if I sold something previously when next time I enter the item the upper total price should be the calculated price based on my previous sale's unit price and not the current one (lower side of the sale wind...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/30/20
Hey, I just noticed that uninstalla...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hey, I just noticed that uninstallation seems not necessary. I used Minion on my laptop to auto update MM 2 to 3 and it works good, no uninstallation. Thanks for your fine work on this addon, Im very grateful, I'll probably donate one of these days ;) Edit: do you accept donations? I cant find a donate button, or do you take go...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/29/20
To Honest Elf. I will look into it...
Posted By: Sharlikran
To Honest Elf. I will look into it but I can not really do anything about that at this time. I have given examples of when it works in the documentation under Level Quality Selectors. I can look into it from time to time and see what can be done to improve it. However, for now it works most of the time and for most of the items I use...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/29/20
Re: Just a thanks.
Posted By: Sharlikran
I use well over a hundred addons, and not a one is having anything like as consistent and rapid updates as MM3 is getting lately. Thank you!Well some are, oops I forgot to add the localization strings, or darnet the color is gone from where?
File: Master Merchant 3.011/29/20
Re: A short description of addon function would be great!
Posted By: Sharlikran
A short paragraph at the beginning of that documentation, describing exactly what this addon does, and how that's different than other merchant addons, would be fantastic.I apologize after about 8+ years of reading user comments starting on the Nexus (popular Skyrim Fallout mod website) there are a few things I have given up on doing...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/29/20
Before, when I was selling at guild...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Before, when I was selling at guild trader I could right click my item and the option to Pop-out the item window would be available, so I could then cicle through the various item quality levels and check sales data. Currently that option is no longer available. Is this an MM 3.0 change? Is it something I have to activate elsewhere...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/29/20
Re: Noice.
Posted By: Sharlikran
Layout changes in settings are immense; love it! I am curious, & while I'm here celebrating these & other victories... Is it possible to supply guild internal sales % on guild roster or in the MM element? Thanks & keep up the good work! :cool:If understand you want a percent the player contributed to sales. Did I get that r...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/29/20
So all in all, I'd swap Purchases a...
Posted By: Sharlikran
So all in all, I'd swap Purchases and Sales in the settings menu and wait for the lib to get an update and it should be perfect I guess. Is there a possibility that when turning a column "off", you instead reduce its width to 0 in libguildroster or something similar, which causes it to add a 'column spacer' or so?All of that is libra...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/28/20
Something seems to be off with the...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Something seems to be off with the new guild roster switches. Everything kinda worked yesterday, but when I logged on today the roster time frame filter dropdown was gone (only Sales and Purchases tabs enabled). Now when I go to the MM options and turn off and on the 'display info in guild roster' (just tap it twice), it will show a...
File: Master Merchant 3.011/27/20
Re: Very minor bug
Posted By: Sharlikran
Love the new version! Now, to the bug: On the tooltip text for "Use Sales History Only" it says "will ignore mix and max counts" You probably meant "min" :)When I saw bug I was triggered... then I saw what it was and I was relieved. Thanks for letting me know about the typo.