Results: 1713Comments by: Hoft
File: Map Pins04/02/19
Map Pins for Rifts are enabled but...
Posted By: Hoft
Map Pins for Rifts are enabled but them don't disappears. Is it maybe an fault with the german client an map pins? May be... "Zeitriss" right?
File: Bandits User Interface04/02/19
Where to find tool-tip? Settings>B...
Posted By: Hoft
Where to find tool-tip? Settings>Bandits UI>Misc>Quickslots>Quickslots to show>Mouseover>ta-ada-am!.. tooltip
File: Bandits User Interface04/01/19
I have set the slots to 8. It worke...
Posted By: Hoft
I have set the slots to 8. It worked. But the buttons are really small now. How to change this? Settings>Bandits UI>Misc>Quickslots Read tooltip!
File: Bandits User Interface04/01/19
I am looking to change the alignmen...
Posted By: Hoft
I am looking to change the alignment of "Alert Text Notifications"
File: Map Pins03/31/19
is it possible to add the feature t...
Posted By: Hoft
is it possible to add the feature to hide already collected time rifts? They disappears when you close them. If you did it without MapPins or with disabled Time Rifts filter then... NO.
File: Bandits User Interface03/31/19
If you refuse to help me figure out...
Posted By: Hoft
If you refuse to help me figure out how to align the notifications to the center as opposed to the right, could you at least tell me which FILE such a modification could be made??? I do not support such perversions. You can made it by yourself, but without questions how to edit files, what do this string and etc. BUI_OnScreen.lua:...
File: Bandits User Interface03/30/19
Re: Re: Re: Bandits Crash every time with Healer
Posted By: Hoft
Hey Guys, after one Year ago, i got every time the same crash with this Addon, only in Raids. With Warden healer and templer healer.. But only with healing springs. Pls fix it :( I like bandits. If u had healings in ur skills, u crash on boss after few minutes. Every time. If u didnt had healing springs in ur skill list, it works. Y...
File: Bandits User Interface03/29/19
Re: Bandits Crash every time with Healer
Posted By: Hoft
Hey Guys, after one Year ago, i got every time the same crash with this Addon, only in Raids. With Warden healer and templer healer.. But only with healing springs. Pls fix it :( I like bandits. If u had healings in ur skills, u crash on boss after few minutes. Every time. If u didnt had healing springs in ur skill list, it works. Y...
File: Bandits User Interface03/28/19
I accidentally hid my group frames...
Posted By: Hoft
I accidentally hid my group frames when moving frames, but now I cannot seem to find any way to bring it back. Any ideas? Settings>Bandits UI>Misc>Reset Bandits UI frames positions
File: Essential Housing Tools03/28/19
OMG 141mb?!!
Posted By: Hoft
OMG 141mb?!!
File: Bandits User Interface03/28/19
Re: Combat Display
Posted By: Hoft
there was a combat display that showed dps on my UI, it is gone now. I can't seem to find a setting to make it appear... If you are talking about minimeter then: Settings>Bandits UI>Combat statistics>Minimeter>ON If you changed screen resolution or moved it somwhere then: Settings>Bandits UI>Misc>Reset Bandits UI frames positions
File: Map Pins03/28/19
"Swamp Rescuer" achievement has 6 v...
Posted By: Hoft
"Swamp Rescuer" achievement has 6 villagers in it, but requires only 4 to be completed. After you find 4 out of 6 villagers, pins disappear from the map (my guess, because addon counts this achievement as completed). Is there a way to bring pins back? I tried to delete SavedVariables file, but it didn't work. No. Achievement is...
File: Bandits User Interface03/26/19
Re: Some Feature Idea for the Future maybe ;-)
Posted By: Hoft
A Button or a shortcut for the command "RelaodUi"And maybe buttons or shortcuts for the assistants like bank, merchant /reloadui - /rl left side of the screen in cursor mode How do I turn this weird **** next to the chat? I don't like it. I don't see the settings for it Settings>Bandits UI>1. Misc>Pa...
File: Bandits User Interface03/26/19
Re: Relentless Focus Counter
Posted By: Hoft
The relentless focus counter does not seem to clear and reset after firing the spectral bow. It was working before. Is this a bug or just me? Last versions grim focus stacks was not correct (stacks clears on recast and on some other events). Now stacks are stay even if timer is over (not correct again), but now it works exacly as i...
File: Bandits User Interface03/25/19
Re: Re: Re: Quickslot Stacking
Posted By: Hoft
Are u going to fix the golden frames in an update, or will they stay? Working on it The cooldown icons appear twice... it's like I have the regular skill bar plus the banditui one, one over the other. If you mean: Then it is Settings>Bandits UI>Ability timers>Swap bar If other then check other add-ons.
File: Bandits User Interface03/25/19
Re: Quickslot Stacking
Posted By: Hoft
With the newest update the quickslot bar is now stacking if more than 5 slots are showing. It makes them teeny tiny. Settings>Bandits UI>1. Misc>Quick slots Read tooltip the golden frame is really irritating to my eyes Before the update you can use previous version v 3.213
File: Bandits User Interface03/23/19
Re: Timers
Posted By: Hoft
is there a way to turn off the decimal number on timers? No THe notifications for zone entry and such, are defaulted to align to the right, whichr eally messes my interface orientation up. Idk what are you mean. Screenshot please. How do I choose between the options? For example, adding the frame to my health magicka and stamin...
File: Info Panel03/23/19
Re: Info Panel
Posted By: Hoft
my trouble is that no matter what computer I play on this info panel ONLY works for my one character.. my templar. From info tab: Add-on do not creates new frames, but uses ZOS fps/ping panel. It must be enabled both.
File: Bandits User Interface03/19/19
an option to make health bars drain...
Posted By: Hoft
an option to make health bars drain from the left/right instead of drain to the center? Only for MMORPG player grames. возникла проблема с отображением д...
File: Bandits Loot Manager03/18/19
I have lockpicks set at 150 and it...
Posted By: Hoft
I have lockpicks set at 150 and it still keeps 200+ on me, sometimes it pulls more out even when I have 200+ on me. Happens from time to time. ZoS Inventory Cache issue.
File: Group Loot Notifier03/18/19
Is it possible to add a button to a...
Posted By: Hoft
Is it possible to add a button to auto thanks the guy, same way as "beg item" ? Click his name in chat, type "Thank you", press "Enter".
File: Bandits Loot Manager03/18/19
this is not junk, it's useful for x...
Posted By: Hoft
this is not junk, it's useful for xp crafting skills If you are using regular items then uncheck "Mark as junk" option.
File: Bandits User Interface03/17/19
Same for someone is rezzing someone...
Posted By: Hoft
Same for someone is rezzing someone I guess? Woud like to disable this since it spams in vAS +2 :rolleyes: Settings>Bandits UI>Notifications>Alert only Healer and Tank death (ressurection is the same) or Settings>Bandits UI>Notifications>Group Notifications>OFF can you add a button to auto-check the previously checked list please...
File: Map Pins03/16/19
Re: /pinsize not working
Posted By: Hoft
I receive 50 error messages with the schema "# is the wrong pin type", where # is replaced by numbers 1 through 50. 1. For the future: Copy error message text, paste here. 2. It works perfect. 3. Possibility of your bug will be fixed in next update. /loc: auridon_base={{0.685,0.963,1447}}, Ty! Replaced.
File: Bandits User Interface03/16/19
I made a fishing achievement and th...
Posted By: Hoft
I made a fishing achievement and then I do not need food and the warning jumped to me when I was around the mouth It appears only when you close to boss and your character is hungry. It can not be disabled. Theme is closed. Is it possible to have different UI appearances for each character or is it Account only? It is possible, bu...