Results: 1790Comments by: Phinix
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced01/23/17
Posted By: Phinix
In Gamepad mode, when scaling down the actionbar, the Ultimate-glow splits up and starts moving apart... The further down you scale, the worse it gets, here a screen to illustrate: Hi JoKim, Thanks for the report; this is fixed in v2.2.9 (just uploaded). I play in Gamepad mode. The loot wi...
File: PhinixUI01/21/17
Posted By: Phinix
Version 1.12.7: - Added support for Action Duration Reminder. - If using both Srendarr and Action Duration Reminder, and the setting to show the shift bar is on, the target debuff bar from Srendarr will now get bumped up along with the health bar. - Many improvements to the Loot Drop module. Please re-run /pui at least for this...
File: Action Duration Reminder01/21/17
What an incredible idea and impleme...
Posted By: Phinix
What an incredible idea and implementation! Thanks for this wonderful addon.
File: MailR01/20/17
The droids I was looking for. Many...
Posted By: Phinix
The droids I was looking for. Many thanks!
File: PhinixUI01/20/17
Re: A couple of glitches?
Posted By: Phinix
The options you are talking about are in the FCO Item Saver settings. You need to go to Setting -> Addons --> FCO ItemSaver under the Marks section and Automatic Marking. Hi, and first of all thank you so much for this UI addon, it makes life much easier. There is, however, something that I am likely doing wrong and I hope you can...
File: SuperStar - Character Builder01/20/17
This addon is amazing, Ayantir. Tha...
Posted By: Phinix
This addon is amazing, Ayantir. Thanks so much for sharing. Your name is synonymous with QUALITY. :)
File: Teleport Tool01/20/17
Re: Re: One Tamriel fix/improve
Posted By: Phinix
Excellent addon! Especially with the changes here: First of all i want to say huge thank you to the author, this addon made many of my daily routine a lot faster and easier. How ever, after One Tamriel release, this tool can be even more powerfull, 'cause of all alliances play together and you can teleport on anyone. Really do...
File: LibAddonMenu-2.001/13/17
Happy New Year to you too, Phinix!...
Posted By: Phinix
Happy New Year to you too, Phinix! The current version of LAM was actually never built with dynamic menus in mind. I am slowly pushing it in that direction, but there is still a long way to go. For now you can try to call LAM.util.RequestRefreshIfNeeded after you called UpdateChoices: MyDropdown:UpdateChoices(labels, values, t...
File: LibAddonMenu-2.001/11/17
Happy new year, sirinsidiator. :)...
Posted By: Phinix
Happy new year, sirinsidiator. :) Having a bit of trouble with a dropdown + button combo. Basically, I want to have a dropdown list of sorted names, and let the user select one. Then if they click the button, it deletes the name from the list. I have registerForRefresh set on my panel, however when I click the button the name r...
File: Master Merchant01/11/17
Data merge...
Posted By: Phinix
Truly AMAZING work with the data point graph in the tooltip. I absolutely love the addon but find myself always wishing I had more sales data. It would be nice to have an addon + app that would handle uploading and merging MM data much like Tamriel Trade Centre does with their data. So I was wondering, if people from some of th...
File: Dungeon Tracker12/30/16
At last someone did it. I just have...
Posted By: Phinix
At last someone did it. I just have 5 Chars but already found it annoying to log over all of them to get an idea which one need vet, hardmode, speed run and no death run completion for the current pledges. I am adding an option to include speed run and no death achievement info in the next release. Just have to find a way to prese...
File: JoGroup12/30/16
Great work so far! Hope you are enj...
Posted By: Phinix
Great work so far! Hope you are enjoying the never-ending process of improvement. ;) Thanks for adding food tracking as well. People were asking me to add support for JoGroup in Group Food & Drink Buffs but now I can work on my other projects instead. See ya next year!
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker12/30/16
Re: Duration of dots and ground spells
Posted By: Phinix
the only aura that i can't see is Retribution Aura. the rest should work. you have to activate: target debuffs and aoe effects! Retribution Aura is working, I just haven't uploaded the new version yet (was finishing other things first). However, it is important to know that the REASON it works is because Retribution Aura has an ac...
File: Dungeon Tracker12/29/16
Version 1.02
Posted By: Phinix
Added the level a dungeon unlocks to the LFG tooltips. Helpful when you have it unlocked but want to tell if a group member is high enough level for it. Also colorized the optional faction achievement text.
File: PhinixUI12/29/16
Ah, I see. Well, I hope I answered...
Posted By: Phinix
Ah, I see. Well, I hope I answered that. The addon automatically detects whichever of the supported addons you DO install and only those will be in the list. So you can just install whichever you want and it will work with what it sees. In the future I may include an option to save your own config profiles, so you can tweak my set...
File: Thief's Knapsack Extended12/29/16
Still having some issues with this...
Posted By: Phinix
Still having some issues with this one... The Compact Mode seems not to be working. In the original this puts the individual values right next to each other, but in this one it is still leaving big gaps. Also, when toggling this option and reloading the UI, it automatically snaps back into the addon's settings afterwards and ca...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker12/28/16
Re: Duration of dots and ground spells
Posted By: Phinix
I've been trying to use Srendarr to visualize the time remaining on my dots (to help with rotation). I'm a Magplar and wanted to show Elemental Blockade, Reflective Light, Retribution Aura, Channeled Focus etc. but no matter what I write in the "prominent buffs" under "Filters" but this doesn't work... what can I do instead? I'...
File: MiniMap Map API refences12/28/16
Is this still needed/useful when us...
Posted By: Phinix
Is this still needed/useful when using Fyrakin's Minimap?
File: PhinixUI12/28/16
Now supports all screen resolutions...
Posted By: Phinix
Now supports all screen resolutions! Version 1.12.4: - Fixed problem where different screen resolutions could result in Minimaps, Tamriel Clock, and Wykkyd Toolbar not lining up properly. - Changes to FCO Item Saver module filter icon behavior for clarity and consistency. Also all filters now default to off. - Moved several ad...
File: TraitBuddy12/26/16
Hi, and happy holidays! Current...
Posted By: Phinix
Hi, and happy holidays! Current version is dumping the following to chat every login/reload: itemName Stalhrim Shard icon /esoui/art/icons/ sellPrice 0 meetsUsageRequirement itemStyle 53 quality 1 Couldn't find an option to disable it. Also was getting a weird "duplicate entry...
File: Destinations12/24/16
Seems like this addon has been aban...
Posted By: Phinix
Seems like this addon has been abandoned. A lot of users including myself has reported many bugs since October. Like dqed command to delete quests not working. Some completed/not available quests markers still showing. ^ since dqed command is not working no way to hide them manually. Maybe ask nicely? :p I need help removing c...
File: Destinations12/24/16
Seems like this addon has been aban...
Posted By: Phinix
Seems like this addon has been abandoned. A lot of users including myself has reported many bugs since October. Like dqed command to delete quests not working. Some completed/not available quests markers still showing. ^ since dqed command is not working no way to hide them manually. Maybe ask nicely? :p
File: Lootdrop, Continued (All in One)12/21/16
is this addon safe to use with the...
Posted By: Phinix
is this addon safe to use with the latest version of the game? Yep, 100% working just enable out of date addons.
File: ESO Master Recipe List12/21/16
This looks like a great add-on that...
Posted By: Phinix
This looks like a great add-on that I unfortunately can not use because I am on XBOX. I was curious if there was a updated master list that I could import into excel to track all recipes I have learned. Not that I know of. I have been manually mining the ID's for new recipes since Orsinium. But here is a quick .xls sheet I threw...
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker12/21/16
OK all, sorry for the delay but I h...
Posted By: Phinix
OK all, sorry for the delay but I have been busy and struggling with disability and having no money. But I wanted to give everyone an update of what is currently planned for Srendarr: Add a proper Whitelist that will hide everything except things you add. Will include all standard abilities by default but can be edited. Consider...