Results: 1678Comments by: votan
File: Khrill Helm Control10/16/15
German translation
Posted By: votan
= {LOCALE = "DE", KHCSettings_enable = "Aktivieren", KHCSettings_control = "Automatik-Modus - Einstellungen", KHCSettings_automode = "Automatik-Modus verwenden", --new KHCSettings_title0 = "Helm standardm\195\164\195\159ig anzeigen", KHCSettings_description0 = "Der Helm wird standardm\195\164\195\159ig aufgesetzt,...
File: Votan's Rune Tooltips10/15/15
:confused: I don't even understand...
Posted By: votan
:confused: I don't even understand the point of this request honestly. This addon is adding informations to runes, there are addons that add informations to glyphs in any way imaginable already. Moreover, the shape/color of the glyph is enough to tell if it's for weapon or armor or jewelery. Well I suppose it can help if you wann...
File: Votan's Rune Tooltips10/15/15
The addition to each tooltip would...
Posted By: votan
The addition to each tooltip would be most useful if the first word that will be in the name of the Glyph is included, and whether it is for armor, weapons or jewelry. For example: "Trifilng armor glyph (level 1 - 9)" or "Slight glyph for weapon (level 5 - 15)". As far as I know, only armor, weapons and jewelry can be enchanted....
File: Potion Maker (for Alchemy Crafting)10/09/15
Re: Multicraft possible?
Posted By: votan
Hi, I just wanted to know if you'll implement a module to craft more than one potion at a time? I don't know if it's difficult or not as I don't develop addons but it could be usefull I think. Btw thx for this addon! :D Hi. I always thought MultiCraft would do this for me :rolleyes: Now I see it is not updated to the newes...
File: Harven's Trait and Style10/09/15
Got it. I knew my stupid usage of o...
Posted By: votan
Got it. I knew my stupid usage of outdated color constants would bite me one day :mad: Will post a fix once I squash another bug I've found. If you modify this function anyway, I would like to suggest not to do a massive use of the .. operator and build text as a table with table.concat at the end. I heard the .. operator used that...
File: Harven's Custom Map Pins (Markers)10/04/15
Re: Re: Re: If you try to add a new Point
Posted By: votan
What happen if you modify HarvensCustomMapPins.lua line 191: function HarvensCustomMapPins:CreatePin(cpin, key) if self.pinManager == nil then return end assert(self.pinManager.CreatePin, "CreatePin function missing") local pin = self.pinManager:CreatePin(self.pinTypeId, key, cpin.x, cpin.y, 0) if self.GetMapPinForControl...
File: Harven's Custom Map Pins (Markers)10/03/15
Re: If you try to add a new Point
Posted By: votan
user:/AddOns/HarvensCustomMapPins/HarvensCustomMapPins.lua:191: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/HarvensCustomMapPins/HarvensCustomMapPins.lua:191: in function 'HarvensCustomMapPins:CreatePin' user:/AddOns/HarvensCustomMapPins/HarvensCustomMapPins.lua:106: in function 'HarvensCustomMapPins:AddPinToC...
File: Harven's Custom Map Pins (Markers)10/03/15
This is a MiniMap issue. MiniMap c...
Posted By: votan
This is a MiniMap issue. MiniMap calls Harven's Custom Pins with a "pinManager", which does not have :CreatePin function. But even with a correct pinManager the current version does not show custom pins for Custom Pins and Fisherman... MiniMap version 2.87 worked. Great addon, I use it in combination with votans cartographer,...
File: Votan's Fish Fillet09/24/15
1) any workaround to fix it? 2) wo...
Posted By: votan
1) any workaround to fix it? 2) working fine now, good work, but can we see(optional) only one button - Fillet all stacks near "ALT Exit" and disable Fillet Stack?:) to 1) This is a newly introduced (update 7) restriction from ZOS. So, no. Any workaround would probably just ban you. to 2) Where should already be an option in the...
File: Votan's Fish Fillet09/24/15
1) double cooldown 2) its not fill...
Posted By: votan
1) double cooldown 2) its not filling all stacks - only first stack and one fish from next stack To 1) Yes, I know. :) What do you want to say? To 2) Inventory full? restacker or other addon shuffling the inventory during process?
File: Votan's Fisherman09/19/15
Still get an error when entering so...
Posted By: votan
Still get an error when entering some (not all) instances. I have the latest version (using Minion). Yes, I am very sorry. :( I work on a new version of LibGPS. Stay tuned. /edit: Please try version 1.7.4.
File: Votan's Fisherman09/17/15
Re: UI Error
Posted By: votan
user:/AddOns/VotansFisherman/VotansFisherman100012.lua:1195: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/VotansFisherman/VotansFisherman100012.lua:1195: in function 'LayoutPins' user:/AddOns/MiniMap/MiniMap.lua:5229: in function 'FyrMM.LoadCustomPinGroup' user:/AddOns/MiniMap/MiniMap.lua:5210: in function '(anon...
File: Potion Maker (for Alchemy Crafting)09/16/15
Re: Error
Posted By: votan
Hi following error mesage: - Trait 'Ravage Stamina' is NOT in our list of traits for reagent 'Blessed Thistle'. Please leaeve a comment on with this error. stack traceback: : in function 'assert' user:/AddOns/Alchemist/Alchemist/Inventory.lua:339: in function 'Inventory:add_reagent' user:/AddOns/Alchemist/Alchemis...
File: Harven's Mute NPCs09/14/15
Thanks for this addon Harven :)...
Posted By: votan
Thanks for this addon Harven :) I got something for you: 2015-09-15T07:47:40.964+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: user:/AddOns/HarvensMuteNPC/HarvensMuteNPC.lua:6: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/HarvensMuteNPC/HarvensMuteNPC.lua:6: in function '(main chunk)'|r ; This Add-on is not created by, affilia...
File: LibAddonMenu-2.009/14/15
If you create settings panel which...
Posted By: votan
If you create settings panel which doesn't contain any widget, library won't fire callback "LAM-PanelControlsCreated". I was using this callback to find out when panel is shown for the first time (when controls should be created) and I was creating my custom settings layout in there (Azurah, Srendarr). I had to find different soluti...
File: Circonians WaypointIt09/12/15
nil error after porting by quest
Posted By: votan
Hi circonian, I found this little bug: 2015-09-12T17:49:42.364+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: user:/AddOns/WaypointIt/core/WaypointIt.lua:261: operator .. is not supported for string .. nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/WaypointIt/core/WaypointIt.lua:261: in function 'OnQuestConditionCounterChanged'|r conditionIndex is nil, if a...
File: Rare Fish Tracker09/11/15
I have latest version v 1.17.1 from...
Posted By: votan
I have latest version v 1.17.1 from the site but the addon is still disabled as out of date. I deleted the old version from my addons folder before installing this, if that matters. What else can I do to get this working? That is real weird. Please verify that in RareFishTracker.txt the API Version looks like this: ## APIVers...
File: Alchemist (Update Orsinium)09/10/15
error with "Wiesenschaumkraut". In...
Posted By: votan
error with "Wiesenschaumkraut". In the former feedback you proposed, the name was "Wiesenschaum|okraut". The reagent names in German is in file /AddOns/Alchemist/localization/de.lua. You can try to make names match what in error message and see whether this fixes the issue. I can confirm that: Wiesenschaumkraut from API really con...
File: Quick Leather & crafting tools09/10/15
I like the idea of having presets/f...
Posted By: votan
I like the idea of having presets/favorites. A GUI combination of WandalizeKCP and Khrill Dyeing Set & Match: For each preset, like Khrill Dyeing Set & Match, you have rows, like in WandalizeKCP, If you click on a row the right entry of type, style and trait is selected. If an equip of the preset does not match the current statio...
File: Votan's Fish Fillet09/08/15
When using this for the first time...
Posted By: votan
When using this for the first time today, I noticed that the addon immediately went from one stack (River Betty) to the other (Salmon) and filleted them all. At first, I figured this was working as intended, but then I noticed the "Fillet All Stacks" option in the bottom left with an unbound key. Figured I would mention this just...
File: Votan's Cartographer (for Harven's Custom Map Pins)09/07/15
Re: Error - part 2
Posted By: votan
I get this error whenever I try to add a pin. I tried on npcs, crafting stations and resources. Also I cant get anything to load in the dropdown menus at all. I'm using Harven's Custom Map Pins (Markers) 2.6 and Votan's Cartographer (for Harven's Custom Map Pins) 1.1.0. Thanks for the help. @mistik911: Is this the first time you u...
File: Votan's Cartographer (for Harven's Custom Map Pins)09/07/15
Re: Error
Posted By: votan
I get this error whenever I try to add a pin. I tried on npcs, crafting stations and resources. Also I cant get anything to load in the dropdown menus at all. I'm using Harven's Custom Map Pins (Markers) 2.6 and Votan's Cartographer (for Harven's Custom Map Pins) 1.1.0. Thanks for the help. bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table/struct...
File: Harven's Custom Map Pins (Markers)09/07/15
Again a very nice, style-matching s...
Posted By: votan
Again a very nice, style-matching symbol. :) again, if anyone wants anything I will whip something up, love doing this stuff. And yes, maybe something for writs and surveys? (a scroll and certificate???) A symbol for camps, with a lot provisioning stuff? (barrels???) coins? (I mean scads of money) :o
File: Votan's Fisherman09/06/15
Hate to do this again to ya. :( Ha...
Posted By: votan
Hate to do this again to ya. :( Happens thru out the quest every time you go thru a portal. Please try out the new version 1.7.3. "The Habourage" does not have this error anymore and others hopefully not, too.
File: Circonians FilterIt09/06/15
The error you describe is known to...
Posted By: votan
The error you describe is known to be caused from any add-on using context-menu, which in-directly causes this error in other addons. The error is caused by ZOS security check, if build-in menu entries (like PickupInventoryItem) re-use controls created by add-ons. If you use key-bind, you do not use these controls. This is why it...