Results: 272Comments by: SlippyCheeze
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)08/17/18
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Broken after Wolfhunter Update
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
seeing the mass in the description written from the addon author so would not take this dead project? Assuming you mean "message in the description", it is worth noting that the last change in the source was in 2015, and the author has not touched the (visible to the public) code since then. I think assuming that it is no longer...
File: SlippyCheeze's Read It Once08/17/18
It probably doesn't make sense to a...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
It probably doesn't make sense to apply the "block" while in the inventory, though I'll still record it as read so you won't re-read the item in the world. I should be able to get that pushed shortly. The way the block bypass works is if you try and read the same book twice in ~ one second, so if you double-cilck (or use) the inv...
File: No, thank you!08/17/18
Re: Re: Re: Not hidding Unowned houses from map
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Thanks for the update! Really nice addon! But is not hidding unowned house pins from the local map, only from Tamriel map. OK. So, to confirm your expectation: you want unowned houses on the map to always and forever be hidden, no matter what level you are at, including the world map, the zone map, and even from city maps, if th...
File: No, thank you!08/16/18
Re: Not hidding Unowned houses from map
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Thanks for the update! Really nice addon! But is not hidding unowned house pins from the local map, only from Tamriel map. OK. So, to confirm your expectation: you want unowned houses on the map to always and forever be hidden, no matter what level you are at, including the world map, the zone map, and even from city maps, if th...
File: Auto Category - Custom Inventory Categories08/16/18
Oh. Sorry, if it isn't clear: T...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Oh. Sorry, if it isn't clear: The ReshapeSlot crash happens because IGV makes the assumption that a fixed number of child items are the inventory slots. This is true ... until AutoCategory adds controls for the open/close headers. If you check your inventory after a reload, and that failure, you should see that one of the "+" b...
File: No, thank you! (continued)08/16/18
WolfHunter update released on the original
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hi! With permission from Garkin, I have published a WolfHunter update for No, Thank You!. Unfortunately for people here, that is published under the original release, not the patched version. As I understand it, Minion probably won't update you correctly, so if you don't get the 10.0.0 version, you should manually switch over to...
File: No, thank you!08/16/18
I have uploaded a WolfHunter compat...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I have uploaded a WolfHunter compatible version of the addon, with all known bugs fixed. That said, all known bugs is different from all bugs, so if something is broken, post here, and I'll try and get it fixed up. If someone else already commented, though, a second post will make it more likely to be missed, not speed up fixing...
File: PointsofColor08/15/18
I ... I thought "eh, probably won't...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I ... I thought "eh, probably won't be that interesting, but I'll give it a shot." I was so wrong. Completely wrong. Amazingly wrong. Oh, my gosh, this is so GREAT! My one bit of feedback, other than OMG please keep going! is: I find the wayshrines a little hard to see with the dull grey color against the brown map backgr...
File: No, thank you!08/14/18
Re: LibCustomTitle
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Any chance you can add a setting to disable the Custom Titles Library, which changes certain individual players in-game titles? It's the kind of unwanted library bundled in unrelated add-ons and not mentioned in the features list that I would love to say, "No, thank you" to. There is a separate library to disable that. Install it...
File: AwesomeGuildStore08/14/18
I too am getting |u0:6%:currency:|u...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I too am getting |u0:6%:currency:|u in the english client. I tried deleting my folder and downloading straight from esoui, nothing. Will try disabling addons later (I have lots). pChat is causing the interference. the gold icon shows when pchat isn't loaded. interestingly enough, MM's reports show the gold icon even when pChat is...
File: AwesomeGuildStore08/14/18
I too am getting |u0:6%:currency:|u...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I too am getting |u0:6%:currency:|u in the english client. I tried deleting my folder and downloading straight from esoui, nothing. Will try disabling addons later (I have lots). pChat is causing the interference. the gold icon shows when pchat isn't loaded. interestingly enough, MM's reports show the gold icon even when pChat is...
File: Bandits User Interface08/13/18
Non-stop LUA errors. Like hund...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Non-stop LUA errors. Like hundreds. Didn't get them on characters already made, but got it on a brand new character. Other addons hadn't been set up on that new character either, maybe that has something to do with it. You are going to have to post the backtrace, or the author has zero chance of fixing the problem.
File: Tamriel Trade Centre08/13/18
Thinking of quitting the game for g...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Thinking of quitting the game for good. Ever since this addon was allowed my Auction cash went down big time. Just no reason to keep playing if addons like this have destroyed the auction house in the game. No, I refuse to use it, so the only option is too quit the game. OK, cool. Sounds good. Enjoy your time elsewhere....
File: Tamriel Trade Centre08/13/18
Thinking of quitting the game for g...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Thinking of quitting the game for good. Ever since this addon was allowed my Auction cash went down big time. Just no reason to keep playing if addons like this have destroyed the auction house in the game. No, I refuse to use it, so the only option is too quit the game. OK, cool. Sounds good. Enjoy your time elsewhere....
File: Harven's Improved Skills Window08/13/18
I guess it's time to dump Harvens....
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I guess it's time to dump Harvens. He hasn't updated any of his addons in quite some time now.Sad, but may be true. Last update was just an API bump to 100020. Someone else will have to take over or suggest modifications I guess. :( To be fair most of his addons are simple ones that have only required an API version bump. This one...
File: AUI - Advanced UI08/13/18
This mod desperately needs a hero....
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
This mod desperately needs a hero. The code is there, waiting for you. The Lua Book. :)
File: Votan's Fish Fillet08/13/18
None of the fishing addons are work...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
None of the fishing addons are working, they all say missing libaddonmenu 2.0 Wait a little longer for an update to be posted. (or install it manually, but that isn't necessarily the best strategy.)
File: TrueExploration08/13/18
WolfHunter bug: wayshrine free fast travel broken
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Looks like something -- I'd guess one of the map hooks -- is breaking wayshrine based free fast travel in 4.1. I have not debugged it yet, on the assumption you may have a pending update to fix it. Reproduction is trivial, for me: Visit a wayshrine, and interact, which opens the world map. Mouse over any other wayshrine,...
File: Votan's Minimap08/13/18
Re: Won't work after update 19
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Yeah, the add-on no longer works. It's asking for libraries, but those libs are installed already. A shame since it's a great addon, and worked before I updated it. Wonder if there's a way to go back to the previous version? I'd suggest you wait a day or two before declaring anything "dead"; sometimes multiple updates by differ...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre08/11/18
Does TTC send "negative" results to the server?
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I was curious, cyuxi, does TTC send "negative" results to the server? As in, I went hunting through a bunch of places for cheap recipes, and obviously scanned the store to find they were no longer present. Will that record, and send, a "negative" result for those, or only the items that were found?
File: Tamriel Trade Centre08/11/18
Re: problems with the client
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
I run ESO as an english client on a german windows system (PC). After installing TTC, the client that is started is a german version. Starting the ttc client turns my Eso from an english to a german version which sometimes ends in a CTD. Vice versa ESO is turned back to an english version after starting via ESO launcher. 2 questio...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre08/11/18
Re: Web Client
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
hello, thank you very much for your work ,mm is stuck) But I can not download Web Client , folow the instruction heare 1. dawnload and replaced ItemlookUP & Pricetable 2. Play some time , launc client.exe , close client.exe . 4. Login Successful on 5. I select a file C:\Users...
File: LGM - Lilith's Group Manager08/10/18
Would you mind adding a changelog f...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Would you mind adding a changelog for updates? That'd be helpful for those of us following along. :) Sure thing... I just need to figure out how to do that again lol haha! since I just learned, when you post an update, you can select the "changelog" tab ... either above or below the editor. don't recall which. anyway, selec...
File: LGM - Lilith's Group Manager08/10/18
Would you mind adding a changelog f...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Would you mind adding a changelog for updates? That'd be helpful for those of us following along. :)
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)08/10/18
Hey there, I get this strange be...
Posted By: SlippyCheeze
Hey there, I get this strange behaviour anytime I switch to a different character or do a /reloadui. The formatting messes up and looks like this: String Has somebody else seen this bug lately and can tell me how to fix it? Already deleted saved variables and reinstalled the addon.