Results: 2024Comments by: Sharlikran
File: HarvestMap05/08/14
We need to adapt the distance that...
Posted By: Sharlikran
We need to adapt the distance that HarvestMap uses for how close two nodes can be depending on what map we are on. Cyrodiil for example needs a much smaller value since it is so large, but dungeons and towns needs a larger value. I don't know if there needs to be a complete list on "zone scales" for all zones or if one for dungeons/t...
File: HarvestMap05/08/14
Re: Load times
Posted By: Sharlikran
Since I imported the daily node lua the loading times are really long especially after/reloadui, I eaven had to deaktivate the addon.This is mentioned on the Addon Info tab. Depending on how much data you import the load time will be longer. To shorten it be sure to delete the Esohead.lua file after importing the data. To redu...
File: HarvestMap05/07/14
Is there a way to edit the pins on...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Is there a way to edit the pins on the map. For example deleting an icon that was in the wrong place?By the way, what is the icon that is in the wrong place? Chest, Alchemy, and the node name.
File: HarvestMap05/07/14
Is there a way to edit the pins on...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Is there a way to edit the pins on the map. For example deleting an icon that was in the wrong place?Not at this time. This is something I'd probably let Shinni do. It's probably not all that hard but still...
File: HarvestMap05/06/14
Re: Re: Re: Re: Troubleshooting
Posted By: Sharlikran
Just on the discussion of reproducing the issue, I see a few posts of you to people saying that yours works and you can't reproduce the issue. I think I see you can't. It loads for you, but from what I am reading, you aren't using the same thing that everyone else is using? It looks like you have your own version modded version of H...
File: Esohead05/06/14
Re: Esohead SavedVariables lua file too large
Posted By: Sharlikran
I was getting the "An error has occurred. Please wait a few minutes and log in again" error after the character load screen. It took me awhile to narrow it down to the Esohead addon. Saving the SavedVariable .lua off and deleting it in the folder fixed it. The problem was I wanted some of that data (harvesting nodes). I did wh...
File: HarvestMap05/06/14
Re: Re: Troubleshooting
Posted By: Sharlikran
I am getting this issue as well. For the purposes of troubleshooting I went down the list of daily files. I can't get my game to load with any file older than 4/30. 5/1-5/5 all crash ESO. It is either the size after 4/30 or something got into the file after 4/30 that is crashing the game. EDIT: The 4/30 file worked for a w...
File: HarvestMap05/06/14
@Rathputin can you PM me please I w...
Posted By: Sharlikran
@Rathputin can you PM me please I wanted to get some feedback on the German Node Names in game. If anyone plays on a French or German client can you help me get clarification for the French and German Node Names?
File: HarvestMap05/06/14
function EH.UpdateHarvestInformatio...
Posted By: Sharlikran
function EH.UpdateHarvestInformation() local oldData = = {} if not then = {} end for map, data in pairs(oldData) do if string.find(map, "^", 1, true) == nil then d("Map : " .. map) for profession, nodes in pa...
File: Bank Manager05/06/14
Re: Re: Re: Chat Spam
Posted By: Sharlikran
The Chat Spam Option doesn't seem to work. ON or OFF it still spams chat! :( You still get all the message about what has been transfered to the bank or just a sumup ? Oh... Just the SumUp. Can we have an option to turn that off too? :) Look for the "local function moveItems()" and change these lines: if (BankManager.Save...
File: Esohead05/05/14
Re: Esohead addon
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hello I am kinda new to ESO and I wanna use this addon with HarvestMap. Right now everytime I try to load the addon the game crashes. I am new to addons and I would like some help to make it work. I copied the addon in the correct folder since I can see it in the game catalog but as I said for now it crashes.What is the list of mods...
File: HarvestMap05/05/14
Re: Ooops
Posted By: Sharlikran
I have a nasty habit of skim reading. Sorry I misread that. But hey, like you said it did lead to a solution.Yep, and now you can enjoy Shinni's awesome mod. I altered #2 slightly so that it suggests both disabling the mod or backing up and deleting the SavedVariables file.
File: HarvestMap05/05/14
Re: Troubleshooting
Posted By: Sharlikran
"ESO head is not compatible with Harvestmap". Confusing, because it's been running alongside with it the entire time I've had both programs... up until yesterday.Where does it say that though? On the Addon Info tab? Because it says "EsoheadMarkers is not compatible with HarvestMap." which is totally different. Esohead is compati...
File: HarvestMap05/05/14
Re: Re: Currently unable to load with current update
Posted By: Sharlikran
Anyone else having this issue? Your not the only person. I can run both of them and it works fine. In fact I just imported the latest merge file which is about 8MB. My HarvestMap.lua file is 6.5MB. Now of course I deleted the Esohead.lua file from the merge site like I mentioned on the Addon Info tab. I can't reproduce the er...
File: HarvestMap05/04/14
Re: Account Wide settings?
Posted By: Sharlikran
I guess I don't understand how Account Wide Settings works. I turned it on, but on my new character, the map is still "blank." Do I have to find them all over again, and then they'll be account-wide?The nodes have always been account wide. Nodes for Alchemy, Mining, Clothing, will show up on any character under the same account. I...
File: Esohead05/04/14
Re: Re: Re: undismissable error message
Posted By: Sharlikran
Hai. :) Sorry, I was referring to the video on your(?) HarvestMap Addon page, explaining how to correctly import the Esohead.lua's best to talk about importing in the HaevestMap thread since that is a function of HarvestMap. I'm just talking here about the size of the file a few posts below and how people have issues signin...
File: HarvestMap05/04/14
@Teryl and edup_2004 I forgot to me...
Posted By: Sharlikran
@Teryl and edup_2004 I forgot to mention. As of 1.06 I don't crash that often. I don't use a lot of mods though because I like to change as little as possible. I use Esohead. I clean out that file to reduce it's size often. I keep the "harvest", "chest", and "fish" sections. Then I use SkyShards, LoreBooks, SoftcapInfo, and Har...
File: HarvestMap05/04/14
Is there a way to save progress. Be...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Is there a way to save progress. Because today my game crashed and when I enter again I found that half of the markers I've found in about 3-4 hours were gone. So I would like to know if there's a way to save progress or be sure that the markers are being saved. This happened to me the other day, I completely reset my savedvariab...
File: Esohead05/03/14
Re: undismissable error message
Posted By: Sharlikran
Error 1: I have watched your video and didn't find anything in it that I was doing wrong. Thanks in advance for your help! I can look at error #1 but I don't know what line 259 is because I don't know which version you are using. What video are you referring to?
File: HarvestMap05/03/14
(yes this makes avoiding ground stu...
Posted By: Sharlikran
(yes this makes avoiding ground stuff from mobs in games very difficult) That does seem frustrating, do they give you an option to change the color? No, One of the better colors I can see is Cyan, would love to be able to change the color of the ground target from enemy mobs from red to either Cyan / Lime Green / Yellow. (My 3 be...
File: HarvestMap05/03/14
(yes this makes avoiding ground stu...
Posted By: Sharlikran
(yes this makes avoiding ground stuff from mobs in games very difficult) That does seem frustrating, do they give you an option to change the color?
File: HarvestMap05/03/14
Re: node pins not showing
Posted By: Sharlikran
gathering disabled for profession :7 The debug message is telling you that you chose to disable gathering of that profession. Which is solvents, or Pure Water. Turn the filter OFF. The default value is OFF. The tooltip says to Enable, or to turn it ON, to filter that kind of node. When the Import filter is OFF then the mod wi...
File: HarvestMap05/03/14
I'm still not able to get the impor...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I'm still not able to get the import loaded, i used the file from the site that was around 8,177 or somethin. changed the name from merge to my account named and saved it in savedvaribles folder but still i get nothing im not sure whats going on it still has 0 nodes importedPlease read over the various previous posts this is a common...
File: HarvestMap05/03/14
EsoheadMarkers As soon as I enab...
Posted By: Sharlikran
EsoheadMarkers As soon as I enable Esohead, I get the errors.As mentioned on the Addon Info tab in BIG RED letters uninstall EsoheadMarkers.
File: HarvestMap05/03/14
Re: which user name Sir?
Posted By: Sharlikran
I love the addon and i know i am going to feel totally stupid when i get the answer to this to what username are you refering to?my TESO user account name the ESO/zam account head? Thank you for answering even these types of questions. AnniTESO user account name....