Results: 2035Comments by: Sharlikran
File: HarvestMap04/28/14
= {"Ebonheart"}, = {"Ebonheart"},...
Posted By: Sharlikran
= {"Ebonheart"}, = {"Ebonheart"}, = {"Ebonheart Pact"}, Shinni, I have some nodes in the Esohead.lua with the name , which is . In HarvestMapMapNames.lua Ebonheart 3 seperate times, for 3 different map textures. Which one would I put "Ebonheart" in, just the one that says ? If I have others that say </<>_base,...
File: HarvestMap04/28/14
Re: Clarification
Posted By: Sharlikran
fil·ter noun 1 a porous device for removing impurities or solid particles from a liquid or gas passed through it. "an oil filter" verb 1. pass (a liquid, gas, light, or sound) through a device to remove unwanted material. "the patient is hooked up to a dialysis machine twice a week to filter out the cholesterol in the blood...
File: HarvestMap04/28/14
Thanks for your work on this mod!...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Thanks for your work on this mod! I tried reading the FAQ questions, still confused as a first time installer. After installing this mod, we need to install ESOHead, then download the daily merge, change the name on the merge file, then import it with ESOHead into Harvest Map? Thanks for any tips and apologizes about my conf...
File: HarvestMap04/28/14
do not cleanse the saved files! mo...
Posted By: Sharlikran
do not cleanse the saved files! most of my harvestnodes don't have an itemID (no idea why, but they just don't have one) Well, then, :D I have to consider that nodes may not have an ItemID and then leave them alone. I will look into making the Save File self repairing. Meaning that if a node already exists but the ItemID isn't pr...
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
for map, data in pairs(Harvest.node...
Posted By: Sharlikran
for map, data in pairs( do newMapName = Harvest.GetNewMapName(map) if newMapName then for index, nodes in pairs(data) do for var1, node in pairs(nodes) do --(newMapName , node , node , index , node , node )...
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
EDIT: nevermind, I was wrong. thoug...
Posted By: Sharlikran
EDIT: nevermind, I was wrong. thought I had a reason for the bug. EDIT2: I assumed in a scenario when looting multiple items and, the first item isn't a tradeskill material the node isn't saved (eg cotton can have crawlers as first item). I thought OnLootUpdate was called for every item in the loot window and since Harvest.isHarv...
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
If anyone speaks German or French c...
Posted By: Sharlikran
If anyone speaks German or French can you help update the new Tool-tips? I only speak English and Spanish. :cool:
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
i don't get what "filter on import"...
Posted By: Sharlikran
i don't get what "filter on import" does if enabled, will it not import anything?? if "filter on gather" is enabled, will it track or not track? words are confusingUpdated in 2.4.2.
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
Strange, after logging on and off t...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Strange, after logging on and off the error is gone. :)I'm glad. I'm gonna do a small update for the Tooltips to change the wording for the filters for 2.4.2. Then after that I'll work with Shinni on a purge routine, unless I can figure it out myself. ;)
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
i don't get what "filter on import"...
Posted By: Sharlikran
i don't get what "filter on import" does if enabled, will it not import anything??If it is enabled, or ON then when you import from Esohead it will NOT import that type of Node. That is why it's OFF by default. if "filter on gather" is enabled, will it track or not track? words are confusingIf it is enabled, or ON then it...
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
After updating I get this error: 2...
Posted By: Sharlikran
After updating I get this error: 2014-04-27T14:39:23.409-06:00 |cff0000Gui Warning: Too many anchors processed.|r Is there any way to apply this to your already found nodes to clean up my map? Filters out false Nodes and Crates, Barrels etc. from AlchemyNot yet. Do you have a backup of any of your HarvestMap files prior to 2.4?...
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
edit: nevermind, i was wrong. thou...
Posted By: Sharlikran
edit: nevermind, i was wrong. thought i had a reason for the bug.I missed what you thought it was. Share anyway. I originally released my changes and it broke something. I was embarrassed. So I have been testing for days now and it should not do anything wrong. It could be setting related but all the filters are OFF by defaul...
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
After I mine an ore node it is not...
Posted By: Sharlikran
After I mine an ore node it is not appearing on the map. I made sure the ore is check marked under the map filters. New wood and plant nodes are being recorded just fine. I can uncheck the wood, chests and such to get them to toggle on/off, but my map is completely clear of any new ore nodes Is it something you did in a recent pat...
File: HarvestMap04/27/14
After I mine an ore node it is not...
Posted By: Sharlikran
After I mine an ore node it is not appearing on the map. I made sure the ore is check marked under the map filters. New wood and plant nodes are being recorded just fine. I can uncheck the wood, chests and such to get them to toggle on/off, but my map is completely clear of any new ore nodes Is it something you did in a recent pa...
File: HarvestMap04/26/14
When i import the Esohead.lua shoul...
Posted By: Sharlikran
When i import the Esohead.lua should my harvestmaps.lua be the same size as the esohead.lua?No because it contains data that it's used by HarvestMap.
File: HarvestMap04/26/14
nvm it's an error inside customcomp...
Posted By: Sharlikran
nvm it's an error inside customcompasspins. not exactly sure how it happens but i'll fix it asap. should be fixed now. Thanks for looking into that. Sometimes I worry I will break something but I see we are all human. :D I probably shouldn't worry so much. I appreciate you looking into that as I am sure everyone else is as wel...
File: HarvestMap04/26/14
I installed windows on a new SSD an...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I installed windows on a new SSD and before I did I uploaded my data to the website using "merge". when downloading the lastest merged file and placing the new "Esohead.lua" file in its place what is my next step in getting all the nodes I discovered to show up? I've search these posts but keep getting lost. I just cant find a area w...
File: HarvestMap04/26/14
the color is defined in the default...
Posted By: Sharlikran
the color is defined in the default layouts, which are loaded when someone starts using this addon for the first time. if that error occurs, something must have deleted the color value. I see all the color values in the HarvestMap.lua that should be there. I trimmed out all the nodes so you don't have to wade through them. func...
File: HarvestMap04/26/14
Re: Multiple computers
Posted By: Sharlikran
I play on two computers. How do I export or transfer nodes that I find from one to the other. I play 80% of the time on one computer, so I don't want to overwrite that data, just import the other 20% from my second computer. Thanks in advance!You can't transfer HarvestMap.lua information from SavedVariables. Only Esohead.lua info...
File: HarvestMap04/26/14
function CompassPinManager:ResetPin...
Posted By: Sharlikran
function CompassPinManager:ResetPin( pin ) for _, layout in pairs(COMPASS_PINS.pinLayouts) do if layout.additionalLayout then layout.additionalLayout( pin ) end end end What is the referring to? Harvest.defaultMapLayouts = { { level = 20, texture = "HarvestMap/Textures/Map/", size = 20, color...
File: LoreBooks04/26/14
deshaan/deshaan_base: { 0.538, 0.4...
Posted By: Sharlikran
deshaan/deshaan_base: { 0.538, 0.468, 10, 4, 2, nil }, --Monomyth: Lorkhan and Satakal { 0.687, 0.508, 15, 2, 2, nil }, --Liminal Bridges { 0.779, 0.441, 12, 4, 2, nil }, --Ancient Scrolls of the Dwemer V { 0.835, 0.449, 15, 4, 2, nil }, --Manual of Spellcraft guildmaps/gladeofthedivineshivering_base: { 0.516, 0.561, 7, 4, 2,...
File: HarvestMap04/26/14
I am still looking for Feedback on...
Posted By: Sharlikran
I am still looking for Feedback on my Beta before releasing it. I decided not to include Container Tracking and Book Tracking. I also felt that filtering icons to only display Rare Ore isn't the best idea since High Iron Ore spawns in the same place as Orichalcum Ore. Also various Clothing and Alchemy reagents spawn in the same pl...
File: HarvestMap04/26/14
iv been importing the files from ht...
Posted By: Sharlikran
iv been importing the files from an for some reason my pins are not gettin added for Malabal Tor, Reaper's March and Coldharbour can any 1 help me out on what im missing or doing wrong thx For Reaper's March there are only two nodes in the Daily Merge. Search the file using No...
File: LoreBooks04/25/14
Just thought I'd add to my last pos...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Just thought I'd add to my last post, but you have already responded. So I'll make a new post. It happens with both SkyShards and LoreBooks.
File: HarvestMap04/25/14
Getting this error now. http://i...
Posted By: Sharlikran
Getting this error now. Is this with 2.3.2 or my Beta? As a temporary fix open HarvestMapCompass.lua and change the top function to this until it's looked into a bit more. function Harvest.additionalLayout( pin ) if pin ~= nil and COMPASS...