Results: 22Comments by: Nagolite
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter07/06/24
Auto Skip or Abandon
Posted By: Nagolite
Rockstar addon, thanks for all the features and work you put into it. Is there a chance to add an auto skip/avoid feature so that some crafting daily writs are NOT accepted from the boards? Or perhaps a secondary check that accepts all, then auto abandons the ones each toon has flagged as "do not do" within the GUI? I have som...
File: Caro's Skill Point Saver (Builds, Champion Points, Presets, Gear, Quickslots, Appearances/Outfits)07/18/23
Love the addon, and have been using...
Posted By: Nagolite
Love the addon, and have been using it through several of your updates, tweaks, and sweet improvements! Noticed the pop-up text for the abilities hotbar apply settings checkmark says "Apply champion points" instead of "Assign Abilities to Hotbar" (or just Apply) like the alt-text settings wasn't changed, maybe after/from reusing t...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter06/13/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bequeather Support?
Posted By: Nagolite
Any chance to add support for the daily lootable from The Bequeather? Not a huge deal opening & looting the "Toxin Satchel" every day, but would be nice to have it auto looted like the writ rewards as it's part of my daily writ turn-in routine. Thanks! I came here to ask the exact same thiing, lol. :D Any thoughts on if thi...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter06/11/23
Re: Re: Bequeather Support?
Posted By: Nagolite
Any chance to add support for the daily lootable from The Bequeather? Not a huge deal opening & looting the "Toxin Satchel" every day, but would be nice to have it auto looted like the writ rewards as it's part of my daily writ turn-in routine. Thanks! I came here to ask the exact same thiing, lol. :D Any thoughts on if thi...
File: DEPRECATED01/06/23
Tales of Tribute
Posted By: Nagolite
Love the addon, and have been using it for so long I forgot it was even there... until I started playing Tales of Tribute. Is there anyway to add a check sequence so that when you're in the Tales of Tribute interface the "auto consume" feature is paused? If the food/drink runs out during a game, then the "You cannot use this item w...
File: FCO ItemSaver12/05/22
Re: Re: Context Menu (in Inventory) Error
Posted By: Nagolite
Thanks Baertram, you got me pointed down the right path to figure out what change may have triggered the error! Awhile back I had 4 Dynamic Icons activated, and then recently I changed back to only using 3 Dynamic Icons. Using the Icons>Dynamic Icons>Dynamic Icons - Total Usable slider I made it 3 instead of 4 and that's what cau...
File: FCO ItemSaver12/05/22
Context Menu (in Inventory) Error
Posted By: Nagolite
Baertram, every time I right click an inventory item for the context menu, the below error message is generated. The context menu still shows up, and still lets me use the embedded options, so the error isn't preventing the functionality - just adding the pop-up message into the mix. Occurs even when FCO (2.4.4) is the only enab...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter11/27/22
Bequeather Support?
Posted By: Nagolite
Any chance to add support for the daily lootable from The Bequeather? Not a huge deal opening & looting the "Toxin Satchel" every day, but would be nice to have it auto looted like the writ rewards as it's part of my daily writ turn-in routine. Thanks!
File: FCO ItemSaver11/01/22
New System Chat Messages
Posted By: Nagolite
Hey Baertram, didn't see mention of this in the recent comments yet: Since the 8.2.5 patch/update, using keybinds to mark/unmark items is causing a verbose output message to the system chat. It is still marking and unmarking them with the dynamic icons, but now it's spamming the confirmation and "process" steps into sys chat....
File: FCO ItemSaver10/21/22
Re: Re: Re: Re: Giladil the Ragpicker
Posted By: Nagolite
Giladil the Ragpicker works just like the tables, nice tweak on the update! Truly appreciate your follow through and delivery! Found a fix, update the addon and the keybinds should work at UniversalDecon too now. Love the features, thanks for all your work. I use the Change Filter keybinds at the tables; however, noticed tha...
File: FCO ItemSaver10/14/22
Re: Re: Giladil the Ragpicker
Posted By: Nagolite
Love the features, thanks for all your work. I use the Change Filter keybinds at the tables; however, noticed that they don't seem to work when I'm at Giladil the Ragpicker. I can mouse click the filter icons to toggle them, but the keybinds don't seem to be activated at her GUI screen like they are at the crafting tables. Any id...
File: FCO ItemSaver10/13/22
Giladil the Ragpicker
Posted By: Nagolite
Love the features, thanks for all your work. I use the Change Filter keybinds at the tables; however, noticed that they don't seem to work when I'm at Giladil the Ragpicker. I can mouse click the filter icons to toggle them, but the keybinds don't seem to be activated at her GUI screen like they are at the crafting tables. Any id...
File: Updated Assistants for Lui Extended04/16/22
Re: Re: Giladil the Ragpicker
Posted By: Nagolite
Hello, is it possible to add the new deconstruction assistant to this, please? :) She's already there as of 6.2.9-9 (full changes/additions to support her in the Change Log tab). Oh i'm really sorry, must have missed the update, thanks! Re-reading my previous reply, it could sound harsher than I meant to come across... Hope i...
File: Updated Assistants for Lui Extended04/12/22
Giladil the Ragpicker
Posted By: Nagolite
Hello, is it possible to add the new deconstruction assistant to this, please? :) She's already there as of 6.2.9-9 (full changes/additions to support her in the Change Log tab).
File: Map Pins04/03/22
Phantom/Ghost Pins
Posted By: Nagolite
Any insight or ideas to stop phantom/ghost pins (mostly Dolmen) from showing up in random zones? Not sure what's triggering them to carry over and appear... Thanks!
File: ChampionPointsSlots04/03/22
Giladil the Ragpicker
Posted By: Nagolite
Any chance to add support for Giladil the Ragpicker to trigger as a crafting scene and autoslot Meticulous Disassembly? Appreciate all the work you've put in, thanks!
File: Updated Assistants for Lui Extended11/07/21
hello, i love the keybinds, such a...
Posted By: Nagolite
hello, i love the keybinds, such a gain of time :) by any chance, will you update it to have the armory assistant ? or do you have any tips how i can include it myself (if its not too hard) thank you for the work :) Just uploaded v6.2.9-6 that adds support for Ghrasharog, Armory Assistant. I don't have him unlocked on the live...
File: Updated Assistants for Lui Extended09/26/21
Found little mistake in the ru-loca...
Posted By: Nagolite
Found little mistake in the ru-localization file (ru.lua). Wrong translation for Peddler. Someone translated it as "Pedaler" :) canadagreen, thanks for the input! It's easy to get caught in a translate (to<>from<>to) loop and end up with a variation that's off the mark. Google Translate for the 85% win, guess machines aren't quit...
File: Lui Extended09/23/21
Added Crow Merchant/Banker support
Posted By: Nagolite
I made some tweaks to the files that control Assistants and added the Crow Merchant/Banker options across Lui Extended (slash command, keybinds, chat/sys messages, chat icons). It's labeled "Crow Assistants for Lui Extended" and is under the Other/Optional Files for Lui Extended, or can be found and installed from Minion. App...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Junk, Loot, Repair)09/22/21
Double Chat/Sys Messages
Posted By: Nagolite
Some items (Pardon Edicts, Soul Gems) generate double deposit confirmation sys messages. I thought this was tied to the whole withdraw/stacking/redeposit process for items already in the bank - but noticed adding to the stack of Lockpicks doesn't generate the double system/chat message. Is the way Lockpicks are added to existing...
File: Updated Assistants for Lui Extended09/20/21
Posted By: Nagolite
Hi, maybe name "LUI Extended" in the patch name as else you cannot see it at a glance where it relates to. It just showas as "Crow Assistants", something like "Crow Assistants for LUI Extended" would help to find it within Minion and on esoui e.g. Too easy, and good idea. Thanks!
File: CraftStore Gold Road05/08/21
Additional (New) Color Icon
Posted By: Nagolite
Love CS and use it religiously, so first off a big Thank You! Is there anyway to add a new color icon trigger that would show "Known on all tracked characters EXCEPT the one currently logged in" so that the one-off item stands out on the grid? I routinely open CS and slowly drag my mouse over every purple/eggplant box until I f...