Results: 48Comments by: Foozeyy
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar09/02/24
Great Work
Posted By: Foozeyy
So far new update's looking great! Thank you for being so receptive to feedback :)
File: PerfectPixel08/30/24
On the subject of compatibility......
Posted By: Foozeyy
On the subject of compatibility... Many moons ago, maybe a couple of years now?, when ZOS changed the API and all things drawTier/layer/level went awry this addon became partially incompatible with PP: Is still 'useable' but it doesn't render correctly. I was wonde...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar08/30/24
Logout Error
Posted By: Foozeyy
I get an error every now and then when I log out to the character selection screen:
File: Loot Log08/29/24
Re: Re: Menu Switching Bug Update
Posted By: Foozeyy
Hey, I saw you updated to fix the menu switching bug! Thank you! It's mostly fixed, however I found an area where it's still an issue: Here's how to reproduce: 1. Open Skills menu with keybind 2. Click on the Extended Journal menu icon 3. Open Skills menu with keybind 4. Skills menu doesn't open and is closed Expected behav...
File: Loot Log08/29/24
Menu Switching Bug Update
Posted By: Foozeyy
Hey, I saw you updated to fix the menu switching bug! Thank you! It's mostly fixed, however I found an area where it's still an issue: Here's how to reproduce: 1. Open Skills menu with keybind 2. Click on the Extended Journal menu icon 3. Open Skills menu with keybind 4. Skills menu doesn't open and is closed Expected behav...
File: PerfectPixel08/29/24
Re: Re: Re: Centering Question
Posted By: Foozeyy
That most probably happens because at the left of the map you see the map zone completion UI parts of the vanilla UI (and other addons like "Beam Me Up" show there UI there too), if toggled/enabled. You need to keep in mind that here are thoussands of addons that work together, and were tested to do so. What may not lok proper fo...
File: PerfectPixel08/29/24
Centering Question
Posted By: Foozeyy
Is it just a design decision or is there a reason for making the map off-center to the right and the top menu bar off-center to the left? Shouldn't they both just be centered? I can see in the code that you've done it intentionally, so I was just wondering why? Anyway, if anyone wants them to be centered like they are normally: -...
File: MarkPledges08/28/24
Re: Re: Small Change
Posted By: Foozeyy
Since your seemingly back now KLISK, is there any chance you would make a slight change to this, or perhaps an option, where the pledges are removed/unchecked from the list once the quest gets to the "return to..." stage? That way you can just quickly queue from pledge to pledge without having to manually untick the one you just did....
File: MarkPledges08/28/24
Small Change
Posted By: Foozeyy
Since your seemingly back now KLISK, is there any chance you would make a slight change to this, or perhaps an option, where the pledges are removed/unchecked from the list once the quest gets to the "return to..." stage? That way you can just quickly queue from pledge to pledge without having to manually untick the one you just did.
File: Fancy Action Bar08/27/24
Hotkey Issue
Posted By: Foozeyy
I'm not sure exactly what causes this, but every now and then the hotkeys start moving with the highlighted action bar, resulting in some pretty ugly overlap.
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)08/26/24
Is there any way of having UserID s...
Posted By: Foozeyy
Is there any way of having UserID set as the default for the name format? When I join a new guild I have to change it to UserID every time.
File: Loot Log08/24/24
Menu Switching Bug
Posted By: Foozeyy
There's a bug with Extended Journal when using keybinds to switch to and from the menu with other menus which results in the other menu to be closed instead of opened again. Here's how to reproduce, make sure to use keybinds: 1. Open Skills Menu 2. Open Extended Journal 3. Open Skills Menu 4. All menus are now closed Expect...
File: PerfectPixel08/24/24
Extended Journal
Posted By: Foozeyy
I've noticed the Extended Journal anchors and background isn't quite right when you compare it to other vanilla menus. The background sizing doesn't match up and the tabs aren't aligned to the right at the same position as other menus along with not having enough gap between the tab group and the window background itself. I've manage...
File: PerfectPixel08/24/24
You can play around in scenes/skill...
Posted By: Foozeyy
You can play around in scenes/skillsScene.lua at line 42 PP:CreateBackground(ZO_Skills, --] nil, nil, nil, -10, -5, --] nil, nil, nil, 0, 44) And this line below PP.Anchor(ZO_Skills, --] TOPRIGHT, GuiRoot, TOPRIGHT, 0, 85, --] true, BOTTOMRIGHT, GuiRoot, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, -104) You can change the x 0 and y 85 values here at th...
File: PerfectPixel08/24/24
Well, for that all other controls b...
Posted By: Foozeyy
Well, for that all other controls below need to shift down and then space left is not enough anymore so I doubt it "can" actually look the same. The skills list is mch longer than the actual collections and it's different, so we can only change the look not the total list (like add scroll bars here and there and categories with subc...
File: PerfectPixel08/24/24
Can confirm I have the same issue....
Posted By: Foozeyy
Can confirm I have the same issue. Also I'd love to see the skills menu fixed soon, the tabs shouldn't be overlapping like this: What do you mean where exactly? Looks totally okay for me? You mean the icons should be above the b...
File: PerfectPixel08/24/24
Can confirm I have the same issue....
Posted By: Foozeyy
Can confirm I have the same issue. Also I'd love to see the skills menu fixed soon, the tabs shouldn't be overlapping like this:
File: Lui Extended08/24/24
Group Death Notifications
Posted By: Foozeyy
Is there a way of setting the group death notification to be the user id instead of character name?
File: Ravalox' Quest Tracker08/21/24
Re: track new quest option not working
Posted By: Foozeyy
every other option in the addon settings work, but track new quest... I even reinstalled the addon, maybe I should complete delete tje variables ad install again? This option is quite buggy, other users have also mentioned the same issue. I have experienced it myself as well, but it can work and once it's working, it continues to...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar08/19/24
Posted By: Foozeyy
Could you add an option to remove the latency minWidthChars? I think I understand why you've done it - so if people have ping regularly switching from 2-3 characters or 1-2 characters the bar isn't just constantly resizing. But it just looks so off to me with the extra space if you don't have all 4 numbers in use since that's what yo...
File: Ravalox' Quest Tracker08/19/24
Is there a reason why some quests h...
Posted By: Foozeyy
Is there a reason why some quests have an asterisk next to the objective and others don't?
File: Lui Extended08/18/24
Re: Re: Reorder Group
Posted By: Foozeyy
Is there a way to reorder the players in the group? I'd like it to be leader -> tank -> healer -> dps. I saw in the raid settings there was a "sort by role" option, but there is no such option in the regular group settings. Also I wouldn't mind seeing an option to color the leaders health bar independently. There is not currently,...
File: Ravalox' Quest Tracker08/18/24
Text Wrapping
Posted By: Foozeyy
Instead of just cutting the text off at the edges, could you please add text wrapping when the option "Automatically re-size QuestTracker width" is turned off? It's pretty unfortunate when a portion of the quest objective is cut off. I noticed CQuestTracker does this and I really don't think it's an out of place feature for this one....
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar08/18/24
Small Request
Posted By: Foozeyy
Would it be possible to have an option for the icon for daily crafting writs to be hidden when using the "use icons" option? Also, an option for Daily Pledges would be nice, where it shows 0/3 - 3/3 depending on how many are ready for hand in. 3/3 ready for hand in could be yellow, then 3/3 fully...
File: Automatically Accept Quests08/18/24
Posted By: Foozeyy
When you automatically accept pledges, the chat message shows yesterday's pledges instead of the current ones. Also, when I turn in my pledges, it's not a single click, because there's one more line of dialogue that I need to press E on. The auto turn in doesn't go all the way through the dialogu...