Results: 2Comments by: Moroch
File: Reticle Settings (Custom Crosshair)05/03/14
There is mention of this AddOn thro...
Posted By: Moroch
There is mention of this AddOn throwing up the "Too many Anchors Processed" UI error. I have found that having Wykkyd's Immersive HUD and War Tools along with other will cause this... although having ONLY Wykkyd's Immersive HUD, War Tools and Framework (because of dependancy) on will not cause it... so it's a bit weird. I tried disab...
File: Guild Tools [En/Fr]04/26/14
Posted By: Moroch
user:/AddOns/guildtools/guildtools.lua:1079: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/Addons/guildtools/guildtools.lua:1079: in function 'guildtools.onChat' I don't know the first thing about LUA or any kind of programming but I do have Notepad++ and I am willing to try any fixes that are suggested. Thank you for read...