Results: 7Comments by: aerothorn
File: CraftStore Gold Road05/26/17
You're referring to the icons in in...
Posted By: aerothorn
You're referring to the icons in inventory for trait items? Try turning off "track known traits" on that character's menu, then turn it on again. That fixed it! Thanks much.
File: CraftStore Gold Road05/26/17
I'm having an issue where the icons...
Posted By: aerothorn
I'm having an issue where the icons showing what is needed/what isn't don't show up (even after the 5/22 update) - I double-checked to make sure Morrowind didn't change or reset any settings and it didn't - character is still selected, 'mark needed items' and 'mark set-items for research' are both checked...but no icons. :( Edit:...
File: CraftStore Gold Road05/10/17
and there are no other robes with I...
Posted By: aerothorn
and there are no other robes with Impenetrable in my inventory. There's probably one in another character's inventory or the bank. If you want to see the duplicates, you have to enable that setting in the main options of CS. I only have a single character - I have never created any alts. So that's not it! And you have resear...
File: CraftStore Gold Road05/10/17
and there are no other robes with I...
Posted By: aerothorn
and there are no other robes with Impenetrable in my inventory. There's probably one in another character's inventory or the bank. If you want to see the duplicates, you have to enable that setting in the main options of CS. I only have a single character - I have never created any alts. So that's not it!
File: CraftStore Gold Road05/09/17
Hello - I've enabled the symbols...
Posted By: aerothorn
Hello - I've enabled the symbols showing me unknown traits (per the posts below) but they're inconsistent - that is, everything that shows the symbol is indeed researchable, but there are some items that are researchable that don't show it. For instance, I have a robe with Impenetrable that shows no red exclamation point - so it s...
File: Votan's Fisherman05/05/17
Yeah, it was the latter problem - j...
Posted By: aerothorn
Yeah, it was the latter problem - just restarting the game fixed it fine. Thanks much!
File: Votan's Fisherman05/04/17
The "reel in" notification isn't ap...
Posted By: aerothorn
The "reel in" notification isn't appearing for me, even though I have it set to 'on' in the settings. Any tips? Let me know if I can provide any info that would help diagnose this.