Results: 62Comments by: afxmac
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)10/05/24
Blocking Guild advertisements
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, is there a way to block guild advertisements? Am I missing something? thx afx
File: Auto Category - Revised09/10/24
Re: Re: Transmute and Tel Var Containers
Posted By: afxmac
(It is listed in the help wiki.) Silly me was looking for tel var or transmute, not currency. Thanks! afx
File: Auto Category - Revised09/07/24
Transmute and Tel Var Containers
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, how do I identify transmute crystals and tel var containers? A while back something was changed and I no longer find them under containers. thx afx
File: Wizard's Wardrobe06/14/24
Auto switching in dungeons is messed up
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, since the last ESO update, auto switching the substitute sets in dungeon is messed up. I select the trash set before the dungeon, then when I port in, I am back to the DD setup I wore previously. I need to manually switch again. Then it sort of works, but I often get messages right in the middle of a fight, that the sets can...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]06/06/24
Is it possible to add a option for...
Posted By: afxmac
Is it possible to add a option for automatic depositing affix, signature and focus scripts to bank? Yes please! thx afx
File: Tamriel Trash Centre04/03/24
Heyo! Version 1.4 is here, with TTC...
Posted By: afxmac
Heyo! Version 1.4 is here, with TTC, MM, ATT and requested ESOHub! :cool: Coool! can't wait to test it out!
File: Mephisto03/31/24
Structural Change Request
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I quite like the idea of Mephisto supporting dungeons explicitly, as some of the newer DLC dungeons can have specific requirements in VET. Should be quite useful for tanks (I have 6 tank chars). Without having looked at it closely yet, I wonder about the following: Is there only one default set for dungeons and raids, or are...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History03/28/24
As a reminder, this is not a mod is...
Posted By: afxmac
As a reminder, this is not a mod issue. LibHistoire is not saving information on the HD. ZOS saves the information on your HD in a new binary cache. So please read about it. Nothing that I read was in any way conclusive. And of course I did clean the cache. The addon not getting the data in several hours should never ever resul...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History03/27/24
Hi, this thing drives me nuts ;-(...
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, this thing drives me nuts ;-( Arkadius Trade Tools requires it, so I can't just dump it. No matter how long I am logged in (several hours..), it always complains that it has not finished downloading the history. On two different systems and two accounts. How can I reign this in? thx afx
File: Tamriel Trash Centre02/26/24
I am actually looking forward to ad...
Posted By: afxmac
I am actually looking forward to adding "Master Merchant" and "ESO Hub" as selectable choice of price source for markers. In the near future - maybe in 1.4.0 version - I'll implement a way to pick at least MM as a source, and I'll look what I can do for "ESO Hub". This is in my roadmap! :) I should probably post that someday. Cool...
File: Tamriel Trash Centre02/26/24
How do I interpret listing? Wha...
Posted By: afxmac
How do I interpret listing? What are the numbers in ? The number of listings? The settings menu lists two top markers, not a top and a bottom marker, slightly confusing.
File: Tamriel Trash Centre02/26/24
Any chance of also integrating the...
Posted By: afxmac
Any chance of also integrating the ESO Hub trading DB?
File: Show TTC Price02/25/24
Not seeing the effects of the addon
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, my inventory and (AGS) guild store do not show individual prices of stacks nor do I see any other features. What could be the reason? thx afx
File: Price Tooltip (+Gamepad)02/24/24
Missing single price
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I am going bonkers over trying to get anything but ATT prices shown in the inventory. It worked once but I manged to mess it up, but no matter what grid options I try, I only see one golden or white price, no individual prices for stacks or price ranges. I use ATT, AGS and TTC. Any idea what could be wrong? thx afx
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]01/02/24
Filter crafting mats for the bank
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, does anyone have a set of custom rules to put only crafting mats into the bank that are needed for daily crafting? On my non ESO+ account I often get stuff that is below my level which start to clutter the bank when using the default put into bank rule. Before I start doing this all manually, I thought I'd rather ask here fi...
File: TraitBuddy11/30/23
Traitbuddy shows only 45 known styles on my Grand Master Crafter
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I have the Grand Master Crafter Achievement with my main, but trait buddy tells me I have only 45 styles completed. What is wrong? thx afx
File: Advanced Filters - Updated11/09/23
2 Errors at login
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I get two errors at login: ERROR - ApplyFilter: FilterType at Inventory '1' was nil! Tag 'AF_ButtonFilter', butto 'All', filterType: 'nil', groupName: 'All'AF_FilterBar:ActivateButton: All >ERROR - filterPanelId is NIL! I also use AutoCategory, FCO CraftFilter, Inventory Insight, Item Set Browser, Locked Items Tab, Quality...
File: Rulebased Inventory08/22/23
Re: Re: A rule to identify specific crafting mats
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, how would I set up a rule that only targets specific crafting mats (those that are needed for daily writs)? I have an account with ESO plus and inventory management is a PITA. I don't want any mats in the bank that are not needed for daily crafting. So far, I have trouble identifying functions that would allow this. I was...
File: Rulebased Inventory08/22/23
A rule to identify specific crafting mats
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, how would I set up a rule that only targets specific crafting mats (those that are needed for daily writs)? I have an account without ESO plus and inventory management is a PITA. I don't want any mats in the bank that are not needed for daily crafting. So far, I have trouble identifying functions that would allow this. I w...
File: Synced Account Settings [Masteroshi430's branch]07/25/23
Syncing between Steam and Epic
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, if I read the description right, this is for syncing between chars on one account. Could it also be used to sync settings (at least the global ones) between two distinct accounts? I just grabbed the free Epic account and do not really want to update dozens of addon settings. thx afx
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]07/15/23
Re: Re: Deleting green recipes and blue jewelry writs?
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, maybe I did no look in the right spot, but is there a way to auto-delete known green recipes and blue jewelry writs? This is apparently highly requested so I will probably do something later, right now I'm busy trying to make two other add-ons truncate Japanese characters properly... THX! afx
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]07/15/23
Deleting green recipes and blue jewelry writs?
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, maybe I did no look in the right spot, but is there a way to auto-delete known green recipes and blue jewelry writs? thx afx
File: Display Leads - with Location Info06/13/23
Error message
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, the latest Update display an error message about a missing "-" in the German locale. The locale file starts with a comment that only has one "-" at the beginning. Easy fix. ciao afx
File: Auto Category - Revised06/01/23
Re: Re: Error on ismarked(
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I wanted to add ismarked("research") to my categories, but it does not work, I get an error message, that research is unknown. What am I doing wrong? thx afx You are not doing anything wrong there. It's likely that "research" was marked with a warning rather than an error - the checker is warning you that it does not reco...
File: Auto Category - Revised05/31/23
Error on ismarked(
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I wanted to add ismarked("research") to my categories, but it does not work, I get an error message, that research is unknown. What am I doing wrong? thx afx