Results: 3Comments by: ozan
File: FCO Ultimate Sound07/15/24
Re: Re: Sound is too low
Posted By: ozan
How can i increase volume of its sound? there is no arrangement for it on addon, on eso audio settings which one to increase if there are any You cannot increase the sounds by the game, sorry. If I find the time I can add another dependency "LibAddonMenu Sound Slider Widget" and it got a way to increase the sound by playing it mu...
File: FCO Ultimate Sound07/15/24
Sound is too low
Posted By: ozan
How can i increase volume of its sound? there is no arrangement for it on addon, on eso audio settings which one to increase if there are any and i set WEAPON BAR 2: NONE for sounds but when weapon bar 2 ulti is ready, sounds weapon bar 1 ulti's sound. how to really turn off sounds of weapon bar2 ulti
File: Action Duration Reminder07/15/24
Patterns(IDs) of White/Black List in Lines
Posted By: ozan
i type barbed traps ID which is 40385 but does not apply and what if there are more than a skill how to type? what means in Lines, is it; 11111 22222 or 11111 22222