Results: 17Comments by: infydel
File: [deprecated] Armory Style Manager06/13/24
... after some testing it looks lik...
Posted By: infydel
... after some testing it looks like the API UseCollectible() function no longer seems to do anything; I cannot get it to change any category of collectible (costume, pet, mount, etc). it doesn't throw an error, it just doesn't work ... if I manually execute UseCollectible with the /script chat command, it works. it doesn't work f...
File: [deprecated] Armory Style Manager06/12/24
this no longer seems to function af...
Posted By: infydel
this no longer seems to function after last ESO update - at least not for costumes. tested in both regular and controller UI. I'm no addon author, but after some testing it looks like the API UseCollectible() function no longer seems to do anything; I cannot get it to change any category of collectible (costume, pet, mount, etc...
File: [deprecated] Armory Style Manager06/11/24
this no longer seems to function af...
Posted By: infydel
this no longer seems to function after last ESO update - at least not for costumes. tested in both regular and controller UI.
File: BetterUI :: Gamepad Interface Improvements06/11/24
Major issue when opening any kind o...
Posted By: infydel
Major issue when opening any kind of Skingrad reward container in controller mode - a blank container window comes up and the UI breaks - "Attempt to access a private function 'IsInUI' from insecure code." user:/Addons/BetterUI/Modules/GeneralInterface/Tooltips.lua:166: in function '(anonymous)'
File: [deprecated] Armory Style Manager05/10/23
I guess this has replaced the other...
Posted By: infydel
I guess this has replaced the other version. My question is - is it possible to tie the alternate animations for harvesting/fast travel/etc (e.g. Bitter Coast Recall, Reach Witch Removal rune collecting from the current crates) to the builds? Should be doable, I'll check it when I got time. Ok, it looks like there is no sane...
File: [deprecated] Armory Style Manager04/02/23
I guess this has replaced the other...
Posted By: infydel
I guess this has replaced the other version. My question is - is it possible to tie the alternate animations for harvesting/fast travel/etc (e.g. Bitter Coast Recall, Reach Witch Removal rune collecting from the current crates) to the builds?
File: Tamriel Trade Centre03/25/23
Re: Re: Re: Issues regarding Security of the Add-On Client.exe file
Posted By: infydel
I know this add-on has been used and trusted by many players in Eso but I have always been skeptical about running .exe files so I checked in VirusTotal(an online virus checker) to see if its truly safe or not and I got this result: if it really bothers you, I wrote scripts that replicate the functiona...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre03/23/23
Re: Issues regarding Security of the Add-On Client.exe file
Posted By: infydel
I know this add-on has been used and trusted by many players in Eso but I have always been skeptical about running .exe files so I checked in VirusTotal(an online virus checker) to see if its truly safe or not and I got this result: if it really bothers you, I wrote scripts that replicate the functiona...
File: Armory Style Manager02/28/23
The values returned by GetCurrentTi...
Posted By: infydel
The values returned by GetCurrentTitleIndex() appear to only be valid until you earn a new title (then log out and back in again, I think), because the new title might appear above the current one - e.g. I had saved a build with Master Thief, but it changed to Executioner (1 position out) when I loaded that build the day after earnin...
File: Armory Style Manager02/16/23
something you almost certainly can'...
Posted By: infydel
something you almost certainly can't do much about - if you change builds inside your house, the pet collectible you've set for that build won't be updated (since you can't use pets inside housing).
File: Armory Style Manager02/08/23
does exactly what I want* AND it wo...
Posted By: infydel
does exactly what I want* AND it works with the controller UI (thank you thank you thank you), but I get a stack trace error every time I switch or save builds: user:/AddOns/ArmoryStyleManager/ArmoryStyleManager.lua:316: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/ArmoryStyleManager/ArmoryStyleManager.lua:316: in...
File: Armory Style Manager02/08/23
does exactly what I want* AND it wo...
Posted By: infydel
does exactly what I want* AND it works with the controller UI (thank you thank you thank you), but I get a stack trace error every time I switch or save builds: user:/AddOns/ArmoryStyleManager/ArmoryStyleManager.lua:316: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/ArmoryStyleManager/ArmoryStyleManager.lua:316: in...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre01/18/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Manual update scripts
Posted By: infydel
That seems to work and overwrite correctly, thanks! You might wish to include a README or other documentation reminding people to unzip the files into the Addons\TamrielTradeCentre folder itself, not into Client or another folder. I much prefer this method to having one more resident daemon, personally. Cheers, good idea - I w...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre01/17/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Manual update scripts
Posted By: infydel
That seems to work and overwrite correctly, thanks! You might wish to include a README or other documentation reminding people to unzip the files into the Addons\TamrielTradeCentre folder itself, not into Client or another folder. I much prefer this method to having one more resident daemon, personally. Cheers, good idea - I w...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre01/16/23
Re: Re: Re: Manual update scripts
Posted By: infydel
I wrote some quick and dirty PowerShell scripts to download the price table updates via the web interface: (for those that don't want to - or can't - install the .exe updater) This just replicates the manual process for updating them (downloads the .zip,...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre01/16/23
Re: Re: Manual update scripts
Posted By: infydel
I wrote some quick and dirty PowerShell scripts to download the price table updates via the web interface: (for those that don't want to - or can't - install the .exe updater) This just replicates the manual process for updating them (downloads the .zip,...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre01/15/23
Manual update scripts
Posted By: infydel
I wrote some quick and dirty PowerShell scripts to download the price table updates via the web interface: (for those that don't want to - or can't - install the .exe updater) This just replicates the manual process for updating them (downloads the .zip,...