Results: 13Comments by: Erorah
File: Essential Housing Tools10/01/24
Housing Editor closes after actions...
Posted By: Erorah
So as I had written before, the EHT / Housing Editor keep closing after using some of the actions / furniture modifications and positioning. If opening the Position window (Shift+E for me), the Housing Editor closes... Also when using a selection from the 'Modify this build...' After clicking the selection, the Housing Editor is c...
File: Essential Housing Tools09/18/24
Re: EHT Not Working on PTS
Posted By: Erorah
Hello! I'm sure it's because of the new big PTS patch that happened recently, but the current available version of EHT is not working on the PTS. It's actually game-breaking, and the error warning I received froze my game screen and I could not move. I was stuck in first-person view and could not look around or move. I had to complet...
File: Essential Housing Tools05/26/24
Re: Re: Housing Mode closes when opening EDIT ITEM DETAILS window
Posted By: Erorah
I have realized more keybinds / actions of this that are not working or are closing the Housing Editor.. When I have something selected in the F1 Window, and I use Orient with item.. or Center on Item... these both close the Editing. I have to reinitiate the Housing Editor (F5) to start editing / decorating again. Is there somet...
File: Essential Housing Tools05/04/24
Housing Mode closes when opening EDIT ITEM DETAILS window
Posted By: Erorah
Hello, I have noticed for a while now that every time I open the Edit Details window that the housing editing mode closes. This means I have to hit F5 to reopen housing move every time I open the little details window. (This also happens when I do other things in the house, but this is the first one that is consistently happen...
File: AutoInvite - Updated09/28/22
Error - couldn't invite on channel:2
Posted By: Erorah
If someone tries to whisper me to use my invite string, I get the message "Error - couldn't invite on channel:2" in chat and they don't receive an invite. Is this something that could be fixed? Or is this some kind of limitation? This issue still exists. It doesn't always happen, but it does occur. Any idea what is causing it?...
File: Essential Housing Tools09/16/22
Message upon arriving..
Posted By: Erorah
Hello, The message upon arriving in my home states: A guest has departed from your Mathiisen Manor (1 of 12 max). I am pretty sure this should say that a guest has arrived. And I am not sure that it should say anything when I arrive since it is my own home. :o Thank you, E
File: Essential Housing Tools08/16/22
Found a new issue, though someone w...
Posted By: Erorah
Found a new issue, though someone was asking me two days ago whether this was happening before. It has only started with me today. Using FX is blocking out character and items ENTIRELY. Just moments before I reset 'Graphics Settings' to higher quality, it was normal. The culprit was the FSR Mode . This seems to be a new setting t...
File: Essential Housing Tools08/13/22
Posted By: Erorah
Hello, And first, thank you for this addon. It is literally my housing life!! Are there any future plans for more / new FX? I was hoping that the Patrons for ToT as they are seen on the Patron side of the ToT Table might interest people. I have placed 'runes' on my decks in my deck display and that seems to work well. And it *...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated06/11/22
Here is the current bug I found in...
Posted By: Erorah
Here is the current bug I found in BugCatcher: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table/struct expected, got nil) stack traceback: : in function 'ipairs' user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/AdvancedFilters.lua:2174: in function 'disableVanillaUISearchBarsInLayouts' user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/AdvancedFilters.lua:2295: in function 'Advance...
File: Bandits Gear Manager06/11/22
Thank you @Hoft for making this. s...
Posted By: Erorah
Thank you @Hoft for making this. still use this and Interface exclusively. Looking forward to the fix. :) E.
File: Essential Housing Tools05/26/21
Having an issue with others not bei...
Posted By: Erorah
Having an issue with others not being able to see FX after sharing. So, with two other separate people, in each of our houses with FX. We shared the FX using the Hub Icon at the bottom right of the screen, through chat while together in the house. Then we shared using the Share button within the Housing Hub Tab. We reloade...
File: Essential Housing Tools05/22/21
user: Erorah user:/AddOns/Essent...
Posted By: Erorah
user: Erorah user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/HousingHub/ui.lua:7090: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/EssentialHousingTools/HousingHub/ui.lua:7090: in function 'EHH:UpdateHubEntry' self = {AddOnEnabled = T, Author = "@Architectura", HubListMaxControlIndex = 0, LastMouseClick = 10993039, Bas...
File: Shissu Guild Tools Lite03/12/21
Greetings ... Wondering if ther...
Posted By: Erorah
Greetings ... Wondering if there is an update in the works for this latest 'Flames of Ambition' I am noticing roster issues, the log in times, dates, locations, etc. of members are missing, or incorrect. I would not know how to go about looking for incorrect strings or anything, and I am not necessarily getting an error per...