Results: 11Comments by: davriel
File: HarvestMap05/20/19
The problem I mentioned before has...
Posted By: davriel
The problem I mentioned before has reoccured, with no pins appearing, but I believe I've solved it by deleting both ...\AddOns\HarvestMap\Libs\LibMapPins-1.0 and ...\AddOns\LibMapPins-1.0. Unfortunately I don't know enough about LUA and addons to say what the problem was but hopefully this will help someone
File: HarvestMap05/09/19
Re: Pins disappeared
Posted By: davriel
No pins appear anywhere for me. Not the 3D pins, map/minimap pins, or compass pins, in any zone. When I open the map, the options to enable/disable HarvestMap pins don't appear (all other pins and checkboxes do). The addon is loaded, and shows up in the Addon Settings menu but otherwise there's no hint the addon is loaded. I've tried...
File: HarvestMap05/09/19
Pins disappeared
Posted By: davriel
No pins appear anywhere for me. Not the 3D pins, map/minimap pins, or compass pins, in any zone. When I open the map, the options to enable/disable HarvestMap pins don't appear (all other pins and checkboxes do). The addon is loaded, and shows up in the Addon Settings menu but otherwise there's no hint the addon is loaded. I've tried...
File: Bandits User Interface02/18/19
Love the addon, quick question tho:...
Posted By: davriel
Love the addon, quick question tho: Is there a way to make the minimap move continuosly so that the player icon is always in the center?
File: CraftStore Gold Road01/31/19
Every time I exit the game the 'Sho...
Posted By: davriel
Every time I exit the game the 'Show intricate/ornate icon' option gets reset and I have to manually uncheck it every time-any advice? That sounds like something is interfering with your saved vars because it works just fine for me. Try it with only CS on and see if it still happens. Starting with Wrathstone, off is going to be th...
File: CraftStore Gold Road01/30/19
Every time I exit the game the 'Sho...
Posted By: davriel
Every time I exit the game the 'Show intricate/ornate icon' option gets reset and I have to manually uncheck it every time-any advice?
File: FCO ItemSaver09/04/18
Just commenting to say thank you fo...
Posted By: davriel
Just commenting to say thank you for this amazing addon!
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter07/26/18
Sorry in advance if this is a rude...
Posted By: davriel
Sorry in advance if this is a rude thing to ask, but is there a possibility of adding a feature so you can save a set of gear after crafting it, and only having to change the level?
File: Lui Extended07/26/18
Is there a way to display the flags...
Posted By: davriel
Is there a way to display the flags/squares/whatever they're called around the health bar of difficult mobs or bosses?
File: Wykkyd Toolbar06/16/18
Apologies to the add-on author if I...
Posted By: davriel
Apologies to the add-on author if I'm overstepping. I know they were having problems with their computer. I have edited the .lua files to add the jewel crafting timer. This is not a simple thing .... there are 4 files that need to be edited. If this is something you haven't done before, or aren't comfortable with, then I strong...
File: FCO ItemSaver06/15/18
Additional gear sets
Posted By: davriel
Is there a way to add additional gear sets past the 5 sets it shows?