Results: 9Comments by: Spage
File: Iakoni's Skill Changer06/07/22
Re: Issue with API 101034
Posted By: Spage
Hello, with the latest update (API 101034) the UI of the skill changer isn't working anymore. So, to fix this I have removed every mention of from SkillChangerByIakoni.xml (there are 72 of them so I recommend you use Ctrl+H in your notepad to replace all of them at once ;) ). And now it works again :) THANK YOU!! This worked pe...
File: HarvestPins02/03/22
Absolutely Gorgeous
Posted By: Spage
I love this addon; simple, does exactly what it says, and it's beautiful! The icons, and the glowy pointer, are so lovely, I've been screenshotting them to a friend, who now has the addon too. Thank you for making this!
File: Inventory Insight03/12/21
This was the perfect, instant fix, thank you! <3
Posted By: Spage
For people who have configured the tooltip information to show in the tooltip and not in a separate frame, you can fix the issue introduced in Update 29 this way: Open IIfATooltip.lua Go to line 297 Change TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_MAX_VALUE to TOOLTIP_GAME_DATA_STOLEN What changed in Update 29 is that they introduced a new enumera...
File: WritWorthy02/25/20
Seducer > Armor of the Seducer
Posted By: Spage
I like to arrange my crafting stations in the exact order Master Writs appear in WritWorthy. Now that the set station names for Seducer tables have been changed, do you know if you plan on changing the name in WritWorthy as well? I have no preference to suggest, just moving stations around :D Thank you!
File: Tamriel Trade Centre06/14/19
Opt out?
Posted By: Spage
Gah, never mind, realised this is impossible and probably weird. Apologies.
File: Daily Provisioning03/11/19
Love your addon Marify
Posted By: Spage
I think the change is probably not temporary and would be grateful if you're able to amend the code to make it functional again. Contrary to what other commentary might suggest, I don't believe you "need" to do anything. I appreciate all the time you've taken to work on what you have, and do not expect you to continue if you do n...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/11/19
Re: Very Crude Fix
Posted By: Spage
Thank you, Rokton!!! Kudos to the Medic person too, but I really very much preferred just doing this. If reloading ui after making this change doesn't work for you, log or restart game - that did it for me :) USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! I made a very crude fix to make the addon work. I changed so that the doesCharHaveS...
File: CraftStore Gold Road03/11/19
Delete Saved Variables but also...
Posted By: Spage
...try closing the game out and restarting. I did delete the Saved Variables upon update, did a reloadui, but was getting errors thrown. Logged out and back in...errors. Close game, restart? NO ERRORS! Just a suggestion to others since it worked for me :)
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Guild Blacklist03/20/18
Is it possible to block invites to blacklisted people?
Posted By: Spage
This add on is great for finding the ones that got through. I'm wondering, as a non-coder who who has no idea what the limitations are, is it possible to stop invites going out to people that I've placed on the list? Thanks for making this! :D