Results: 4Comments by: Olympias
File: TraitBuddy07/14/24
Anyone know the the code to add the...
Posted By: Olympias
Anyone know the the code to add the Shardbone motif? = M:New("Shardborn", 147, 3923, 12074, 203360), Explanations: 126, "Shardborn", 147: I ran the text command /script for i = 1, GetNumValidItemStyles() do local id = GetValidItemStyleId(i) d(i .. " (itemStyleId = " .. id .. "). " .. GetItemStyleName(id)) end in the in-game...
File: AdBlock07/08/24
Gold selling ads
Posted By: Olympias
In case someone else in EU server is bothered by the constant spam of ads for certain gold-selling site - modifying this helped me: if AB.settings.web then local strings1 = {"www.", "https://", "http://", "g o l d", "cheap <> fast", "s w a t", "<<<", "crown for sale", ">>>"} I chose the WEB part to put this in, since it checks for...
File: Item Cooldown Tracker08/29/23
Re: Re: Public Dungeon fragments?
Posted By: Olympias
Hello! Your Addon is very useful for me, but lately I wished there was also another thing tracked. Now, theres a much higher chance of getting a public dungeon fragment, if it's the first one of the day. I think it's daily reset based, rather than a set cooldown, maybe? But I have issues keeping track of which fragment I got when dur...
File: Item Cooldown Tracker08/18/23
Public Dungeon fragments?
Posted By: Olympias
Hello! Your Addon is very useful for me, but lately I wished there was also another thing tracked. Now, theres a much higher chance of getting a public dungeon fragment, if it's the first one of the day. I think it's daily reset based, rather than a set cooldown, maybe? But I have issues keeping track of which fragment I got when dur...