Results: 11Comments by: silentseashore
File: Slasher07/03/24
New decon assistant and banker
Posted By: silentseashore
Can we please have an update for the new decon assistant and banker? 11877. Tzozabrar, Dwarven Deconstructor 12413. Eri, Barking Banker
File: Perfect Weave06/03/24
U42 broke this addon
Posted By: silentseashore
I've been using this addon for the past several patches and it looks like this is the one patch which has completely broken it. I've been getting the following error constantly while using Incapacitating Strike. bad argument #2 to 'math.max' (number expected, got nil) stack traceback: : in function 'math.max' user:/AddOns/P...
File: LibLazyCrafting11/04/23
Re: Error after todays update
Posted By: silentseashore
I'm getting the following error after the 3.0862 update: user:/AddOns/LibLazyCrafting/Smithing.lua:1463: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/LibLazyCrafting/Smithing.lua:1463: in function 'compileRequirements' request = {smithingQuantity = 1, autocraft = T, reference = 31, useUniversalStyleItem...
File: SuperStar - Gold Road Update06/07/23
Re: Re: Re: Getting error (LibSkillFactory newer version required)
Posted By: silentseashore Initially I didn't have the library LibSkillFactory and it threw the dependency error. When I installed the only version available in ESOUI, I get the error above. Please do not install LibSkillsFactory through Minion, because it hasn't been...
File: SuperStar - Gold Road Update06/07/23
Re: Re: Getting error (LibSkillFactory newer version required)
Posted By: silentseashore Initially I didn't have the library LibSkillFactory and it threw the dependency error. When I installed the only version available in ESOUI, I get the error above. Please do not install LibSkillsFactory through Minion, because it hasn't been...
File: SuperStar - Gold Road Update06/07/23
Getting error (LibSkillFactory newer version required)
Posted By: silentseashore Initially I didn't have the library LibSkillFactory and it threw the dependency error. When I installed the only version available in ESOUI, I get the error above.
File: LibSkillBlocker04/14/23
So I did a bit more testing with 1....
Posted By: silentseashore
So I did a bit more testing with 1.0.7. The stuttering on 1.0.7 seems very periodic but very very noticeable. I remember hurry143 saying that the interval he experienced was 1.5 seconds. Though I couldn't time it that exactly, it seems to be the same for me as well. With 1.0.7 - it was like this: fine..fine...STUTTER..fine...f...
File: LibSkillBlocker04/14/23
Thanks! Updated links worked just f...
Posted By: silentseashore
Thanks! Updated links worked just fine :) First of all, let me preface by saying that I confirmed and my SkillBlocker 'Toggle Block Recast' setting (found at the top of the addon menu) was always set to 'on' and I never changed it before. Here's a result of my testing: 1.0.6 (same as 1.0.4) ===================== Toggle...
File: LibSkillBlocker04/14/23
I tried to download the test versio...
Posted By: silentseashore
I tried to download the test version but the dropbox URL gave me an Error 400. I'll try disabling the block-recast feature with 1.0.5 and test that out in the meantime. Yep, thanks guys. I've checked the code of Skill Blocker and pin pointed this to the "blockRecast" feature. Do you have that one enabled too silentseashore, h...
File: LibSkillBlocker04/14/23
Re: Re: FPS drop
Posted By: silentseashore
My apologies, I wasn't able to reply to this yesterday, and wanted to get as many details as possible to you today, but looks like hurry143 beat me to it :) Getting dragged into early work calls isn't fun :\ The reason why the 'while' was so short is that, since I play with high latency and that too from a gaming laptop, I keep a...
File: LibSkillBlocker04/13/23
FPS drop
Posted By: silentseashore
Hello, I've been noticing severe performance drops mainly in the form of FPS loss ever since the latest update. It took me a while to pinpoint which update was causing the issue but I managed to pinpoint it to this one. 1.0.5 -Updated API and version -Added support for Gamepad mode -Added assert error messages if para...