Results: 2Comments by: TerraPython
File: CraftStore06/01/16
Re: Re: FIX ENCHANTING! Pleaaaassseee!
Posted By: TerraPython
It turns out, that if you retrieve the necessary runes from your crafting bag to your inventory, the addon sees them, but when you craft the glyph, the enchanting station does grab the runes from your crafting bag, and you will still have the runes + glyph in your inventory (if that makes sense). Yeah, but that kinda defeats the p...
File: CraftStore06/01/16
FIX ENCHANTING! Pleaaaassseee!
Posted By: TerraPython
Hi there, Since the new DB patch, the enchanting interface has not been working. Craftstore apparently cannot see any runes that are in the crafting bag. Please please please fix this as I dont think I can craft without it! Such a good addon, love it to bits, and love you to bits for creating and maintaining it! But please ju...