Results: 164Comments by: Enodoc
File: Journal Quest Log07/04/24
Re: Re: Re: one time holiday quests
Posted By: Enodoc
Theoretically it should be doable, but this would require storing the data locally, which I'm trying to avoid as much as possible. May I ask you why you avoid storing data locally as much as possible? Would be quite helpful for me too :) Thanks for your work nevertheless! :D Anything stored locally increases load time and...
File: Journal Quest Log06/28/24
There is a quest in Skingrad that i...
Posted By: Enodoc
There is a quest in Skingrad that is not listed. It is called Faded Scarlets and the quest giver named Hooke is behind the furnishing store. Thank you. Looks like it didn't get logged properly for some reason - the database only has the quest reward, not the quest itself. I'll keep checking for someone to log it and update the...
File: Cyrodiil Alert 2 - Keep Status and Campaign Queue05/27/24
Hey, I was curious if you're still...
Posted By: Enodoc
Hey, I was curious if you're still maintaining this addon. There was a new(ish) API function added in Patch 38 that provides a notification when a keep your guild has claimed has guards killed at it. I think it could be useful to add as an option here since currently to prevent Cyrodiil Alert from duplicating basegame on-scree...
File: World Event Alert (aka Dragon Alert)05/19/24
Re: suggest
Posted By: Enodoc
Maintaining the location name is clearly not a good choice. The following code can be used to obtain the event location name. local locationName = GetPOIInfo(GetWorldEventPOIInfo(worldEventInstanceId)) Oh nice, is that new?
File: Cyrodiil Alert 2 - Keep Status and Campaign Queue04/09/24
Hey, I was curious if you're still...
Posted By: Enodoc
Hey, I was curious if you're still maintaining this addon. There was a new(ish) API function added in Patch 38 that provides a notification when a keep your guild has claimed has guards killed at it. I think it could be useful to add as an option here since currently to prevent Cyrodiil Alert from duplicating basegame on-scree...
File: Journal Quest Log11/20/23
Re: Chronology
Posted By: Enodoc
Cannot really understand why the list is available only in alphabetical order. Not much of the understanding where I should start or continue my progress... It could really help if you could switch this with a click of the button of through the settings. And it's not really graphic to follow which quest belongs to which guild and c...
File: Journal Quest Log11/19/23
Re: one time holiday quests
Posted By: Enodoc
Been wondering if you could make the holiday quests that never returned get marked as missed, thus allowing for getting the "completed" tick on the category? I have two hanging on my main, and I find it painful :) The ones bothering me: - Bounties of Blackwood (since we're now having Blackwood event and the quest didn't return, I...
File: Journal Quest Log11/01/23
When the AddOn shows Missing quests...
Posted By: Enodoc
When the AddOn shows Missing quests, is that a quest I missed because of choices I made prior to it? Or I was suppose to do some quests in a sequence and I skipped over that one? And for the quests labeled incomplete, and started, what is the difference between the 2? Could be either - some quests are missed because of jumping...
File: Journal Quest Log08/06/23
Re: Re: Re: Problem in Grahtwood
Posted By: Enodoc
I found another one. In Grahtwood. The quest "The Azure Blight" is for group dungeon Lair of Maarselok. It's not a regular zone quest. The categories are defined in-game rather than by me - I think there is inconsistency between where ZOS put some of the Group Dungeon quests. Ideally "Group Dungeons" would be its own separate c...
File: Journal Quest Log08/02/23
Re: Problem in Grahtwood
Posted By: Enodoc
I found another one. In Grahtwood. The quest "The Azure Blight" is for group dungeon Lair of Maarselok. It's not a regular zone quest. The categories are defined in-game rather than by me - I think there is inconsistency between where ZOS put some of the Group Dungeon quests. Ideally "Group Dungeons" would be its own separate c...
File: Journal Quest Log07/26/23
Re: Invitations to the Mage Guild
Posted By: Enodoc
Hello, I created a new character and I made a small mistake regarding the different invitations to the Mages Guild (Nemarc/Rudrasa/Curinure). In fact, instead of talking to them and doing the mini quest to acquire the guild skill line, I acquire it by talking to Tarrami, a mage npc from Ebonheart (Interraction here). As a result,...
File: Journal Quest Log07/26/23
Re: Problem in Bangkorai
Posted By: Enodoc
A quest called "Casting The Bones" is listed as a regular quest to finish Bangkorai. That quest is for Fang Lair and isn't a regular quest. Bangkorai is unfinishable with that listed as a regular quest. Please fix and thanks for a great job! Do you own the Dragon Bones DLC? I might need to add in another condition to check for...
File: Journal Quest Log07/25/23
Posted By: Enodoc I only noticed this today (after installing patch 9.0.8), by accident, since I haven't done any quests for a long time. Same problem as Shyonn22. This character has completed all quests in Cyrodiil, including "20 arcanists". Aye. Waiting for ZOS to fix their problem first,...
File: Journal Quest Log07/20/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unknown Quests
Posted By: Enodoc
I just wanted to mention that I was tempted by the "Necrom" update. I was talking about the new Alliance War Board quest "Kill 20 Arcanists" and not as in the text below "...Necromancers" ;) ...and of course the Quest "Arcanist" it's not in the JQLCyrodiil.lua - sorry According to the main en.lang text file, those quests don'...
File: Cyrodiil Alert 2 - Keep Status and Campaign Queue07/17/23
Re: French localization finish
Posted By: Enodoc
Hi Enodoc ! Thank you for your addon, i use it since fews weeks and it's essestial for me and many friends now. I have make a french traduction of your addon, i can send you the lua file if you wanna introduce it in a futur update for French speaking community. I tested all alerts it's consistent with constraints of french lan...
File: Journal Quest Log07/04/23
Re: Re: Re: Unknown Quests
Posted By: Enodoc
According to the main en.lang text file, those quests don't exist. Not sure how it's registering that they're completed. Potentially could be related to the API bug remosito mentioned further down. Hmmmm ok - I have never received this error message as below. The JQLCyrodiil.lua already says "6392, --Kill Enemy Necromancers" - as...
File: Journal Quest Log07/03/23
Re: Unknown Quests
Posted By: Enodoc
Hello, attached is a picture of how it currently looks to me. There are a number of quests that were completed - slipped into miscellaneous. I also have a suspicion what could be the trigger - there is a new quest "Kill 20 Necromancer" in Cyrodiil - at least I didn't "complete" another quest the day before. For other characters...
File: Journal Quest Log06/08/23
Re: Necrom quests
Posted By: Enodoc
Is there going to be a section for the Telvanni Peninsula soon? I see the one for Apocrypha already. From what I remember from PTS, the game doesn't distinguish between them in the Journal, so all Telvanni Peninsula quests come under Apocrypha.
File: Journal Quest Log05/14/23
Re: LUA Error
Posted By: Enodoc i keep getting this error. Any clues to what the issue might be? thanks Might be related to remosito's comment below - apparently something is broken in the GetNextCompletedQuestId API function, and it looks like that aligns with where the error has been detected in the code.
File: Journal Quest Log04/27/23
Would it be possible to make it so...
Posted By: Enodoc
Would it be possible to make it so that the quest log automatically opens to whatever zone you're currently in? It gets tedious scrolling to the right zone every time I want to check the quests. If someone can work out how to do that, I'd happily make it so. I tried when I first made the add-on but couldn't work it out myself.
File: LibUespQuestData04/08/23
Re: Re: Re: new dungeon quests
Posted By: Enodoc
Yeah this one just needs an update. If I don't get around to it before, it will definitely be done for Necrom. sweet. about necrom. should hit pts soonish. should I install addon for pts. and point the upload monitor client exe to the pts savedvars directory? or do you prefer to only collect from live? I think the databas...
File: LibUespQuestData03/29/23
Re: new dungeon quests
Posted By: Enodoc
hi there, seemed the latest dungeon quests are not part of the libuespquest data yet. so I got myself eso+ for a month and did both quests real quick. I had installed uesplog addon beforehand and the log monitor client program is running. Is that enough so you get the new data. Or are there special things to be done? (i ch...
File: Cyrodiil Alert 2 - Keep Status and Campaign Queue03/25/23
Re: request feature
Posted By: Enodoc
hey is there any chance to add feature to queue for specific campaign or specific imperial city without opening Alliance War UI? by chat command or keybind may be... I'll see what I can do!
File: Journal Quest Log03/22/23
Re: account wide
Posted By: Enodoc
Hi there, such a wonderful addon. With upcoming new class and new character. I was thinking, I could use all that running all over the place again to make sure I have done every quest at least once. And do those I have missed. For that I needed account wide quest completion. So I kinda misapropriated your addon. Havent che...
File: Journal Quest Log03/05/23
Re: This is the best
Posted By: Enodoc
Yet another indispensable mod! Using it to clear out quests in areas, as I'm sure most are. In that vein.. would it be possible to add an option to default to displaying the current zone? Also a keybind to jump directly to this would be pretty handy too. Great work! I think I tried that a while back but couldn't get it to...