Results: 2Comments by: verunOS
File: Auto Category - Revised06/28/24
First off, I love the addon. It is...
Posted By: verunOS
First off, I love the addon. It is a must have. I have run into an issue where one of my player made categories doesnt seem to be working any more since the most recent updates. I had made a category for companion gear with the string iscompaniononly() and this no longer seems to be pulling my companion items out. they are now defaul...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)12/06/22
I really love WPamA! Before, I had...
Posted By: verunOS
I really love WPamA! Before, I had all of this in a lot of self-written Excel sheets. ;-) There is only a minor issue since the High Isle DLC: The option "Automatically take up the Pledges" works fine for me, when I only have your addon active. But in combination with the addon PerfectPixel I have trouble to get any pledge quest...