Results: 4Comments by: lukpios
File: Combat Metronome (GCD Tracker)09/24/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: possible bug
Posted By: lukpios
I didn't mean the game not triggering your spells, but the addon triggering you spell. The addon doesn't know an ability was fired ingame, it just knows some button was pressed and some ingame events occur. From those events the code tells the addon that an ability was fired. This trigger has to occur within a certain amount of time...
File: Combat Metronome (GCD Tracker)09/22/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: possible bug
Posted By: lukpios
Combat metronome bar is disappearing randomly in v1.6.7. It's particularly noticeable during parsing. Not sure what is the cause. Problem is not present in v1.6.6. which I installed instead. Any specific spells, classes, etc.? I'm running dotcro. It seems to be affected by many different skills in both range and melee setups, e.g...
File: Combat Metronome (GCD Tracker)09/14/24
Re: Re: possible bug
Posted By: lukpios
Combat metronome bar is disappearing randomly in v1.6.7. It's particularly noticeable during parsing. Not sure what is the cause. Problem is not present in v1.6.6. which I installed instead. Any specific spells, classes, etc.? I'm running dotcro. It seems to be affected by many different skills in both range and melee setups, e.g...
File: Combat Metronome (GCD Tracker)09/13/24
possible bug
Posted By: lukpios
Combat metronome bar is disappearing randomly in v1.6.7. It's particularly noticeable during parsing. Not sure what is the cause. Problem is not present in v1.6.6. which I installed instead. There is also error poping up when trying to HA: user:/AddOns/CombatMetronome/CMFunctions.lua:249: attempt to index a nil value stack tra...