Results: 3Comments by: RenKaos
File: Dustman06/26/17
Treasure Maps
Posted By: RenKaos
So I've manually marked a lot of treasure maps as junk, Dustman is set to destroy any 0 cost items at epic or lower but it isn't destroying the maps. Even if I rescan in the addon settings. Interestingly when I unmark the maps they are then deleted. I have not tried picking up a map that I've previously marked as junk however so it c...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin05/29/15
I was wondering if making map rotat...
Posted By: RenKaos
I was wondering if making map rotation based on camera was possible and could be implemented? Otherwise love the addon, very awesome and thanks so much! Originally it was made like this, but map rotation takes alot of cpu and for just look around its too much in my opinion so it was changed. Actually I just found the option tha...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin05/29/15
I was wondering if making map rotat...
Posted By: RenKaos
I was wondering if making map rotation based on camera was possible and could be implemented? Otherwise love the addon, very awesome and thanks so much!