Results: 2Comments by: Elhazad
File: Combat Cloud (Discontinued)04/27/14
Nice update!
Posted By: Elhazad
I officially switched from using the combat text of ftc to this. I love all the customization keep doing more! :D I'm with SilverWF however as a bit customization on animation type could be nice, my current problem pretty much is that with my build (nightblade using DW) i attack very fast on top of using aoe and since i'm doing th...
File: Combat Cloud (Discontinued)04/21/14
hots not showing up as green, but o...
Posted By: Elhazad
hots not showing up as green, but other heals showing up as green just me? Ah, indeed, a little bug to be fixed Cool, i was about to say the same, al tho i fixed it my self in the mean time. I hope you keep working on this addon, of the combat text ones so far i like yours a ton since i like the crit animations and color. Th...