Results: 2Comments by: Cancerman
File: Master Merchant01/24/18
Re: Re: Costum Deal Range
Posted By: Cancerman
@Cancerman You can find the deal calculations in MasterMerchant_DealCalc.lua. deal = 5 is gold, 4 purple, 3 blue, 2 green, 1 white and 0 red. It is more complex than just 1-20%, though. Thank you very much. I just changed the "no sales seen" line to 1: -- No sales seen deal = 1 Now I dont have the 0% deals (no sales)...
File: Master Merchant01/21/18
Costum Deal Range
Posted By: Cancerman
Where in the lua can I change the deal range for the different deal ranges in the game (white,grean,blue and so on)? e.g. green deal range from 1%-20% Thanks