Results: 5Comments by: deonlr
File: HarvestMap06/22/21
Re: Re: Import Old Data Backup
Posted By: deonlr
I would love to be able to restore an old backup from 2020 before 1.2 messed up all my data. I have been trying to find a solution in the comments. I tried the file edit with the account name change, but I can't get it to work. I know I can download a full version form the server, but my map pins servers a great history of where I...
File: HarvestMap06/21/21
Import Old Data Backup
Posted By: deonlr
I would love to be able to restore an old backup from 2020 before 1.2 messed up all my data. I have been trying to find a solution in the comments. I tried the file edit with the account name change, but I can't get it to work. I know I can download a full version form the server, but my map pins servers a great history of where I...
File: AUI - Advanced UI12/08/20
Group frames won't move
Posted By: deonlr
Hi, Great addon, thx a lot for keeping it running. I have a issue with my Group Frames. They do no move from top left, I did move the box in Frame Mover, but they just stay there. No box show up in Frame Mover at their current position. Any advice?
File: AwesomeGuildStore04/07/19
Furniture Preview issues *solved*
Posted By: deonlr
I am having strange behaviour with Furniture 'recipes' preview. It only works intermittently or show nothing at all. I have now disabled all other addons and cleared my Savedvariables, still not working. If I disable AGS it works perfectly. Any one else having issues, any advice? Why known bugs would be hidden under a *spoiler...
File: CraftStore Gold Road06/14/18
Dark text
Posted By: deonlr
Thanks for a gerat addon, use it every day :) I have a slight issue with the Furniture section on all the craft menus, the text is too dark to read. The amount of the item I can craft is still in white, but the name is in black against the dark background. Any advice to fix this would be appreciated.