Results: 8Comments by: CaffeinatedMayhem
File: ITTs Roster Bot ( ITT RB )06/08/24
Weird behavior after U42
Since U42 launched, the sales data seems to be off by days? Not sure if an MM3 problem or ITT. If I use "Two Days ago" the proper sales for the guild shows in ITT's added data. If I use "this week" It shows the previous weeks sales data, and it's partial data too.
File: ITTs Donation Bot ( ITTDB )06/08/24
Weird beavior after U42
Since U42 launched, the sales data seems to be off by days? Not sure if an MM3 problem or ITT. If I use "Two Days ago" the proper sales for the guild shows in ITT's added data. If I use "this week" It shows the previous weeks sales data, and it's partial data too.
File: Loot Log06/06/24
Ink loot message in farming?
Would it be possible to display Lumious Ink drops from farming? Since it's worth as much as nirncrux atm
File: Global Cooldown Monitor06/06/24
If anyone sees this, new error in U42
bad argument #2 to 'math.max' (number expected, got nil) stack traceback: : in function 'math.max' user:/AddOns/GCDMonitor/GCDMonitor.lua:104: in function 'OnAbilityUsed' user:/AddOns/GCDMonitor/GCDMonitor.lua:148: in function '(anonymous)'
File: Bandits User Interface06/06/24
Turn off gamepad warning?
Hi - I understand why the Gamepad UI warning was put in, I know Bandit's hasn't fully supported gamepad UI in a long time. Can I please TURN OFF that message? Bandit's is the only addon that allows me to reskin the gamepad action bar to look like keyboard. Thank you
File: Postmaster Mail06/03/24
Postmaster not working with Gamepad UI, U42
Love the addon! Thank you for keeping it running, <3 Postmaster has stopped working with gamepad UI as of U42. I can still use it in keyboard mode. There are weird UI overlays that prevent me from accessing mail at all in gamepad UI.
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]04/28/24
Re: Re: Thank you! and request
HI there! I'm trying to figure out how to use the Controls settings. I currently use Votan's Keybinder, but when I set "Sync controls" (then save etc) and turn Votan's off... the controls are default, not my cutsom ones. Is there something else I should be doing? Maybe start by posting in the right addon comment section :rolleyes:...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]04/28/24
Thank you! and request
HI there! I'm trying to figure out how to use the Controls settings. I currently use Votan's Keybinder, but when I set "Sync controls" (then save etc) and turn Votan's off... the controls are default, not my cutsom ones. Is there something else I should be doing?