Results: 83Comments by: ScottW
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar09/03/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: Small Request
Posted By: ScottW
Not sure what is intended, but here's what I get for a mouse-over popup on the Pledges widget. OK - that's clearly gone pear-shaped! The idea was for it to only hold on to Pledges from the previous day if they are still in your quest journal. The tooltip has gone a bit doolally there - I'll look into it. Looks much better in tod...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar09/02/24
Re: Re: Small Request
Posted By: ScottW
Pledges widget I added in v.3.1.2 - let me know if it behaves please. Not sure what is intended, but here's what I get for a mouse-over popup on the Pledges widget. Seems like a bunch of "yesterday" data, mixed with some "today" data? I'd really just like to see today's status, i.e., what are the pledges, which toons have pick...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar07/30/24
Re: Re: Feature Request - Hide when dead
Posted By: ScottW
I'll look at that for the next release. "Hide when dead" works perfectly, THANK YOU AGAIN!
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar07/30/24
Re: Re: Feature Request - Hide when dead
Posted By: ScottW
Would a "Hide when dead" option be possible? My preferred bar placement partially obscures the "Death Recap" display. "Hide in Combat" helps, but the bars come back shortly after death (end of combat), and I also use the "Change Color During Combat" feature so don't really want to hide the bars during combat. If "Hide when...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar07/28/24
Feature Request - Hide when dead
Posted By: ScottW
Would a "Hide when dead" option be possible? My preferred bar placement partially obscures the "Death Recap" display. "Hide in Combat" helps, but the bars come back shortly after death (end of combat), and I also use the "Change Color During Combat" feature so don't really want to hide the bars during combat. If "Hide when...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar06/24/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank you for adding our role
Posted By: ScottW
The role name and icon change at the same time. So the information matches. How about a mechanism to re-acquire it every second? zocallLater( function() ... end, 1 )] Please, NO. The ZOS api is event driven, and events should be used to trigger changes like this. Imagine if every addon started polling/checking status ever...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar06/23/24
Re: Re: Re: Thank you for adding our role
Posted By: ScottW
Thank you check it. But my role havent change yet. Please check again. Thank you it, but it isnt change real time. I have changed my role DPS to HEAL on group menu, but this addon write DAMAGE(ダメージ(JP)). Change timing is big loading. I'd tried adding additional event detection in v3.0.1 to see if tha...
File: Character Knowledge (Scribing, Motif, Recipe, and Furnishing Plan Tracker)06/12/24
Posted By: ScottW
The addition of scribing is FANTASTIC! THANK YOU!!! (Donation incoming!)
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar06/08/24
Re: Re: Item Watcher - Luminous Ink?
Posted By: ScottW
***** UPDATE: Nevermind, it's working now. Not sure what I was doing wrong, the name would show up when I entered the itemID but the "ADD" button wasn't adding it to the list. A few more tries, adding/deleting some other items, and now it's working! ***** No worries, not sure why it was problematic, but you did just help me fin...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar06/07/24
Item Watcher - Luminous Ink?
Posted By: ScottW
***** UPDATE: Nevermind, it's working now. Not sure what I was doing wrong, the name would show up when I entered the itemID but the "ADD" button wasn't adding it to the list. A few more tries, adding/deleting some other items, and now it's working! ***** *** Solved, please disregard. *** I am having trouble getting "Lumi...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar04/21/24
Active Leads fixed
Posted By: ScottW
hi today after i upped my mount skill the timer was still at 0 and had to reloadui The "Active Leads" widget does not appear to update after scrying/excavating a lead I'm now suspecting both these issues are down to some code I added to try to resolve the timer based widget logout issue - I've now removed that code as it's redundan...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar04/20/24
Antiquity Widget not Updating?
Posted By: ScottW
The "Active Leads" widget does not appear to update after scrying/excavating a lead (i.e., it still shows leads that were completed until logoff/logon). Example: I had two leads both about 2d from expiration, shown correctly by the widget and the mouse-over popup. I then scryed and excavated those two leads. The widget and popu...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar04/20/24
Re: Re: Enhancement / New Widget Request
Posted By: ScottW
.. I would like an indication of my online/offline/away status on a Bar Steward bar. ... I'll add this as a separate widget in the next release. Works great, THANK YOU!
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar04/19/24
Enhancement / New Widget Request
Posted By: ScottW
Maybe there is already a way to do this... But I would like an indication of my online/offline/away status on a Bar Steward bar. Perhaps the existing "friends" widget could have an option to change the icon color to green/yellow/red/gray to depict online/away/do-not-disturb/Offline? Or perhaps a separate widget entirely? Thanks...
File: Combat Metronome (GCD Tracker) Update03/26/24
Ability Timer Adjusts
Posted By: ScottW
How do I use the "Ability Timer Adjusts" section of settings? I have tried with a skill name (i.e., "Cephaliarch's Flail") and with a skill number (i.e., 183006) in the "Add skill to adjust" field, but with either one I get an LUA error as soon as I hit enter or click on the next field. UI Error: 361DD8FA user:/AddOns/Comb...
File: Combat Metrics03/26/24
Light Attack - definition of Miss?
Posted By: ScottW
Hi, I am hoping to better understand what a Light Attack "miss", as reported on the CMX info page, means. I have always understood it to mean that a light attack did not immediately precede the skill. But I am seeing a large number in "miss" on a particular skill, where I think I *am* casting a preceding LA. In the exampl...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History03/18/24
Client only, no addons, cached history fails to load.
Posted By: ScottW
I don't think any of this is going to work until we see a patch from ZOS. I have occasionally gotten LibHistorie to work (all green bars) by manually requesting history one category at a time. It works for a while (never more than a day), and then hangs up somewhere again (shows some recent history, but not older data that had be...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar12/26/23
Error at logoff, 2.0.14
Posted By: ScottW
*** *** DISREGARD…. After reinstalling BS and updating the clock settings, this error is gone. *** —- original message follows —- Posting for a friend who doesn't have an account here... Says he is up-to-date (2.0.14), and is getting this at logoff: user:/AddOns/BarSteward/ui/bar.lua:529: attempt to index a nil value s...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar12/25/23
Re: Re: Error setting
Posted By: ScottW
Actually that's a different one that has been there since v2.0.0 - thanks for finding it and letting me know. Should be fixed in v2.0.14 Can't believe how fast you fix this stuff, and on Dec-25 too!! THANK YOU!
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar12/25/23
Error setting "Show whilst crafting" on new bar
Posted By: ScottW
Created a new bar, did /reloadui, moved widgets to the bar, set scale, aligned. All working fine at that point. Then I went to the bar's setting panel, and tried to set "Show whilst crafting" to ON. This threw the error shown below, and the settings panel still displayed OFF. Logged off and back on to another toon, and that r...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar12/25/23
Re: Re: Port to Friend's House?
Posted By: ScottW
Bar Steward relies on the Port to Friend's House addon for that functionality. If you use that addon, then add the houses as favourites, Bar Steward will pick them up and allow you to create a widget for them. Great, makes sense, I will install that and give it another try. Thanks!
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar12/24/23
Port to Friend's House?
Posted By: ScottW
Would it be possible to add arbitrary houses for specific @players to the "Port to House" widget? That would be great for porting to Guild Houses, owned by other players. Great addon, thank you again for all your work!
File: Daily Alchemy11/02/23
Error with "Damage Health Poision IX"
Posted By: ScottW
Did several writs successfully today, but kept getting stuck on this one: Damage Health Poison IX Ravage Health Increase Spell Power Detection Each time I interacted with table, there was an "Interrupted" error at top left of screen. No poison was crafted. Disabled the addon, did /reloadui, and manually crafted (wo...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar10/18/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Gear Durability
Posted By: ScottW
I've simplified it and it seems to behave now. v1.7.3 should do the trick. Working great now! Thank you very much!
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar10/15/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Gear Durability
Posted By: ScottW
Did more testing, and... the Durablility widget just isn't updating for me. It stays at 100%, no matter how much damage I have. It updates if I do a "repair" (whether via kit or merchant), but doesn't update during normal activities (combat, zone travel, etc). Maybe a conflict with another addon? But I don't think I had this i...