Results: 55Comments by: vgabor
File: LibHistoire - Guild History03/18/24
Hi, great work on making history li...
Posted By: vgabor
Hi, great work on making history library so addons can share and reuse the data, but would it be possible to make it more configurable? - there are guilds which do not want to sync history at all (an example my pvp guild), and it would be nice if a guild could be just turned off entirely - there are event types (like roster and su...
File: WishList (Set item search&tracker/wanted Gear list)11/03/23
Re: Re: error after update 40
Posted By: vgabor
Yeah I know, did not find any time to fix it... Just confirming, no error for me after todays addon update.
File: WishList (Set item search&tracker/wanted Gear list)10/30/23
error after update 40
Posted By: vgabor
Got these when logged in after update 40: On login to a character: 2023-10-30T20:57:31.738Z |cff0000Lua Error: /EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox.lua:24: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: /EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ComboBox/ZO_ComboBox.lua:24: in function 'ZO_ComboBox:Initialize' self = {m_spacing = 0, hori...
File: LibCombat01/01/23
2022-12-29T13:10:07.800+01:00 |cff0...
Posted By: vgabor
2022-12-29T13:10:07.800+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: user:/AddOns/LibCombat/LibCombat.lua:1939: operator / is not supported for nil / number stack traceback: user:/AddOns/LibCombat/LibCombat.lua:1939: in function 'SpecialBuffEventHandler' isdebuff = F, _ = 131108, result = 2240, _ = F, _ = "", _ = 0, _ = 0, _ = "", sourceType...
File: LibCombat12/29/22
2022-12-29T13:10:07.800+01:00 |cff0...
Posted By: vgabor
2022-12-29T13:10:07.800+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: user:/AddOns/LibCombat/LibCombat.lua:1939: operator / is not supported for nil / number stack traceback: user:/AddOns/LibCombat/LibCombat.lua:1939: in function 'SpecialBuffEventHandler' isdebuff = F, _ = 131108, result = 2240, _ = F, _ = "", _ = 0, _ = 0, _ = "", sourceType...
File: Battleground Coffers & Alliance Tier & Rewards of the Worthy06/08/22
cyro function inconsistent
Posted By: vgabor
Addon very inconsistent and many times not picking up the tier changes for Cyrodiil campaign. And yes I'm opening/closing the campaign screen, realoadui and then opening/closing the screen, still nothing many times.
File: Map Pins03/23/22
time rifts
Posted By: vgabor
The psijic time rifts does not seem to show up anymore, my guess because I have done them on another character and now after the update they are considered done? Edit: I found it, it's savedvars. I had a deleted character with the same name which finished the time rifts, and now a new character with the same name inherited the old...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)06/30/21
Re: Re: error 318
Posted By: vgabor
Hi, found that in special circumstances error 318 happening on login related to this addon. This behaviour seems consistent so far, but as I said only happening in very special circumstances: ... We are currently investigating this issue. To help us solve the problem, we need you to test the patch. Please replace file WPamA.lua...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)06/27/21
error 318
Posted By: vgabor
Hi, found that in special circumstances error 318 happening on login related to this addon. This behaviour seems consistent so far, but as I said only happening in very special circumstances: - You have this addon and miat pvp allerts installed. Only these two and their required libraries, I tested it with every other addon and...
File: Urich's/Vastaryous Skill Point Finder06/16/21
Hio, when I was looking for repl...
Posted By: vgabor
Hio, when I was looking for replacement to the long not updating Urich's skill point finder I found two continuation of the addon :) Just wondering, you guys might want to talk with each other and maybe work together? ;)
File: Urich's Skill Point Finder Updated - Discontinued06/16/21
Hio, when I was looking for repl...
Posted By: vgabor
Hio, when I was looking for replacement to the long not updating Urich's skill point finder I found two continuation of the addon :) Just wondering, you guys might want to talk with each other and maybe work together? ;)
File: Pithka's Achievement Tracker04/06/21
multiple servers mixed together
Posted By: vgabor
I'm playing on both PCEU and PCNA and I've noticed that for the achievements all character from both servers are mixed together and not separated into their own page by server. Is this intentional or just never came up before?
File: Map Pins04/01/21
Re: Re: Re: Time Rifts not rendering.
Posted By: vgabor
So my Psijic time rifts aren't showing up. I've toggled them off and on a few times, and uninstalled / reinstalled map pins and they still aren't showing up. Anything else I need to be doing? Just tested: works perfect. Try to delete \Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\MapPins.lua That fixed it. Thanks much. Apparen...
File: Undaunted Pledges Utilities03/31/21
helm info
Posted By: vgabor
First, thank you for adding helm info (LMH) to the pledges, it's really useful. Now... would it be possible to add the same (LMH) info on the dungeon finder veteran section for every dungeon (an example at the beginning of each line left from to the checkbox?), so you could see which ones you might want to queue?
File: Perfect Weave03/16/21
Re: Re: templar jabs?
Posted By: vgabor
Any way to make it work with templar jabs and puncturing sweeps? Last time I checked it worked. It means if you spam LA + jabs, then you should get good LA ratio. It isn't working for me for jabs, when I spam LA + jabs most of LA is lost.
File: Perfect Weave03/12/21
templar jabs?
Posted By: vgabor
Any way to make it work with templar jabs and puncturing sweeps?
File: WishList (Set item search&tracker/wanted Gear list)11/26/20
roaring opurtunist perfected x
Posted By: vgabor
wishlist does not alerting on drops for Roaring Oportunist Perfected items, I guess probably because the names in wishlist are in the wrong order. The perfected items called "Roaring Oportunist Perfected X" while whishlist entry reads " Perfected Roaring Oportunist X"
File: CraftStore Gold Road11/24/20
Your reading comprehension is lacki...
Posted By: vgabor
Your reading comprehension is lacking. Lazy Writ is doing a poor job of implementing it on its own. It's half assed and only works in some of the skills. Due to it not being worth my time to work around the clear Lazy Writ issues, I will fully drop support for it. Sorry, don't take it wrong what I wrote, Craftstore is an amazing a...
File: CraftStore Gold Road11/24/20
@Dark Wizard It's really a Lazy Wri...
Posted By: vgabor
@Dark Wizard It's really a Lazy Writ issue. It started showing the requirements for only some things, which causes the double, but look at how it is without CS on: I'll hold off on any fixes until he has made any changes he wants to do first. It's a craftstore issue, your code checks if lazy...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter11/04/20
This looks like a clash somehow bet...
Posted By: vgabor
This looks like a clash somehow between the positioning of the craftstore and lazycrafter display windows, see The first pic is only craftstore addon enabled, it displays the CraftStoreQuest window where I positioned just above the crafting window. The second pic both craftstore and lazycrafter addo...
File: Inventory Insight08/19/20
Mythic filter?
Posted By: vgabor
Would it be possible to add a mythic filter to the quality filter list to show only the mythic items? Thanks in advance :)
File: Miat's PVP Alerts06/21/20
Re: workaround
Posted By: vgabor
can you please explain what to do ? This tentatively should fix the error occurring, although no guaranties since it's just a quick hack around for the error I was seeing (which happened when my alliance picked up our own scroll from an enemy keep to bring it home - very specific circumstances and hard to test) vgabor@vgabor...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter06/09/20
Have a strange issue with opening/a...
Posted By: vgabor
Have a strange issue with opening/autolooting the reward boxes: everything working fine on PCEU and it stalling / not working on PCNA. Same account, same settings, same addons, just different servers. Behaviour the same for all characters on the given server, on PCEU all character fine, on PCNA all character has problem auto opening...
File: Miat's PVP Alerts06/07/20
This tentatively should fix the err...
Posted By: vgabor
This tentatively should fix the error occurring, although no guaranties since it's just a quick hack around for the error I was seeing (which happened when my alliance picked up our own scroll from an enemy keep to bring it home - very specific circumstances and hard to test) vgabor@vgaborMacPro:~/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/l...
File: Miat's PVP Alerts06/02/20
I also noticed most of the time the...
Posted By: vgabor
I also noticed most of the time these errors happen that there is a scroll being carried nearby, might be related, may be just coincidence...