Results: 14Comments by: qwaurck
File: Fancy Action Bar+09/27/24
Re: Re: 1 bar action bar location
Posted By: qwaurck
First thanks for the addon. Secondly i am having issues with action bar placement when using 1 bar setup. The bar keeps centering in the middle, If i go to options > general and toggle static bar position or active bar on top it goes to the bottembar again. But the problem is after a zone change or reload the bar goes back to cente...
File: Fancy Action Bar+09/27/24
1 bar action bar location
Posted By: qwaurck
First thanks for the addon. Secondly i am having issues with action bar placement when using 1 bar setup. The bar keeps centering in the middle, If i go to options > general and toggle static bar position or active bar on top it goes to the bottembar again. But the problem is after a zone change or reload the bar goes back to cente...
File: Lui Extended06/05/24
Going crazy here and cant find the...
Posted By: qwaurck
Going crazy here and cant find the option to disable it. Since gold road update every player health bar is glowing ie target, group and raid. Also companion bar is glowing when i hover over it. Where is the option to disable this :D I have that for most of mine as well, but some characters show t...
File: Lui Extended06/04/24
Going crazy here and cant find the...
Posted By: qwaurck
Going crazy here and cant find the option to disable it. Since gold road update every player health bar is glowing ie target, group and raid. Also companion bar is glowing when i hover over it. Where is the option to disable this :D
File: Lui Extended07/20/23
Re: Re: Re: Critter
Posted By: qwaurck
Is there an Option to turn off the Target Frame for Critter? Nope no option like that and do not think it could be easily implemented as a critter to me (or how eso handles it) looks the same as an npc. But maybe its possible... could be a major overhaul tho on targetting. Sharlikran added that to FTC recently. So it is possib...
File: Lui Extended07/20/23
Re: Critter
Posted By: qwaurck
Is there an Option to turn off the Target Frame for Critter? Nope no option like that and do not think it could be easily implemented as a critter to me (or how eso handles it) looks the same as an npc. But maybe its possible... could be a major overhaul tho on targetting.
File: Lui Extended07/20/23
So update 6.4.6 all is working fine...
Posted By: qwaurck
So update 6.4.6 all is working fine. So i guess the problem was something what caused issue with another addon perhaps, and it forced a reset. Sometimes those hooks zos uses can be quite annoying, so guessing a old code what you removed forced a reset at my end. Lets not dwell on it, next eso patch zos can change stuff without you kn...
File: Lui Extended07/19/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: ui resetted
Posted By: qwaurck
Is there a file where all the account/char settings are saved? So i can make a backup of this for the future?Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\LuiExtended.lua As i already thought thx :D
File: Lui Extended07/19/23
Re: Re: ui resetted
Posted By: qwaurck
With update 6.4.5 the size of the Unit Frames and location was off, info panel was enabled and the buff tracker was moved around and bigger. Chat message settings also got resetted. Possible all settings got resetted? Tried to roll back to 6.4.4, but did not fix it. What other fixes did you add with the latest update? Cause it s...
File: Lui Extended07/18/23
ui resetted
Posted By: qwaurck
With update 6.4.5 the size of the Unit Frames and location was off, info panel was enabled and the buff tracker was moved around and bigger. Chat message settings also got resetted. Possible all settings got resetted? Tried to roll back to 6.4.4, but did not fix it. What other fixes did you add with the latest update? Cause it s...
File: Lui Extended04/08/23
2022 cake still active
Posted By: qwaurck
Hai, Thanks for this awesome addon firstly. On another note, /cake pops the 2022 cake. I already fixed it myself tho but maybe fix it so everyone could enjoy the new 2023 /cake :D As its not maintained anymore here is the fix: In file ChatAnnouncements.lua change line 11193 value '10287' to '11089'. In file SlashCommands.lua...
File: No Interact12/28/22
empty interact not working
Posted By: qwaurck
Since version 1.34 and 1.35 the command /toggleemptyinteract is not working anymore. I always see empty containers and are not hidden anymore. Reverting to version 1.33 fixes this issue,
File: Info Panel11/21/22
Re: background transparacy broken
Posted By: qwaurck
background transparancy is set to 10 even when you slide it to 0 Ater fiddling with addons it seems perfect pixel addon does not allow background to be transparant
File: Info Panel11/14/22
background transparacy broken
Posted By: qwaurck
background transparancy is set to 10 even when you slide it to 0