Results: 6Comments by: helias126
File: CraftStore Gold Road08/25/18
Has cancelling research always been...
Posted By: helias126
Has cancelling research always been a thing? I think so, its part of the craft station options. If you asking if it happened before , i am not sure.
File: CraftStore Gold Road08/24/18
UI Error
Posted By: helias126
user:/AddOns/CraftStoreFixedAndImproved/CraftStore.lua:714: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/CraftStoreFixedAndImproved/CraftStore.lua:714: in function 'CS.UpdateResearchWindows' |caaaaaa known = 21, unknown = 16, row = 4, now = 1535172173, pip = "|r|c808080 •|r ", craft = 2, craftData = tbl, li...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)08/23/18
And after i completed the bg
Posted By: helias126
20 minutes later after i completed the bg i get ??? again
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)08/23/18
This morning works
Posted By: helias126 Don't know what happened Looks ok now
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)08/23/18
Re: Re: Random activity problem
Posted By: helias126
I have 3 chars , 2 lvl 50 and one lvl 29 The lvl 29 char always shows ??? in random activity in dungeons and bg. Is this issue occurs for lvl 29 char only or your veteran chars also have the same issue? This also happens for one of the 50's , Helianna but only for the dungeon activity I am doing both random activities every d...
File: WPamA (What Pledges at my Alts)08/23/18
Random activity problem
Posted By: helias126
Hello and thanks for your great work, I have 3 chars , 2 lvl 50 and one lvl 29 The lvl 29 char always shows ??? in random activity in dungeons and bg. Can you see that?