Results: 30Comments by: shadowqaz
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced06/16/24
Cast bar doesnt work for scribed skills
Posted By: shadowqaz
File: No, thank you! - Endless Archive06/08/24
Bug when opening containers with scripts
Posted By: shadowqaz
I get the following error when opening a daily reward coffer that contains a script; specifically in gamepad mode. The action breaks the UI and forces a reloadui to fix it. Problem happens ONLY in gamepad mode. No, Thank You was the only addon enabled and still got this error. /EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_PlatformUtils.lua:119: A...
File: No, thank you! - Blackwood06/08/24
Deleting mail causes game to freeze
Posted By: shadowqaz
This addon freezes my game when I try to delete mail. Confirmed by having it be the only addon enabled. Started with Gold Road launch
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)05/31/24
Chat window won't stay minimized
Posted By: shadowqaz
When I manually minimize the chat window to keep it hidden or out of the way then open and close any menu the chat window will open back up; then I have to manually minimize it again. I know there is an intended setting to open/close chat when entering/exiting menus (which i like and is a great feature). But when I manually minimize...
File: Master Merchant 3.004/20/23
Speed up scanning of sales data
Posted By: shadowqaz
Hello! I was wondering if there is anyway to speed up background or forced sales scanning. I know MM will scan your recent sales data passively in the background to get the data up to date. However for me it can take up to two hours to just get caught up from the previous day. Often what I'll do before I log off is open up my guild t...
File: Tribute Improved Leaderboard09/13/22
Post match chat results
Posted By: shadowqaz Sometimes after a match the add-on will show in chat that you gained +0 score for a win. Looking at the next match results you can work out I actually gained 96 rank score for that match. Not s...
File: RandomMount09/06/22
Re: Re: Re: Area Change
Posted By: shadowqaz
My mount and pet stopped changing even when going to other zones. When I select "change on dismount" both start to work. I've messed with the settings and did a full reinstall; still I just cant get "change on new area" setting to work. Same happening to me. Hey guys, just to verify, you're saying that when "randomise on dismou...
File: RandomMount08/28/22
Area Change
Posted By: shadowqaz
My mount and pet stopped changing even when going to other zones. When I select "change on dismount" both start to work. I've messed with the settings and did a full reinstall; still I just cant get "change on new area" setting to work.
File: Lui Extended06/12/22
Skill not showing on Buff Tracker
Posted By: shadowqaz
Lightning splash and its morphs still are not tracking on the buff timers. Not sure why its only this skill; has been broken since Blackwood
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced05/19/22
Re: Re: Update & new options...
Posted By: shadowqaz
@shadowqaz - Hey, is this just in gamepad mode? Try it with the latest version, and if it is still a problem I can look into it further. Whatever you did worked! Haven't found a boss yet that it doesn't work on.
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced05/17/22
Re: Attribute Boss HP Bar
Posted By: shadowqaz Do you know why the value doesnt show up for boss hp bars? My attribute and target hp bars work great. I've tried every setting and shouldnt have any other addons conflitcing. Hello Phinix! We...
File: Jack of all Trades - Automatic CP Respec04/09/22
General question
Posted By: shadowqaz
For CP slottables that can change loot, does this addon equip the slottable before the loot is generated? As in if I interact with a backpack is this add-on able to equip Homemaker after it recognizes a qualified container is being looted but before the loot is actually generated?
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced04/08/22
Re: Re: Fixes...
Posted By: shadowqaz
@MarcusUK & @shadowqaz - I believe I have solved the problem with action bar buttons...... Everything is working great now! Both issues have been fixed. U da best!
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced04/07/22
Gamepad Action Bar
Posted By: shadowqaz
I'm having a couple issues with the gamepad ui action bar. This image shows how its supposed to look This image shows what happens after a UI mode swap (double keybinds) and a weapon swap (sma...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/28/22
Attribute Boss HP Bar
Posted By: shadowqaz Do you know why the value doesnt show up for boss hp bars? My attribute and target hp bars work great. I've tried every setting and shouldnt have any other addons conflitcing.
File: Combat Metrics03/26/22
Display Damage Types
Posted By: shadowqaz
Is there anyway for combat metrics to indicate which type of damage an attack is? i.e. say if it is direct damage, or DoT, or direct damage AoE, etc. Your other addon constellations seemed to be able to tell what percentage of your parse was what.
File: Lui Extended12/18/21
Re: Lightning Splash / Lightning Flood / Liquid Lightning
Posted By: shadowqaz
I can't seem to properly track the duration of Lightning Splash and it's morphs. I've tried every ability ID I've found via the Debugging functions, a separate debug tool and net research. The absolute best was a two-second effect, which is obviously not the 10+ seconds the effect should have. Other ground AoEs, targetted or cente...
File: Loot Log11/06/21
Blacklist base game racial motifs
Posted By: shadowqaz
The blue base game motifs which are worth like 85g still pop up as notable loot. Anytime I see it come up I think I got something good. I had the same issue with rekuta; but im glad you blacklisted that one a while back (:
File: Master Merchant 3.009/09/21
Re: Re: Bonanza price still showing
Posted By: shadowqaz
When I turn bonanza pricing display off it still shows the blue price in the tooltip. Am I missing something?does the white tooltip go away above the graph? Yes the white bonanza text goes away above the graph; but the blue price next to the graph stays. Also when I do "MM price to chat" it will still list both MM and Bonanza. Wou...
File: Master Merchant 3.009/08/21
Bonanza price still showing
Posted By: shadowqaz
When I turn bonanza pricing display off it still shows the blue price in the tooltip. Am I missing something?
File: Constellations03/13/21
Import Combat Metrics
Posted By: shadowqaz
I know you wont be updating this addon anymore but something that would still be useful is importing combat metrics into constellations to figure out how much of what damage type you are doing. I liked constellations for being able to see how much of my damage is single target or DoT or magical vs physical. Maybe implement that porti...
File: Master Merchant 3.002/02/21
Shopping List Order
Posted By: shadowqaz
I got a small request for the shopping list feature; it seems to default the listing order for purchases from oldest to newest. I think it would make much more sense to order it newest to oldest. Also I had no idea shopping list was a part of MM and just found it out recently; awesome feature should be enabled by default imo.
File: Master Merchant 3.012/31/20
Feature request
Posted By: shadowqaz
Would be pretty dope if we could cursor over a data point on the MM graph and press delete to remove it. Would fix the annoyance of when one or two super high/low sales mess up the mean price.
File: Master Merchant 3.012/29/20
MM not registering guild sales
Posted By: shadowqaz
Only 1 of my 5 guilds is uploading its sales data to my MM. Did a complete reinstall and reverted settings. No luck. I'm in two huge trading guilds and not a single sale is being recorded.
File: AwesomeGuildStore10/06/20
Deal range to exclude no data entries
Posted By: shadowqaz
My favorite method of flipping is using the awesome "filter by deals" option. However if an item has no MM data it gets the 0.00% profit margin tag and categorized into the "Reasonable" category. Even if the price is not a deal. Would there be any way to make it so items with no MM data to never be categorized as "Reasonable." Maybe...