Results: 6Comments by: symmas
File: SuperStar - Gold Road Update09/04/24
Is there a repository of template b...
Posted By: symmas
Is there a repository of template builds made by users or such?
File: Nirn Auction House09/04/24
It's so unfortunate that this has n...
Posted By: symmas
It's so unfortunate that this has not only been abandoned but it's been so without a word. No "I'm retiring" or anything. This was and always will be my favorite mod and I hate that it's gone. I'd love to have it back. To bypass the ridiculous 'only super rich guilds can sell things in any place that the majority of users ever visit'...
File: Bandits User Interface11/27/19
I'm confused as to what the acronym...
Posted By: symmas
I'm confused as to what the acronyms mean in the default choices in the Champion Helper. I don't see any documentation for the various options here in the description and it doesn't tell me what they mean in game as far as I can see, hovering over the options or selecting them doesn't tell me what they mean or are for as far as I ca...
File: Quest Map11/18/19
Re: Markers are gone
Posted By: symmas
All my quest markers have been gone for a while now, but you guys seem to have them except for Elsweyr. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Yeah, mine are gone, too, and I'm not sure why or what's going on. :/ Actually, it appears as though it's only for non-dlc zones. Vvardenfel, Murkmire, Gold Coast, etc all are lacking quest ma...
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)11/04/19
I'm really liking what this mod off...
Posted By: symmas
I'm really liking what this mod offers, the different builds are so nice. Can hardly wait for alphastyle integration, though! Like I'm super excited for that!
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter03/19/19
I'm clearly missing something becau...
Posted By: symmas
I'm clearly missing something because I can't figure out why I'd want to have the option "Save Master Writs" on. Would someone mind enlightening me as to why I'd want this option active?