Results: 3Comments by: Bigguss
File: AwesomeGuildStore09/24/24
Last guild store forgotten
Posted By: Bigguss
Thanks for writing a great addon but for the last week or so I have been experiencing a problem. Every time I go to Guild Store via an in-town Banker, I am sent to the same guild store (the last one I joined if that matters). I don't see a setting that selects a default guild store, and I don't understand why the addon seems to be...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter08/19/24
Re: Re: Auto steal
Posted By: Bigguss
Latest version enables auto-loot stealing items even with the option turned off in the game's gameplay options. As someone who likes to check out what they're stealing i had to resort to an older version of this addon. This. Definitely happening. In fact, my character is auto looting everything he opens, stealing or not. No cha...
File: Synced Account Settings [Masteroshi430's branch]08/17/23
how to sync keybindings
Posted By: Bigguss
Is there an addon that will sync keybindings on my alts?