Results: 22Comments by: BjornTheRipper
File: Fancy Action Bar+09/22/24
Actionbar positioning with other addons
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
Why cant I reposition the action bar with Azurah or Bandits UI? It has always worked until today. Logged into game today, FAB+ was in the wrong position. Opened Azurah UI editor, move action bar to my usual position, save the changes, but FAB+ goes back to the bottom of the screen. Same with using Bandits UI frame editior. Is the...
File: Wizard's Wardrobe05/18/24
Removing Guild Tabard by editing file
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
What file can I edit to remove the guild tabard entry? I have a lot of setups and all give me a "You are not part of that guild" message when I select it. I know I can load each setup and re-save them, but just needed to know which file I can edit. I might be able to make the change in bulk.
File: Bandits User Interface06/16/23
Getting these after latest update
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
Im getting unknow icons after updating Bandits. Had to disable Quick Slots. Any way to fix it?
File: WeaveDelays05/17/23
Skills Duratrion
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
What does the "set skill duration (in ms)" settings do? And how do I accurately determine the time? (Do I just use the tool tip time?)
File: Wizard's Wardrobe04/01/23
Re: Request
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
As a neurodivergent carbonform that absolutely LOATHES pranks, I'm trying to be as polite as I can: Please, please, PLEASE add an option to disable "holiday" stuff like this April Fool's B**LS**T. While I'm comfortable editing specific lines of code, many other people are not and I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated. :D...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)08/01/22
I disabled p-chat and still was una...
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
I disabled p-chat and still was unable to adjust the chat window. Ended up removing the usersettings.txt and restarting the game. Works fine now. Thank you!! No, the vanilla UI provides the resizing by default. If it's not working disable ALL addons and try again. It should at least enable you to drag & change the size to a m...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)08/01/22
Ok so I changed my @ account name a...
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
Ok so I changed my @ account name and need to re-setup a few addons including p-chat. Mainly need to be able to enlarge the chat window. Im unable to drag the the edges of the chat window to enlarge it. Is there a setting I need to enable?
File: Perfect Weave07/31/22
Re: Re: Addon not doing anything
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
I'm trying out this addon on my MagSorc. Tested on a dummy and it just simply didn't do anything. Addon is enabled and running on default settings. It doesn't do anything for you, just prevents you from casting a skill without a light attack. And as a bonus feature doesn't let you cast a ground target aoe twice. andy.s in...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced05/25/22
Positions reset once I game launch
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
So I have Azurah for moving frames and also use Bandits UI for the interface options. I noticed that when I move and save the Action Bar, it resets to its original position, and stacks on the player frames, when I load/launch the game and also if I select an alt character. Is there a setting I need to change for the reset not to occu...
File: HideGroup05/06/22
when i enable hidegroup, the crown...
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
when i enable hidegroup, the crown crate khajiit appears. Any idea what can cause that?
File: Dressing Room for Stonethorn03/04/22
How to delete default page
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
I have multiple set pages for different locations (trials). How can I delete the default page which is empty?
File: Hodor Reflexes - DPS & Ultimate Share02/04/22
Why is DPS reporting incorrectly
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
I just installed this addon as a guild requirement. Noticed that some DPS reporting way high. Like 897K, 650K, etc... Even had a DPS of 25.5M on single target. Any idea what causes that?
File: Light Attack Helper07/23/21
Re: It works but counter stuck on 0?
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
I downloaded and helper is showing up the per second meter is functioning but the larger counter is not any idea why it is stuck at 0? Same. Just installed and stays at 0 when LA/weaving then ls/s stuck at .02
File: Tamriel Trade Centre07/08/21
TTC Client Error
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
Hi, resolved... Removed, installed and reset user group policies on my computer.
File: Bandits User Interface05/18/21
Re: Re: Player frame text
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
Is there a way to disable the text in player/npc frame? The one that shows their health. Settings>Bandits UI>Target Frame>Default Target Frame text Is this so hard to enter the settings... *grumble* *grumble**grumble**grumble*, thanks, *grumble**grumble**grumble*
File: Bandits User Interface05/15/21
Player frame text
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
Is there a way to disable the text in player/npc frame? The one that shows their health.
File: Bandits User Interface05/14/21
Re: Re: player frames no color fill for(health, mag, stam)
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
I changed my player frames to Bandits:Vertical with plan border, but i cant seem to get them filled with the three main colors, red, blue green. Where do I correct that? Edit: Removed/reinstalled and rebooted my pc. works now. Just need to exit ESO completely and reload, it needs this in order to load new textures. Thank...
File: Bandits User Interface05/13/21
player frames no color fill for(health, mag, stam)
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
I changed my player frames to Bandits:Vertical with plan border, but i cant seem to get them filled with the three main colors, red, blue green. Where do I correct that? Edit: Removed/reinstalled and rebooted my pc. works now.
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC) - Endless Archive04/10/21
How does FTC report DPS?
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
Does FTC report DPS similarly to Combat Metrics? Sometime I see a huge disparity between the two almost 15K difference. Like in Sunspire's last dragon, FTC had me doing 45k dps, but Combat metrics listed it as 29K dps. Is this a know issue? Also how can I edit the transparency of the trial group boxes?
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC) - Endless Archive01/30/21
@aximusti I can take a look at it....
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
@aximusti I can take a look at it. @BjornTheRipper "Enable Advanced Hotbar" Thanks. Dummy me. I need to read more closely.
File: Enchant Maker01/23/21
Are there known conflicts with other Addons
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
EnchantMaker began posting UI errors after installing PerfectPixel and AutoCategory. Are there any settings I can change to stop the UI errors?
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC) - Endless Archive12/05/20
When I enable FTC, I get a number (...
Posted By: BjornTheRipper
When I enable FTC, I get a number (percent and amount) on the ultimate icon on screen. Which setting minimizes or remove the font that is placed inside the Ultimate icon?