Results: 3Comments by: Raeslin
File: AUI - Advanced UI08/11/20
Re: Skill icons broken?
Posted By: Raeslin It seems that the skills from my opposite bar always end up like that even when out of combat. This began happening since 3.28. Yeah it just started when i updated today for me, i really hate it. Need to figure out how to turn it off.
File: CraftStore Gold Road11/09/19
Yeah same here, the extended versio...
Posted By: Raeslin
Yeah same here, the extended version seems to have fixed the error. Will the version of it you post without the data log be linked here or through normal minion downloader?
File: CraftStore Gold Road11/09/19
New version issue
Posted By: Raeslin
I just updated and I am getting error screens after every load page - never got any before this latest update. ad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table/struct expected, got boolean) stack traceback: : in function 'pairs' user:/AddOns/LibBinaryEncode/LibBinaryEncode.lua:187: in function 'NextDimension' user:/AddOns/LibBinaryEncode/LibB...