Results: 2Comments by: Kickimanjaro
File: Action Duration Reminder09/25/24
I seem to be having an issue where...
Posted By: Kickimanjaro
I seem to be having an issue where Elude (the morph to the medium armor skill Evasion) is not tracked. I tested it a bit and it looks like the base skill Evasion and the Elude morph are not tracked, but the Shuffle morph is tracked. Any idea if this is just a problem on my end or if something changed? It was working a week ago...
File: Lazy Alchemy Learner07/19/24
Hi, thank you so much for this addo...
Posted By: Kickimanjaro
Hi, thank you so much for this addon! I have been using it today for all my characters and noticed that it seems to have trouble with Beetle Scuttle. I don't know enough to know why that might be, but while it says it queues up items there are still things to learn even after I let it craft. Screenshot examples: