Results: 2Comments by: Shrike
File: Inventory Grid View05/22/14
Just a quick question - I have the...
Posted By: Shrike
Just a quick question - I have the same issue with weapon swap even if this addon is disabled. Right now I'm trying to find out which addon causes this issue. I suspect InventoryInsight, but I do not have it confirmed yet. Do you use Vicster's InventoryInsight? BTW in my case this slash command solves the issue: /script Comparati...
File: Inventory Grid View05/22/14
I've been getting the error everyon...
Posted By: Shrike
I've been getting the error everyone else has been reporting. It seems to occur after I pick up a loot item (weapon, armor, jewelry, etc) from kills, but not barrels, chests, or gathering. When it occurs, I open my inventory, click an item that is stacked, toggle grid view, and then test swapping weapons. That usually fixes it until...