Results: 3Comments by: Chef
File: AwesomeGuildStore06/04/24
New Dependency
Posted By: Chef
I am seeing a new dependency for Libld64, so AGS won't load. I am guessing there was an update today? I can't find that anywhere on esoui. Am I missing something? Thank you!
File: Master Merchant 3.004/10/23
Re: @Chef
Posted By: Chef
Its probably the last of the options there. I am on Win 10 and I think I have Dropbox disabled. Plus ESO is not on my OS drive. I will dig in and see how I can make it all work, a lot of those combat mods are required by the guilds I run trials with. I do appreciate you taking a look and your quick response Sharlikran!
File: Master Merchant 3.004/10/23
Possible Issue
Posted By: Chef
Hey Sharlikran! I am having an issue, with MM, but I am unsure if it originates with MM as LibHistorie seems to be involved as well. Basically, when I load into game, or a toon, I get the message "Master Merchant Initializing..." and then nothing else. Ver: 3.7.60 Other mods that may affect things, ATT, TTC, AGS, plus possibl...