Results: 188Comments by: PhnxZ
File: Perfect Weave07/09/24
Re: channeled abilities.
Posted By: PhnxZ
I love this mod, but the main issue i have is cancelling channeled abilities. Any time i cancel a channeled ability before it ends by blocking, rolling, or getting stunned etc, i cannot cast another ability until the channel time would have ended. Is this a limitation of the addon? or was it caused by the fix below? I would...
File: Combat Metronome (GCD Tracker)07/09/24
Re: DariansUtilities
Posted By: PhnxZ
It lists DariansUtilities as a dependency, and even talks about it in the changelog, but that mod is not in Minion, nor on this site. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Where is this dependency? Don't worry, it's bundled inside Combat Metronome
File: AwesomeGuildStore06/04/24
Re: New Dependency
Posted By: PhnxZ
I am seeing a new dependency for Libld64, so AGS won't load. I am guessing there was an update today? I can't find that anywhere on esoui. Am I missing something? Thank you! You are indeed, it is a capital I, not a small L: LibId64 It's also linked on the Addon Info page here.
File: Action Duration Reminder05/14/24
Re: Re: Werewolf Brutal Carnage
Posted By: PhnxZ
Firstly, love this addon. There seems to be a minor bug with the werewolf skill Brutal Pounce/Brutal Carnage. When you do the Carnage swipe, you get stacks of a buff depending on how many targets you hit, and it can stack up to 6 times. In general this addon counts the stacks correctly, however if you manage to hit more than 2 ene...
File: Action Duration Reminder05/12/24
Re: Re: Werewolf Brutal Carnage
Posted By: PhnxZ
Firstly, love this addon. There seems to be a minor bug with the werewolf skill Brutal Pounce/Brutal Carnage. When you do the Carnage swipe, you get stacks of a buff depending on how many targets you hit, and it can stack up to 6 times. In general this addon counts the stacks correctly, however if you manage to hit more than 2 ene...
File: Event Tracker04/19/24
The addon is displaying wrong infor...
Posted By: PhnxZ
The addon is displaying wrong information about the event duration. At this moment it says "Event Ends 5 days 21 hrs" and it really ends in "3 days 21 hrs" Not a big problem but it may led some players to wrongly manage their tickets. Nope, you are displaying wrong information :p The event has been extended due to the PTS issue...
File: WritWorthy04/17/24
Well sry i might explain my thought...
Posted By: PhnxZ
Well sry i might explain my thoughts more clearly. what i mean now without grand master i just run through stations, press W+E and WW does it job. Video i told is just about master station when it was released and i saw a list of sets when u open it. Thats why i asked if i have many writs will i forced to choose required set for writ...
File: Action Duration Reminder04/13/24
Werewolf Brutal Carnage
Posted By: PhnxZ
Firstly, love this addon. There seems to be a minor bug with the werewolf skill Brutal Pounce/Brutal Carnage. When you do the Carnage swipe, you get stacks of a buff depending on how many targets you hit, and it can stack up to 6 times. In general this addon counts the stacks correctly, however if you manage to hit more than 2 ene...
File: AwesomeGuildStore03/14/24
Re: Show invoice on mails
Posted By: PhnxZ
Hello, What were you trying to do? When I receive sales mail, I no longer see the detailed information and the invoice. They were not always displayed before the update, but now they're no longer displayed at all What actually happened? Detailed information and the invoice are no longer displayed Which steps did you take?...
File: Caro's Skill Point Saver (Builds, Champion Points, Presets, Gear, Quickslots, Appearances/Outfits)02/11/24
Re: Apply All?
Posted By: PhnxZ
Is there an apply all button? or do I have to click skills, then attributes, then CP, then scroll down to equipment, and then quickslots, and then bars... i feel like I am missing something LOL Indeed there is, look in the settings under the 'Apply Everything' section at the bottom
File: Tamriel Trade Centre02/08/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Show Panel Last Setting?
Posted By: PhnxZ
Can we control where the TTC panel is on the inventory popup? It often pushes other information off the screen, especially if the TTC panel is really large. I hate having to manually disable TTC, view that (which shows me which alts know the current pattern I am looking at) and then turning it back on when I am done. Having a...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre02/06/24
Re: Re: Re: Show Panel Last Setting?
Posted By: PhnxZ
Can we control where the TTC panel is on the inventory popup? It often pushes other information off the screen, especially if the TTC panel is really large. I hate having to manually disable TTC, view that (which shows me which alts know the current pattern I am looking at) and then turning it back on when I am done. Having a...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre01/21/24
Re: Jesus ****ing Christ
Posted By: PhnxZ
You should make the Captcha test even fucking harder. I mean, trying to pass the human test 40 times and not passing is goddamn fucking fun, let's go for 100+ tries. Your shit isn't fucking worth it.... Are you using a VPN? They can cause that, it's a google issue.
File: Action Duration Reminder01/13/24
Cruxweaver armor
Posted By: PhnxZ
Hi, firstly, love the addon. Is it possible to have cruxweaver somehow track both the 5s cooldown on the proc effect, but after that runs out, revert to the overall duration (30s) somehow? Currently after the 5s runs out, I don't know if the skill is still active and therefore whether I need to recast it.
File: Urich's Skill Point Finder12/28/23
Re: Possibly stupid question...
Posted By: PhnxZ
First off, fantastic work on this mod! ridiculously useful for alt addicts like myself. Not sure if this one's been asked before but I couldn't find it in the thread and not entirely on topic I know but:- Where's the shard for Cyrodil 0/1 (below cyrodil EP), got all the ones on the map and it's not story based? https://cdn-...
File: Code's Combat Alerts11/30/23
Re: I love this addon
Posted By: PhnxZ
Hello, I have use this addon long long time. I changed my interface so this alert position duplicate to other addons information. I can't move other it, can you add option that alert move to other locations or tell me the way. Have a look at the addon info page: /cca move
File: Tamriel Trade Centre11/05/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Captcha
Posted By: PhnxZ
What's going on with Captcha recently? In the last few weeks I'm having to go through 20-25 Captcha picture tests just to access one TTC search. It's ridiculous. Using chrome with no addons or add blockers When you say 20-25 captchas do you mean you have to click thru 20 tests in a single run or do you mean you have to go thru...
File: LibLazyCrafting11/04/23
Error after todays update
Posted By: PhnxZ
I'm getting the following error after the 3.0862 update: user:/AddOns/LibLazyCrafting/Smithing.lua:1463: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/LibLazyCrafting/Smithing.lua:1463: in function 'compileRequirements' request = {smithingQuantity = 1, autocraft = T, reference = 31, useUniversalStyleItem...
File: Tamriel Trade Centre10/24/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Captcha
Posted By: PhnxZ
What's going on with Captcha recently? In the last few weeks I'm having to go through 20-25 Captcha picture tests just to access one TTC search. It's ridiculous. Using chrome with no addons or add blockers When you say 20-25 captchas do you mean you have to click thru 20 tests in a single run or do you mean you have to go thru...
File: Port to Friend's House09/29/23
Shortcut key for port to outside of house?
Posted By: PhnxZ
Is it possible to set a shortcut key for port to outside of one of my houses?
File: Action Duration Reminder09/14/23
Werewolf skills not working?
Posted By: PhnxZ
It looks like this has recently stopped tracking my werewolf skills :(
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter07/04/23
Re: Re: Re: Status Bar disappears until quests are picked up
Posted By: PhnxZ
Hi there, I'm having a bit of an issue with the status bar. When I have it turned on for more than 1 day, it's invisible until I pick up the quests, then it shows up normally. If I go into the settings and toggle it off/on, it shows up normally. But then once I've done the quests, it hides and stays hidden the next day until I pi...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter06/28/23
I have just installed your addon an...
Posted By: PhnxZ
I have just installed your addon and I seem to be having a UI issue. The "Auto Craft" and "Use Crown Mimic Stone" check boxes appear in the center, on top of the addon title. I also don't see any of the icons except for Heavy and Head. I can hover over where the other icons are supposed to be and the pop-up names the icon and I can s...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter06/23/23
I found this status bar incredibly...
Posted By: PhnxZ
I found this status bar incredibly useful. Thank you very much. I thought about a language-specific version, but e.g. in German the first letters for Schmieden (blacksmithing), Schreiner (woodworking), Schneider (clothing), Schmuckcraft (jewelry) are the same. Maybe the icons of the individual trades instead. "/esoui/art/ico...
File: Essential Housing Tools06/14/23
Re: A previously deleted texture build is being called by some, not all, users
Posted By: PhnxZ
Heya, this is a weird one. So I have Seaveil Spire on PCNA originally as a "stargate" location, where I had the 3D rotating image FX layer near the entrance. I deleted that months ago and reuploaded a newer version (no originally, then text FX, see below) and republished it. About 60% of users see the updated version (just the r...