Results: 42Comments by: Zalaan
File: Auto Category - Revised07/14/24
Tags Not Showing
Posted By: Zalaan
Recently returned to game and the following problem is occurring. When I open the addon no categories show for Backpack. I have to click on Bank, then re-click Backpack to see the default categories. However, the Tags are not available and under 'Category' only a 'pre-defined. Read only' Jewelry Crafting category shows. I can crea...
File: Auto Category - Revised12/01/23
Install Issue
Posted By: Zalaan
Recently came back to ESO and sorting addons out. Autocategory (in Settings) showed empty windows initially. I deleted the addon, moved my Saved Variables to another location, then reinstalled. I now get the windows with the headings but no categories, just a list of numbers (1000) down to (100). Under "Add Category - Tag", I only ge...
File: Auto Category - Revised06/08/23
Re: Re: One category not working in bank
Posted By: Zalaan
I have a Category called "Research - Armor" . This works fine in my bag, but when used in my bank only displays the title (in white) but no items, and the bank also does not show the categories I have to display necklaces and rings as separate lists (which also work fine in my bag). Is there a simple solution to rectifying this that...
File: Auto Category - Revised06/07/23
One category not working in bank
Posted By: Zalaan
I have a Category called "Research - Armor" . This works fine in my bag, but when used in my bank only displays the title (in white) but no items, and the bank also does not show the categories I have to display necklaces and rings as separate lists (which also work fine in my bag). Is there a simple solution to rectifying this that...
File: Fancy Action Bar01/14/23
Button Overlapping Issue
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi I have installed (and like) the addon, however I have an problem in that the 'Ultimate' button is partially overlapping the number '5' button (s), and I cannot find a means of pushing the Ultimate button (and the two next to it) further to the right to prevent this. It only happens when I am using this addon.
File: Auto Category - Revised07/29/22
Changes to Category will not save
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi, hoping someone can advise me whether I am doing something wrong, or what I need to do to ensure changes I make to 'categories' will save. I am trying to make a change to the Deconstruction Category I use in my bag and in my bank. It is an FCOIS category called Deconstruction that as default reads - ismarked("deconstruction"). I...
File: FCO ItemSaver12/29/21
Re: Re: Recent bug with 'Marked for Research' symbol
Posted By: Zalaan
Did you read the "Before posting error messages or bugs:" in the sticky comment post above and did you try the mentioned help how to track the bug down there already ? If not, please do so as this is no bug that should occur and you are the only one exepriencing it so far. If it only happens with other addons active try to find o...
File: FCO ItemSaver12/28/21
Recent bug with 'Marked for Research' symbol
Posted By: Zalaan
Last few days my lockpicks keep getting tagged with the 'Marked for Research' symbol, and I cannot remove it (no mention of it in tooltips, and my keybind to apply/remove does not affect it). Logging out, and back in, seemed to remove it until today. Logged in today and it is still there. Any advice please?
File: Dungeon Tracker12/11/21
Same issue reported before by milkc...
Posted By: Zalaan
Same issue reported before by milkchai - tracker for me doesn't work correctly viewed mousing over dungeon on map, but does 100% in LFG dungeon finder mouse over view. e.g. when mousing over on map - some characters will dislpay as not completed despite done, and sometimes will show characters as completed when actually not done....
File: FCO ItemSaver06/20/21
Re: Re: Using Dynamic icons
Posted By: Zalaan
Very much appreciate the detailed response - thank you Dynamic icons are not supporting any research or other stuff by default. They are just marker icons you need to stup to be protected at different panels. The link hagermanj provided from the FCOIS FAQ describes this. You can setup automatic markings within FCOIS to use one...
File: FCO ItemSaver06/20/21
Using Dynamic icons
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi Is there a guide to how to use / setup dynamic icons? If so could someone direct me to it please. Not sure I can do what I would like, but using dynamic icons might be best option. I would like to be able to differentiate between gear that the character I am playing (at any point in time) can research, and what my alts can resea...
File: FCO ItemSaver06/12/21
Re: Re: Tooltip Issue
Posted By: Zalaan
Thank you for your response and advice. This is no tooltip issue but a context menu issue. Check your other addons for LibCustomMenu. Remove ALL LibCustomMenu folders and files you'll find! Install LibCustomMenu properly only once to your live/AddOns folder. This should solve it. And as you find other addons containing Lib...
File: Auto Category - Revised06/12/21
Re: Re: FCO Item Saver Recognition
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi I am having difficulty getting any of the FCO Item Saver commands recognised (eg. ismarked("Sell"), ismarked("Research"), etc). They do not seem to activate any changes, and when I click on 'check' in the Edit Category mode using 'Sell' or 'Research', etc the words come up as errors, (as does the number 0). I tried to use a...
File: Auto Category - Revised06/11/21
FCO Item Saver Recognition
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi I am having difficulty getting any of the FCO Item Saver commands recognised (eg. ismarked("Sell"), ismarked("Research"), etc). They do not seem to activate any changes, and when I click on 'check' in the Edit Category mode using 'Sell' or 'Research', etc the words come up as errors, (as does the number 0). I tried to use a...
File: FCO ItemSaver06/11/21
Tooltip Issue
Posted By: Zalaan
Can you please advise me what I might be doing wrong / need to change to clear up the tooltip problem I am having, as shown in this screenshot?
File: AwesomeGuildStore06/21/19
Problem with Quest Items Tab in Inventory
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi last couple of days I have been getting this error message when clicking onto my Quest Items tab in my Inventory. It causes my entire Inventory screen to stop working - even if I click on 'dismiss error'. I then have to reloadui: user:/AddOns/AwesomeGuildStore/backend/database/ItemDatabase.lua:124: table index is nil stack tra...
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)06/11/19
Re: Re: Clarification Question
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - I use Alpha Gear on my Stam NB for three profiles - 2H/Bow, DW/Bow, and a DW/Bow Sneaking around build (Night Mother's Embrace and Mothers Sorrow). I use Drain Health Poison IX for my DW profiles, but not for my 2H. I have found that the Poison will not 'unequip' when I change profiles from DW to 2H, but it will 'equip' if I go...
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)06/09/19
Clarification Question
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - I use Alpha Gear on my Stam NB for three profiles - 2H/Bow, DW/Bow, and a DW/Bow Sneaking around build (Night Mother's Embrace and Mothers Sorrow). I use Drain Health Poison IX for my DW profiles, but not for my 2H. I have found that the Poison will not 'unequip' when I change profiles from DW to 2H, but it will 'equip' if I go...
File: FCO ItemSaver05/31/19
Re: Re: Lua error on login
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - can I get some advice as to whether this error I get when I login, or reloadui, needs me to take some acvtion to rectify, please: user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/API.lua:97: table index is nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/API.lua:97: in function 'ItemSaver_RegisterMarker' user:/AddOns/IS_AdvancedFiltersMarkerTextures/IS_...
File: FCO ItemSaver05/30/19
Lua error on login
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - can I get some advice as to whether this error I get when I login, or reloadui, needs me to take some acvtion to rectify, please: user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/API.lua:97: table index is nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/ItemSaver/API.lua:97: in function 'ItemSaver_RegisterMarker' user:/AddOns/IS_AdvancedFiltersMarkerTextures/IS_...
File: Advanced Filters05/27/19
Re: Re: Error Message on Login since Elsewyr patch
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - I keep getting this error message on my screen when I login to a character: user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/data.lua:1013: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/data.lua:1013: in function 'AdvancedFilters_RemoveDuplicateAddonPlugin' user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/data.lua:1073: in function '...
File: Advanced Filters05/21/19
Error Message on Login since Elsewyr patch
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - I keep getting this error message on my screen when I login to a character: user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/data.lua:1013: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/data.lua:1013: in function 'AdvancedFilters_RemoveDuplicateAddonPlugin' user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/data.lua:1073: in function '...
File: Harven's Trait and Style04/02/19
Clarification Question
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - love the addon (I am such an altoholic). Hoping you can clarify something for me. I am using your options "Show trait knowledge in tooltip corner" and "Show duplicate items info". I am finding that on some items the addon registers multiple items/trait individually rather than showing more that one existing - For example: in...
File: Advanced Filters03/30/19
Filter for 2H weapon types
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - Love the addon and the various filters written for it, (absolute must for the little old altoholic that I am). Have most of them but cannot find one that will group 2H weapons by type (ie. axe, sword, mace/maul, etc) - I am able to achieve it for 1H weapons, staves and the three armour types. Does one exist? And can anyone poin...
File: SkyShards03/22/19
Duplicate icons
Posted By: Zalaan
Hi - hoping you can advise me please. On my map I am getting the skyshard icon from your addon (I have it glowing with a blue outline) but I am also getting another icon superimposed (no blue outline). Would this be a game default, and if so how can I turn it off. Or might it come from another source (ie. another addon)? Could it be...