Results: 4Comments by: wolvreen99
File: CraftStore05/29/15
Style in the Tooltip
Posted By: wolvreen99
Hi, I've really become a fan of this addon. I'm almost sad I will be finishing my 9th trait on several items soon, but I plan to keep it even after. One of the things I really like is the name of the item's style in the tooltip. The only drawback is it only works on item tooltips in inventory. If you look at tooltip of worn-equ...
File: CraftStore05/07/15
Posted By: wolvreen99
I've narrowed down the conflict for my purposes with inventory tooltips. I disabled Lootdrop and Craftstore has been working perfectly since. Hope you figure it out soon, thanks for the awesomeness of this addon! edit: I spoke too soon, it appears to still drop tooltip errors even without Lootdrop. Sorry!
File: Combat Cloud (Discontinued)08/10/14
Target Low health (Execute)
Posted By: wolvreen99
I've been keeping my fingers crossed for this with combat cloud. FTC has it, Warlegend has it. Why does combat cloud not have it? something like this, but with all the customization that combat cloud allows would be awesome: local function ExecuteAlert(eventCode, addonName) if (addonName):find("^ZO_") then return end...
File: Combat Cloud (Discontinued)06/30/14
Target: low health
Posted By: wolvreen99
I can't seem to find an notification option for target low health... FTC has it, and its extremely useful for "execute" skills. edit: Forgot to mention, your work rocks!