Results: 7Comments by: Vhellcat
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter07/24/24
Missing Info
Posted By: Vhellcat
Hello! Just installed this addon and the info page does not mention required/optional addons/libraries. This would be helpful. It seems the required add-ons are: LibStub, LibAddonMenu-2.0, LibLazyCrafting Thank you! EDIT: The one I was missing was LibStub and reading the info for *that* addon it says: LibStub was rep...
File: Combat Alerts Extended07/15/24
Re: Requirements Suggestion
Posted By: Vhellcat
Suggestion: Change the requirements to this for clarity: (I looked for a separate library called LibCombatAlerts, which isn't available on ESOUI. Figured out it is packaged in with the addon Combat Alerts.) Thank you for this comment! I couldn't find LibCombatAlerts and am glad I found this comment to clarify that for me! E...
File: Crux Counter03/08/24
Posted By: Vhellcat
Hello! I recently started using this addon and I like it! However I keep getting the runes from the addon mixed with the runes that appear by default because they are of similar color, size, etc... I'd like to be able to change the color of the runes :) Currently I have moved the position of the counter to be able to see it...
File: Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker05/12/23
Timers Updated
Posted By: Vhellcat
This addon was last updated in December 2022. The timers show correctly for the Stable and Shadowy Supplier but the "Time until reset" is wrong and the daily Crafting (quests) checkmark's also disappear before reset. Thank you!
File: Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker03/29/23
Missing Characters checkmarks
Posted By: Vhellcat
Hello! I do my daily writs on several characters one after the other. At times, the checkmarks will be missing for one or more characters that have completed the writs. I don't know why the checkmarks are missing. Any assistance is appreciated, thank you! :)
File: GodSend Guild Mail Tool03/27/23
Posted By: Vhellcat
Hello! I don't know how to make this part work: You can use < and > logic to send to multiple ranks as well. Also, I can't find an explanation of the icons in the middle drop down options == >= <= Thank you!
File: Synced Account Settings [Masteroshi430's branch]02/27/23
More info please
Posted By: Vhellcat
Hello! I'm trying to find more info for this add-on. I have 5 characters. We'll call them A, B, C, D, E. I saved the settings from A. One of the settings saved was Protect Innocents: OFF However, I want Protect Innocents: ON, for a couple of my characters. From my experience, it appears this is not possible because it...