Results: 6Comments by: dukecrom
File: LibLazyCrafting07/18/24
I have the problem that the name of...
Posted By: dukecrom
I have the problem that the name of this library shows up named as "Gold Coast" not "LibLazyCrafting" so that it will not be updated by VORTEX. I am using the ESOUI plugin for VORTEX.
File: GridList06/05/19
@KLISK Ok, updated to 1.1.4 and go...
Posted By: dukecrom
@KLISK Ok, updated to 1.1.4 and got outdated again... This time I have no clue what is going on... The gridlist.txt seems to be ok. Changing back to the old 1.1.3 still gives the outdated error even with the changed gridlist.txt... Maybe it has to do with the small update of ESO of the last days?
File: Master Merchant06/05/19
Ingame I got the following warnings...
Posted By: dukecrom
Ingame I got the following warnings: 1.) Outdated And I have installed the latest version available from Minion which is 2.06. Solution? :) ---------------- EDIT: After changing ## APIVersion: 100026 in the "MasterMerchant.txt" to ## APIVersion: 100027 the "outdated" problem was history :) At least what goes fo...
File: Destinations05/30/19
CustomCompassPins <---- This gives...
Posted By: dukecrom
CustomCompassPins <---- This gives me an "outdated" warning. Any chance that you embed/integrate it in your addon in the future and modify it so that we are not getting the "outdated" warning anymore? Thx! :) ------------------------------------------ EDIT: What did the trick... I changed in the CustomCompassPins.txt: ##...
File: GridList05/30/19
Re: Outdated API Reference
Posted By: dukecrom
In GridList.txt, the APIVersion is set to 100026 which currently gives the "Out of Date" error. The latest APIVersion is 100027 I looked into the gridlist.txt and in mine I found 100027 and I still got outdated.... So what could be the problem? EDIT: I found the solution for the "outdated" problem... In the 2. line...
File: Master Merchant05/30/19
Ingame I got the following warnings...
Posted By: dukecrom
Ingame I got the following warnings: 1.) Outdated And I have installed the latest version available from Minion which is 2.06. Solution? :) ---------------- EDIT: After changing ## APIVersion: 100026 in the "MasterMerchant.txt" to ## APIVersion: 100027 the "outdated" problem was history :) At least what goes fo...