Results: 15Comments by: raspberry
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter07/26/24
same here after clicking on "Add to...
Posted By: raspberry
same here after clicking on "Add to Set Crafter". some items work, others not. user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:197: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:197: in function 'applyValidityFunctions' user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:397: in fu...
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/29/20
Re: Re: lastSoldPricePerUnit per Guild
Posted By: raspberry
Hi, as I offer often the same items in different stores I wished that the last price of my offer would be stored per guild. Sometimes it make sense to offer at different pricelevels. Do you think that would be possible in the future? I'd be happy to find this request on your featurelist. Greetings I've added it onto m...
File: AwesomeGuildStore11/29/20
lastSoldPricePerUnit per Guild
Posted By: raspberry
Hi, as I offer often the same items in different stores I wished that the last price of my offer would be stored per guild. Sometimes it make sense to offer at different pricelevels. Do you think that would be possible in the future? I'd be happy to find this request on your featurelist. Greetings
File: Set Tracker - UPDATED05/10/20
For fix problem with new ItemBrowse...
Posted By: raspberry
For fix problem with new ItemBrowser version need: 1. Open file SetTracker.lua. 2. Go to line 2566. 3. In function setItemBrowIntegration replace this code: ItemBrowserRow_OnMouseUp = function(control, button) setTrackerItemBrowserMouseUp(control, button) end to code ItemBrowserListRow_OnMouseUp = function(control, button) setT...
File: Set Tracker - UPDATED05/04/20
Re: Item Set browser issue
Posted By: raspberry
First of all, I appreciate your work on updating this mod! Many Thanks! Now the issue - I am unable to use integration with the Item Browser mod. On the old version of this mod, if the integration was enabled, I could right click the set in the list of sets in Item Browser window and a context menu with various option would pop up...
File: FCO ItemSaver04/03/20
Glyphen lassen sich im Verzauberndialog nicht mehr entsperren
Posted By: raspberry
Vielleicht wurde es dir noch nicht gemeldet: tl;dr Bis vor ein paar Wochen konnte man gesperrte Glyphen im Verzauberndialog direkt per Klick entsperren. Das geht nicht mehr. Man muss ins zurück ins Inventar gehen und dort entsperren. =========================== Ich habe FCOIS so eingestellt, dass goldene Items automatisch...
File: Set Tracker01/11/20
Deleted and renamed chars
Posted By: raspberry
Is there any clean way to clear all entrys of deleted or renamed chars in the database? so far I deleted the complete savevar-file and logged into each char and reconfigured my settings. but a commandline like /stclear charname would be much more sexy :)
File: LibBinaryEncode11/09/19
same error here. occours when usin...
Posted By: raspberry
same error here. occours when using my banker or look into my inventory. /reloadui helps shortly to get out of the frozen char deleting the craftstore saved vars, does not make a difference edit: just now took the old version (20) out of my backup and replaced the current version against the old one.==> no success, same...
File: Untaunted11/06/19
Way of Martial Knowledge
Posted By: raspberry
What do you think, is there a way to integrate the debuff of Way of Martial Knowledge?
File: LibSets (All set items ingame & preview. lua API + excel sheet)05/05/19
LUA Errors
Posted By: raspberry
Hi Baertram, writworthy meldete eine Abhängigkeit von libset. Daher habe ich die libset heute installiert. Beim MouseOver über die Meisterschriebe hagelte es LUA Meldungen BG Hing wohl damit zusammen, dass libset initial einen Scan mache muss, der nicht nicht fertig war? Später kam eine Meldung, ich sollte reloadui machen...
File: HarvestMap08/02/18
Filter ?
Posted By: raspberry
Hi, is there a chance, that i could filter (an set only these pins) only for specific plants like Columbine, Mountain Flower, ect? I don't want to see spots with plants that I do not need. Thanks a lot
File: JoGroup07/21/17
Dirty Warhorn timer Patch
Posted By: raspberry
I'm using Deandra quick updated Patch. Thanks Deandra. But I missed a timer for the warhorn, so Ii patched it for myself. if you want to us my patch you can copy and paste my Code into JoGroup.lua after Line 687 frame.bgColor:SetCenterColor(unpack(Jo.savedVars.colours.warHorn)) frame.bgColor:SetAlpha(0.5) here ist t...
File: JoGroup05/18/17
war horn count down
Posted By: raspberry
Hello JoKim, first: Thnx for this great addon !! Now my small feature request. :-) It would be nice if you could implement a count down for the war horn. If we could see the last 10 seconds it would help a lot. Thanks, R.
File: JoGroup01/18/17
Hi, Thanx so much. I'd like to...
Posted By: raspberry
Hi, Thanx so much. I'd like to have a hotkey to change the sorting when i am in Hel-rah or MoL With regard to the distance between me as healer and the others. Because we split into two groups of six. Ty Tl goups
File: JoGroup12/27/16
please show Health Regen from Mutagen
Posted By: raspberry
1st: I Love this Addon. :) I was looking for a groupframe addon which shows me the roles of the player, especially Healer and Tank. LUI and AU dont show this. I was nearly up to patch it myself. Than I found this one. So thank you for this nice addon. Now I'm only missing a reliable report of health regen. lui seems b...